MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is your favourite romantic movie ?

What is your favourite romantic movie ?

Persuasion (2007)


Howard stern - private parts


It Could Happen to You (1994)
While You Were Sleeping (1995)
Blast from the Past (1999)
Heartbreakers (2001)
Upside Down (2012)


Charade. Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant are perfect, it has the perfect balance of mystery and humor, the score is amazing, and this time around, the woman chases the man!

Also, the Goodbye Girl. Not only is it funny like hell, this was when Richard Dreyfuss was in his "hot nerd" phase.


I would have said Charade but I never considered it a pure romance. It´s kind of a mix of thriller, mystery, comedy. Fantastic movie though, love how Paris looked in the early 60´s!


Brokeback Mountain,I think,cause that afternoon when I finished watching this movie,suddenly I don't know what to say,there's just something in your heart that punch you and sting you in a hurting way,and then I cried for maybe half any hour.And the most amazing thing that I think this movie has is that even after one or two years and a lot of romantic moive I've later touched,this one is always a piece of master that not even one movie can be compared to it at least in my movie journy which is not very long,every time when any fame of music pieces of this movie come up to my mind,I feel a very little but obvious hurt deep down my mind,it's like this movie live in my heart,so that I'll always cry for it.Just said too much...In a word,I love it the best.
