

I do it by how well it was made, how much I enjoyed it, and it's intent. If it's not trying to be a deep movie I'll take that into consideration.


I rate 1-10 based mostly on my overall enjoyment of the movie. Occasionally, standout acting or cinematography will boost the score. For example, I would have rated Joker 3/10 but went to 4/10 because of Phoenix's performance.

If I'm unsure of a rating, I will compare it to a movie where I'm sure of the rating and then use that as a basis.


That's about how I rate movies.


For me it's more a question of feeling than breaking down the movie in the details and analyzing it. I have been rating every movie I saw for past six years so it just comes naturally now. I do have a rating system though, be free to use it if you like:

My rating system:
10: Masterpiece/ Favourite
9: "A" Awesome!
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: okay
5: BElow Average
4: Bad
3: Awful
2: Did not finish-Might give second chance
1. Did not finish- No chance


Similar to yours: -

10: Perfection (I've only ever awarded two 10s)
9: Awesome!
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Okay
5: Average
4: Poor
3: Bad
2: Awful
1. What Was I Thinking?


Humm, time for me to make some changes I think.
Aiight, from now on here's my new improved rating system:

10: Masterpiece/ Favourite
9: "A" Awesome!
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: okay
5: Average
4: Poor
3: Bad
2: Awful
1. Did not finish

Thanks AndyKing1967 !!


Always a pleasure.


I will adopt this system now. I give it a 10.


what were the 2 tens?


I'll guess:

once upon a time in the west and 2001 a space odyssey


they get 10's from me.


they get 5 and 8 from me.


what's the last movie you rated a 10?


I only have 25 movies at 10/10. The last one was Apocalypse Now, that I saw for the first time about 2-3 years ago.

I give more 9.5's and some of them become 10/10 over time.

Apocalypse Now was an instant 10/10 though.


Star Wars - I was a 10 year old when it came out and I’d just moved to America to live, so it was a big deal for me.

The Wizard of Oz - I will start a thread one day and explain why, needless to say there were elements in there that reflected what was going on in my childhood.


I actually agree with 5 being "below average". It's like the grades you get in school, 5 (50%) is insufficient.


Darn it...

what about that:

10: Masterpiece/ Favourite
9: "A" Awesome!
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: okay
5: Mediocre ?
4: Poor
3: Bad
2: Awful
1. Did not finish


I think mediocre is better.

Can a lousy movie be a favorite?? Oops. Lousy isn't on the scale. 😉



I rate Biodome 10/10 ;)

It's my third favorite comedy after Friday and Multiplicity


The Room is a perfect 10!


We know, we know, don't worry.

I guess I'll have to see it for myself someday...


Mine would be...
10. Masterpiece
9. Great
8. Good
7. So so
6. Meh
5. Bad
4. Terribly Bad
3. Ridiculously Bad
2. Tremendously Bad
1. Insulting


If I'd get a 7/10 and someone would tell me it's so so, I'd be insluted. Otherwise, cool rating system bruh.


I was (half) joking.

Also, love that word... "insluted." More insulting than the regular variety. Ha!


I knock 2 to 3 points off a ten point scale if there is a lot of SJW bull crap in the movie.


For me, those are one and the same. I always drill down to exactly what made me enjoy it or not.


no, not really.


If the film is memorable in some positive way. A lot of films will finish and you really don't care let alone remember them. Also whether or not the film really makes me "immerse" myself in it.

I could also say the way the film looks but I some films look great aesthetically speaking but still suck in other ways.


Not really. Just---

Loved it.
Liked it.
Didn't like it, but others might.
Piece of crap.
