I'm new here

Nice to meet you all. I've been lurking for over a year and now I want to get in on the fun. Howdy


Welcome! :)


Thanks, Catbookss. I see you post quite a lot here. What kind of movies do you like? Not only book or cat-related I hope.


Pretty often. I go in phases of posting a lot, and then not.

Ha, no, not just cat- or book-related movies 😄. I like movies with lots of character development and great acting. Generally, as far as genres, I'm not a big fan of scifi, horror, or action flicks, but any genre can be transcended for me if it's written and acted well. For instance, I liked Aliens and Face Off.

What kinds of movies do you like?


Oh so many. I was a film student, and before that I had already seen tons of stuff. When I was a teenager I loved heavy dramas. Super cry-worthy stuff. My favorite movie growing up (and probably still) is Stand by Me. I felt like one of those boys on that adventure, but it was before my time, and I feel nostalgia for a time I've never known. I still feel it and dramas set in the 50s and 60s are some of my favorites. I love Todd Haynes' Far From Heaven with Julianne Moore and Dennis Quaid.

I am actually very into sci-fi, but not as much as when I was younger. Fantasy is more my style. Lord of the Rings came out at a very pivotal time in my life, so I do love that, and the books of course. I hated the new Hobbit movies though. The 70s animated one is a great adaptation.

Conan the Barbarian is like a drug for me, I need it every so often. It's so good.

Most fantasy and horror from the 80s I like. These two genres in particular looked great in the 80s, even when they were bad.

I like pirate movies. Not necessarily of the Caribbean (though the first one is great.) I am really into the Disney Treasure Island, Shipwrecked (1990), and all adaptations of Mutiny on the Bounty.

Indie dramas of the new millenium. Mysterious Skin, Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Little Miss Sunshine, Love & Mercy, Youth, The Place Beyond the Pines. I will first go to classics, but these newer things are grabbing me a lot these days.

My favorite directors are Orson Wells, Hitchcock, Kubrick, the Coen Brothers, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Neil Jordan.


I only have a moment now before I have to rush off, but quickly, you and ShogunofYonkers will hit it off famously, as his favourite movie is Conan the Barbarian :)


Ooh I like that guy, from the bushes anyway.


Hello. I always find this type of revelation here to be interesting and darkly amusing.


Not sure why it's funny. I just wanted to introduce myself. Nice to meet you.


General Discussion board is like a huge party. That being said, imagine you're at a party and in the middle of the night a guy pops out of a dark corner and says ''Hi everyone, I was here all along watching you all but NOW im ready to have fun.''

It would be funny no?

I think it's a bit funny.


Yeah I'll give you that one. Are you the one who does the "what did you watch this week" threads. I like those.


YEah buddy


I never really thought of it that way. That is pretty funny.


I know what your intent was. I just like wicked humor sometimes. To put it into perspective, here's an anecdote:

After an old girlfriend and I split, we managed to remain friends for almost thirty years. She has a habit of saving the slightest bit of memorabilia. Every once in awhile, she'll pm me on Facebook and share something from way back I had completely forgotten about. I once asked her if she had anything she could blackmail me with. The running joke after that was my comparing her to J. Edgar Hoover and his blackmail files.

Whenever someone that's been lurking here for awhile suddenly comes out like that, I'm always curious about the content they've digested and the conclusions they've drawn about posters here. Does that clear it up any? The comment was harmless.


I suppose I've gobbled up all sorts of comments, and gotten a little bit of the flavor of certain posters' personalities. The everydayers anyway.


Exactly, it's inevitable.


Hello, I know how you feel. I was on IMDb for years, then migrated over here; I only asked the odd question on films that I had watched and didn't even know the General Discussion Board existed until this year. Have fun and enjoy - Sláinte!


Thanks, yeah I just couldn't not participate any longer. Nice to meet you. I was on imdb boards for like 10 + years and I missed it too much. This is the only worthy replacement.


It's not too bad here, but if a scuffle breaks out, I'll be sat in the corner making sure no-one spills my pint.


Always good to have your back to the wall in a pub like this, innit.


To be fair, it's quite laid back compared with other sites.


Yeah, I just thought your barroom metaphor was pretty apt.


Life's too short for fighting - it uses up too much drinking time.


You've got the idea, lol. I think you'll fit right in.


Have fun here!


Thanks I am already


Hello and welcome.


Thank you. I see you're liking the Michael Bolton. I'm taking a serious time trip in music right now, about 30 years give or take.


Welcome to MovieChat. Let's all have some fun!


Thank you 😊 It's been fun so far.


Welcome! Glad you came out the lurker zone. :)


Thank you, I've been posting up a storm here. I apparently had a lot to say about the things I'm always watching anyway.


Welcome Newbie skinchanger. Be on guard though because we have a gal (quite a lovable gal) who will keep you in line. She wears red stilettos, a black corset and is wicked with that whip of hers....especially in her basement. Quite a few of the guys on here have experienced that whip! Just giving you fair warning! 😉


Red and black is a very sexy color combo but she knows she'll never subjugate me.


Welcome and have fun!
