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Another mass shooting is unfolding as you read this

3 dead, walmart in Oklahoma. When will it end? Why do you think they’re suddenly surging in frequency?


Horrendous, especially after two mass home shootings over the weekend.

It’s a copycat effect that never ends.

It will never end so long as the GOP stay married to the NRA who are the muscle for the gun industry. It will also never end so long as mental health resources remain expensive and out of reach for ordinary people. Multiple causes, multiple ways to reduce the risks, but nothing is being done.


It will never end, period. People have bee killing each other for millennia Guns didn't start it and won't finish it. Don't be a partisan propagandist.


Emphasis on the lack of affordable mental health resources; responsible gun owners aren't the problem IMO. Unfortunate that the media seems to always distort their reporting to make guns themselves evil and there's no good reason to own one.


It’s irresponsible gun owners, like the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter. How can society distinguish responsible from irresponsible gun owners? Well, there is the drivers licensing system to model on. Not perfect but arguably reduces risks of deadly accidents, provides a minimum testing system, insurance requirements, law enforcement actions, vehicle safety inspections. And that’s what laws can do, reduce risks and frequency of deadly outcomes.


That's what laws do, when properly enforced. There's plenty already on the books. But you can't expect lawbreakers to give a hoot about laws.


So when does everyone perceive mass shootings started to occur more often in the USA?


You don’t have to perceive it, there is actual data out there tracking all the shootings.

One source


Thank you for the CBS link. They list the gun deaths for the year at over 34k but they don’t tell us how many gun deaths are the result of mass shootings.

They say the FBI classifies any shooting that results in over 4 deaths as a mass shooting.

You and I probably perceive a mass shooting as a deranged gunman attacking innocent bystanders in a public area. By the FBI’s stats used in the article there will be many other incidents such as gang violence that will contribute to the one a day figure.

Did you notice the picture leading the article of the white male with the evil black rifle. This article is trying to sway us in a certain direction.

I’m just saying it’s good to do your own research and don’t leave it up to CBS.


Agreed. Liberal leftist propaganda?
Looks like it.


In Mexico guns are illegal. In 2019, you had 94.8 people murdered EVERY DAY. 25,000 people murdered this year in that country... where guns are illegal.

Weapons are not the key element. The key element is culture.


In Mexico, enforcement is weak and paramilitary drug cartels are rampant. Sorry, Mexico has third world problems and is not a good comparison.


Another good thing to find out is what percent of firearms deaths in the US are due to mass shootings.


Sorry, Mexico has third world problems and is not a good comparison.

It wasn't a good comparison.

It's becoming more and more a good comparison. Many areas in US are becoming third world societies.


Agree. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has become very third world


Agree. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has become very third world

Actually, it's your comment the one that it's typically third world. It's the kind of comment that you could expect in a Latin country, that shows the extreme tribalism and the lack of cohesion typical of those countries.

Traditional US culture, on the contrary, was far more cohesive and collaborative. People could disagree politically, but they still were able to work together in a common project, to have a set of rules as a common ground beyond politics.

The kind of comment you made would be common in a Latin culture. Right now, it has become common in the American culture. The culture changes because people change.


Forget about the NRA. How 'bout the MILLIONS who die from smoking (legal) and how 'bout the MILLIONS who die directly and indirectly from alcohol (legal)? Are you out stomping your feet about those? Mass shootings, as terrible as the are, are insignificant compered to just those two legal substances that have killed hundreds of million people.


Yeah. It's the guns' fault. Well of course it is. Everyone knows how a gun will suddenly snap, grow hands and feet, load itself and run down to an obviously unprotected "safespace" (in spite of the repeated fact that only soft targets are chosen for these shootings and not, say, police departments or gun ranges), and open fire on innocents - all by itself.
Sounds stupid, doesn't it? It doesn't sound any less brainless the 116,487th time a blatant non-expert says it, either.
Consider this - how did we convince people to stop smoking, doing cocaine or driving without safety restraints? Hint: it wasn't harsher penalties.
Here's something else to think about - you can do the same damage with a hammer. Or a rock. Or pruning shears. And without something more convenient - people WILL.
I'm not defending the criminal acts of, well, CRIMINALS or some purveyors of firearms. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. With extreme prejudice.

