Organ meats

When I was a kid my mom used to make fried liver with onions, lamb tongue, and kidney saute for dinner. I don't think organ meat is even sold these days.

Did you ever eat these things?


Not really a fan because I'm prone to gout and organs have high levels of purines, but its the healthiest, most nutrient dense part of the animal. I do see see them in the grocery store still, though.


I saw a news story once where ALPO sold a dog food made of the innards of another animal that was nutritious for dogs and which they liked. Supposedly when wild dogs kill prey they go mainly for the innards. However people wouldn’t buy it because it looked unappetizing to humans.


Most modern dog food is pretty shitty to be honest. Dogs aren't supposed to have a grain based diet. And you're right about wild dogs going mainly for the innards. This actually goes for most wild animals. The muscle and flesh is usually the last part they will consume.


I read somewhere that after thousands of years of association with humans and our diet dog digestive tracts have changed to process more vegetable material. It said that a domestic dog's gut really was different from a wolf's. Still, they're genetic carnivores and a treating them like vegetarians is probably a good way to kill them or make them really sick. Supposedly some Einsteins have actually done it. Damn. Some people are messed up!
And yeah, the organs are generally more nutritious. The fat too.


I think the most logical thing the average person can do is buy high quality dog food and supplement with organs, raw bones and other cheap but nutritious parts.


That almost sounds serious...


I love pate which is made from liver I believe


Pate is delicious, I have no clue why someone would not like it.


Never had it. I've had liverwurst, tho. Pretty fatty and sort of an acquired taste, but I liked it.


Try it, it has a more refined flavour than liverwust. I made it myself one time. Delicious!


Isn't the best supposedly made from goose liver?


I don't eat goose liver, those animals are treated horribly.


Hmm never noticed that. I know one kind has venomous wing spurs. I only know one other thing about them - they taste good!


Well, I advise you not to eat (French) goose liver pate, because they force-feed the geese with a feeding tube to get a big, fatty liver.


Oh that's messed up! Some people are so sick.


They certainly are.


I've seen pics of birds with their feet webs nailed to plywood and such so they couldn't move at all and so couldn't burn any calories. They could only stand there and get fat. Water birds of all kinds. Absolutely twisted.


Please stop. I don't want to hear.😢


Okay my bad


That's terrible. Never underestimate human beings' capacity for cruelty.


Yep. And then there are things like puppy mills and "outlaw" chicken farms. Just terrible.
Sorry Stratocaster, I won't talk about it anymore. That was my last one.


🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮


Oh please, you've never eaten it!




so true


Is lamb tongue an organ? I thought it was a muscle.


Liverwurst on rye bread with mustard is good
Beef liver is not for me
I have not had any others but maybe I'd try them, depending on what they looked like


Depends where you go. Asian's seem to love it, entrails and all. I don't mind pate and liverwurst. And I guess whatever they throw in sausages but I don't like organs as a general rule.


I've been told that alot of Asians, especially Chinese will eat Anything. Back in Seoul the landlord and his kids said, at the market if you knew where to look, you could find anything. I know for a fact that there were No stray pets. It was a real hard time for them. Boy the place is different today.


I was on nightshift one night and had a serious noodle craving. Went to the Asian place around the corner and first thing on the menu was entrails, followed by other organs and offal. Ended up settling for 2 minute noodles! Koreans not so big on stray pet meat anymore?


It was 1969 to 1970. God knows how many were homeless and more than a few were starving. We were broken into and robbed one night. They dumped the garbage on the floor and used the bags to carry what they stole. My 6"1' 180lb father was chasing these little guys (grown men) down the street with a butcher knife when one of the bags broke and scattered everything. The man was trying to stuff it in his shirt when dad caught up.
It was all canned food!
My father helped him pick it up and walked back home.
The guy was basically willing to be killed than give it up.
It was that bad.


I don't care for it but quite a few butcher shops and specialty ethnic grocers carry organ meat/Offal.


No, had steak and kidney pie once. The kidney bits tasted like seawater which I thought must be piss. The whole meal was gross.


Kidney has to be treated properly before cooking or it will taste like a mixture of blood and urine. You have to put the kidneys in cold salted water and let the liquid be drawn from the meat, and then you have to repeat that a few times.

It's absolutely gross if not prepared properly, but delicious if done right. Steak and kidney pie is one of my favs.
