

I just sent a text to my boyfriend where I used the word twice. While writing the word twice, my phone gave me the option of twinA. I might have a problem.


My phone keeps wanting to write “Catbookss” and “twinA.”




Well, if he did have an issue with it, he knows better than to say anything! That fool willingly let me look at his facebook, and most of his “friends” on there were half naked bitches! We had quite a row about it and these “friends” of his were promptly deleted the next day. Boys🙄
Yeah, I’m probably on here too much but there are certainly worse habits we could be partaking in.



Aww thanks sweetpea, that’s kind of you to say! I cut him a little slack cause he was a band guy prior to us meeting and I believe most of these, ahem, ladies were band groupies, but yeah, he’s a lucky bastard😜 You best believe twinA, if Norman Reedus ever comes calling, my boy is in trouble! hehe


You post obsessively, no matter how bland the comment might be, just to post something....anything!



But this isn't Facebook.


Ha! I must share this:

If internet comment boards had existed in the 19th century:

-SillyDandy writes: "I laugh, for you truly believe that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a superior author to H. G. Wells? You are a simpleton."

-CleanTopHat writes: "I strongly advise to ignore SillyDandy. He is a known charlatan that speaks only untruths."

-SillyDandy writes: "A charlatan for speaking the truth? Who is truly the charlatan?"

-OliversKnob writes: "Your opinions and manners are of the most offensive nature. If you do not enjoy the works of Sir Conan Doyle, why do you insist on frequenting his dedicated boards?"

-SillyDandy writes: "Ah, yet another fine display of the intelligence of the common Doyle fan. Is it not a free country we live in? Are not all opinions valid?"

-CleanTopHat writes: "I have sent an electro-telegram to the constable of this board to put an end to SillyDandy's infuriating behavior."

-OliversKnob writes: "Good show, old chap!"

-Sillydandy writes: "For certain, everyone present is a sodomite, nay - all fans of Conan Doyle are sodomites!"

-Sillydandy has been booted from the discussion.



Well done, twin! This brought a smile.



LOL! Good stuff😁



Truth is the sincerest form of flattery.



😄 So true, so true.


The more things change, the more things stay the same.



So what color is your poodle?



I'm here every day
Several times a day...
I like our movie talks, the games, the silly fights and TV show threads


I'm here at least once a day, but I post/comment in spurts. I was so glad to have a home after the other board, and still am, it just sometimes feels like the wedding reception of two families that do not get along. :)


Which two families?


Perhaps it's what I imagine the Montagues and Capulets would have been like if a wedding had taken place.





I was never on IMDB...yet somehow I understand


You post almost exclusively on General Discussion. When you make the hen’s-tooth foray into actual Entertainment topics, you make tapioca-and-milquetoast comments like “I agree,” “I liked it,” and “So excited for this.”


I agree


Thank you. I respect you as a poster here very much.

I also appreciate your sly irony.


When you post the most random thing you can think of because you can't think of anything else to post.


Triple Bingo!





You keep a mini fridge, a microwave oven and a commode next to your computer.

Your wife left you six weeks ago, and you still haven’t noticed.

You have MC tattooed in the center of your forehead.

You think you’re “dating” a MovieChat poster who lives in Thailand, and you live in the US, and you think she’s lovely in her profile photo.



And then maybe a car to put them on! ;D


Sounds like you think that's unusual.

LMFAO off again! This one is even funnier than the last one. Are you a comedy writer? If not, you should be.



You know the names of every American politician because you see someone on trending and think " I don't know this person, what movies have they been in?" Only to be disappointed that they've only played themselves.


And they’ve also played the electorate, as in “played them for fools.” In the US, politicians are used-car salespeople with fancier titles, but with the same skill sets.


I don't get these ads, although I do get the click bait at the bottom, and have checked some of them out. Seems harmless.