I'm telling you, as I've stated again and again, the key to reducing these crimes is education. Educate the buyers EXTENSIVELY. Educate children from a very young age - as I was. Educate the public to recognize problems before they happen and take action.

Or... go ahead. Take a simple and proven dependable means of protection from the law-abiding citizens who pay their taxes, follow the rules, care for their families and communities. Who has firearms then? You know who. And when they know you're vulnerable - they're coming!!
And it's not just the criminals.


Copycat culture exacerbated by the phone attention.


Here are a few facts. Please check them in the event I have something incorrect.

Mass shootings comprise around 1% of gun deaths in the US.

THe majority of gun deaths are committed by suicide and the majority of those occur in Alaska.

The majority of gun deaths in the US are committed using hand guns.

The 2nd leading cause of gun deaths in the US after suicide is black on black shootings in urban areas.

Gun deaths in the US have been declining and continues to do so with its major spikes in the late 70’s and the early 90’s.

No one wants to be in a mass shooting because they tend to take place in areas that we think are safe so there are not easy ways to avoid them. I think it’s a mixture of that fear and modern media that contribute to some of what molds our thinking.


Well done MrM. Now if we can just distribute that information the same way fear mongering left wing media does the opposite, we've got it solved.
I don't see that happening soon.


A good first step toward accomplishing that would be getting people to realize how much bullshit the mainstream media is feeding them. I wouldn't trust a single thing they say, with CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN at the top of the list. They use "Freedom of the Press" as a excuse to lie, cheat, distort, misrepresent and invent.


You're absolutely right. We both know that it doesn't take a genius to see which way the wind blows, however - apparently it takes more brains than is possessed by the average liberal, democrat, fake news anchor, and several people on this message board lol!!


I'll wait the 2 may have been a domestic thing to the shooter. The shooter killed himself when confronted by a person in the parking lot with a gun. The person luckily with a gun may have saved several other people though.


Ex wife and her boyfriend. The shooter killed himself instead of getting shot by a bystander with a gun.


What I always think about and I think mentioned in a similar post to this a while ago is, what makes American's want to do this so often? We have had mass shootings in Australia as well and I know other places it has also happened, I'm not trying to beat on Yanks here but it does seem more frequent in the USA than other places.

My point is though, if something is making American's want to kill on mass than sure, at the moment firearms are the weapon of choice but if you removed that option (somehow) than would they just go on to use a different weapon to achieve the same goal? If so than the problem isn't guns per se, it is the need to kill.

I know that might trigger some people but think about it deeper, what is the real problem?


What's the average population in those other places? The U.S. has well over 360,000,000 citizens.


In Australia we are 25 million at the moment. Regardless of population though you go by percentages and the USA for a first world country is up there

For the record I am not by any means Liberal or Anti Guns.


Oh I understand. But for the record, even as big as the U.S. is, incredibly massive tracts of land here are practically empty. The people are closer than you might think. Due to the highway and interstate systems, not to mention railways and more public and private airports than I can count... travel is easier here than anywhere in the world.
We do have way too many guns but I challenge anyone to solve a glut of over 300,000,000 firearms.


Australia is similar. A huge chunk of Australia is desert and we don't have cities like Las Vegas in the middle of them.

Australia is often mentioned by the Anti Gun crowd in terms of gun control but what they don't know or ignore is we have had drive by shootings pop up here (not often) over the past 20 years due to certain types of people coming to our country. We also have a problem with African immigrants and home invasions which makes me want a gun.

We had a lunatic a couple of years back use his car to mow down a number of people in a major city while our PC police did fuck all and are now being heavily investigated at the victims families are suing. In fact the only people who tried to stop this guy were a couple of good ol' Aussie Bogans (what you might call Rednecks) who made more attempts to stop him than the cops did.

I also realize that disarming the population is a very Socialist thing to do and that is why the useful idiots are so keen for it. And I do agree that there is no way you are getting all those guns out of circulation and certainly the crims will not be handing them back any time soon either!

I have gone on a bit but it circles back to my point, if someone wants to commit murder or mass murder a gun might make it easier but if a gun isn't available than they will use something else (a car as I mentioned among other things). So that is the real problem that no one really addresses. It's like everyone wants to treat the disease (rather than calling it guns lets call it a need to cause mass harm) rather than the cause - why do they want to cause mass harm?


I truly don't understand it. We've had the same problem with people using vehicles, really anything they can get their hands on, to kill innocents. Then they jump out screaming "Praise Allah"!
And all the PC pussies want open boarders!
I just don't get it.
What the Hell are they thinking?!


I don't get it either. In the early 2000's we had Muslim thugs gang raping Australian women it would be what you would call a Hate Crime but of course the Lefties couldn't handle the idea that the race being hated on was white. Anyway these rapes sparked a riot where Aussies had enough and fought back of course it was painted up by the Left wing media that it was all about White Aussie's hating on poor Muslims.

The most nasty gang was led by a guy who had literally just stepped off the plane from his homeland and was already just eager to start raping.

The best story that still makes me laugh is a few years a Muslim held a siege in Sydney. He killed one of the hostages and threatened that he had a bomb. The Twitter outcry was "I'll ride with you" a bullshit campaign where people were concerned that Muslims might be at risk of harm due to this?!

How the fuck does that work? We need protection from them.


Fortunately, being so far in the country, we don't see much crime and definitely no Muslims. I'm not proud of this, but my town, my county, has an historic reputation for extreme racism. 100 years ago there was a horrible incident and even though most of the residents simply don't feel that way, the fear ethnics feel remains. Anyone with dark skin who stops VERY quickly moves on.
I'm confident of this - if any "Islamic jihadists" killed any of our citizens... there would be no survivors to put on trial. There probably wouldn't be much left to bury...


I said once before on this board that depending on others for protection is folly. There are several reasons for this, time being probably the most important. One is ultimately responsible for protection of one's self and one's property and loved ones.
As far as failed leaders - we all elect our leaders, don't we?


It is a big mistake. For one as you mention time is critical, there is never a cop when you need one and even if police numbers were greater they are hardly going to be following you around in the event of crisis.

The other huge problem which I touched on in Australia anyway is our cops are so useless. They are Politically Correct muppets who are bound by so many stupid rules and regulations that they can't take any action.

Here is another incident, this time from the city I work in. A knife wielding Muslim engaged with a Cop who just won't shoot him. This Muslim actually did stab and kill one person.

Graphic footage so I will let you decide if you want to view it or not but it is a good example of when cops should just shoot and also if the public were allowed to be armed the assailant would never have been able to stab anyone.

Thanks for the kudos on my job in the other post too.


Definitely a righteous kill. I can't believe it took so damn long. He's already killed someone. It should be "Drop the weapon! Drop the weapon!" BLAM!
End of story. These two idiots were giving this lunatic opportunity to kill someone else or even themselves!


Exactly. The cop dancing with him was just out of the academy and has probably been brainwashed into inaction. Can't rely on our cops that is for sure.


Looking at the footage again, I can see definitely one, probably two and maybe three or more regular citizens trying to stop this murderer.
I'm in full agreement.
When trained, armed and armored police officers, whose sworn duty is to serve and protect the public, even at the cost of their own lives, are so fucking INCOMPETENT as to be unable to neutralize a clear, present and unprotected threat - they have to go!
They clearly endangered themselves and, more importantly, the unarmed and now unprotected public who are actually trying to help them.
The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off.
I'd have put two in his back without hesitation and slept like a baby that night.


Yeah it is sad.

Victoria Police have been a PC entity for a while now. Going back a few years they instated the first female Police Commissioner and she was a waste. She is known for leaving the base of operations for one of the worst bushfires we have ever had so she could have dinner.

She took police off the beat so they could work on stupid things like liaising with the LGBTIQxyz community. She wanted University Grads for cops because of course they had already been through the PC indoctrination process.

One pathetic bitch.


Wow that's really bad. She was NOT a cop. I've had several in my extended family, good and bad, so I can speak to it a bit.


My dad was a good cop and an even better man. Most people who criticize the police wouldn't last a day in the job.


Agreed. It's easy for them to run their mouths and do nothing.

Do you know what's going on with croft?
It seems a bit much.


I have no idea man. Croft was from before my time, I only saw him for the first time yesterday before his thread got deleted.

Seems like there's a story behind this one...


I've asked for the moderators to comment, to explain the why of it to all us who concerned.

But it seems that, so far, they've decided not to inform the peons.


They have been teaching the 21’ rule to LEO’s for years. They should have never let this guy get that close.


The world's going to Hell in a handbasket. Everyone thank the pathetic PC garbage who teach our children on three.
1 - 2 - ...Yeah it's never gonna happen.


Darned right, Cruz.


I try.


Forsaken, I know at some point in Australia y’all past some sweeping firearms legislation and banned certain types and had a buy back. My question is how did that effect the homicide stats?


Yeah the country had a huge gun buy back in the 90's after a mass shooting in Tasmania and the state I live in Victoria had one prior as we also had two mass shootings.

According to this link you can see the graphs and gun related crime has gone down

But I always think of two things. 1/ Our cops have been known to fudge figures and 2/ Gun related crime may have decreased but what of other crime and I believe people should have the right to legally arm themselves.


"Research from the University of Sydney and Macquarie University... showed that while there had been 13 mass shootings (using the definition of five or more people killed) in the 18 years before the law changes, there had been none in the 22 years following (though there was one mass shooting involving seven members of one family at Margaret River in Western Australia in May 2018)."


I would love to see homicide stats for Australia 70’s to present day. That would tell us a lot.


I've been looking but haven't anything yet that covers that period. Probably out there I just don't know where to look.


What's the real problem? Lack of respect for others, maybe? No value placed on the sanctity of human life? Who knows. I've never killed anyone and hope I never have to; I've never even punched anyone. But I will protect myself and my loved ones if I need to.

As chilone pointed out above, more people are killed by smoking and alcohol but nobody does anything to restrict them. Driving cars irresponsibly kills but licenses are still passed out without qualification (or so it seems, anyway).


Lack of respect, lack of support for people who may have some kind of issue. Drugs play a huge role I believe as well. People just not coping for various reasons.

I work in a field that deals with a lot of emergencies and critical incidents that affect the company I work for. I would say drug use is a major cause of people flying off the rails.

There was another thread similar to this a while ago and yeah if we apply the same logic (Guns kill so ban them) then a lot of other things should be banned as well that cause death or are mis-used by people who cause others to die. IE A certain religion.


Sounds like a stressful field. Must be difficult at times.


It can get a little much when you have a number of incidents on the same day. Not all are "major" but even the minor ones can get a bit much. Customer's threatening suicide/in distress can get trying even though my Dept. doesn't speak with them directly.

Overall it is more the constant state of misery that we are dealing with.


It seems like a saintly endeavor, brother. More power to you.


Guns don’t kill people, they just make it a shitload easier.


Honestly, most assholes can't hit the broad side of a barn. The average full sized pistol has a barrel under six inches. Targets over about 15 feet away are near impossible for amature shooters.


Guns don't kill people. Husbands that come home early do.


Damn. Soo... which end of gun were you on?


Arm everyone and let it rip !
