MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else strongly dislike people in g...

Anyone else strongly dislike people in general?

I wish people could just live their own lives and mind their own business. If you disagree with an opinion and you're going to get upset about it, just move on. If you don't like the way someone looks, ignore it and move on. Nothing is better than just being alone away from nonsense.


There are certainly people who I like, but I would not be opposed to living on my own island with no internet access.


Me too. As long as I know the people I care about are safe, consider me Tom Hanks in Cast Away. I don't even need Wilson.


I strongly dislike an over posting, attention seeking misanthrope, trying to rally others like himself, in a public forum filled with people! You're apparently clueless of how completely contradictory you appear.


😯 🍿


As I said above:

If you disagree with an opinion and you're going to get upset about it, just move on.

But in this case I asked, and clearly the only way to see if there is anyone like me on these message boards, is if I ask.


I never understand people who take a fun and somewhat ironic post and then respond to it in a uber serious way thinking they are being intellectual.

Makes me understand why I do not like people.


Sorry, but you’re in a social chat forum...why? 🤔


To see which ones feel the same way. That's how you bond. The same way I would avoid threads for people who act a certain way.


I dislike selfish,evil,despicable people. Unfortunately, most people are like that.


I believe you get what you give with people.


‘I wish people could just live their own lives and mind their own business.’

So, if I answer this then, I create a paradox.


But I asked. Stating your opinion in a friendly manor would be acceptable.


I was attempting to be humorous. My comment was intended to be tongue in cheek.


I know but I'm just saying it technically isn't a paradox because a question was asked so any polite answer would be okay. I mention polite because I wrote: "If you disagree with an opinion and you're going to get upset about it, just move on."


Tough crowd Andy. lol


I know - I was genuinely trying to have a laugh. It’s like when you’re trying to explain a joke to someone and it reaches the point when you say, ‘don’t worry, it’s not funny anymore.’


Don't worry, Andy. Although you were joking, it was still a valid point. I was just pointing out that I asked.


PC culture is pretty bad when they ruin stuff they don't watch with inclusion that creates historical in-accuracy and ruin comics they don't read and create shows they don't watch and want shows they don't watched cancelled


I saw a guy on Twitter who responded to a tweet that asked: "what is your controversial opinion?" He said that he thought Indian food was disgusting. People in the replies were attacking him and calling him racist. Racist? Having a preference in food is now somehow racist? And people are forgetting that the question was asking about their controversial opinion.


yeah some people can think some foods are disgusting its not an attack


I'm an extroverted introvert. I don't like people in general but I seem to get along with most of them.
Figure that one out.


You can want to interact with people, but find most of them rude. You just do your best to navigate through the people you don't like.


I think it shows that most people are decent and easy to get along with or at least tolerable. It's just that the rude, disagreeable people are the ones that get the publicity.

It's why social media has become a hindrance to society instead of an asset; it's created a way for people to bicker and argue with people they don't even know and will probably never meet.

That said, I'm strongly considering getting back on Facebook or maybe trying Instagram on a limited basis, because there's people I miss keeping in touch with; if only with ones that don't talk about politics or causes.


People often say to take time away from people. It's the only way to know if you are happier being away from them, or miss them in your life.


I agree; I can only handle so much stress since my first wife died; I couldn't deal with Facebook anymore. Now I feel like I can manage it if I keep my friends list small.



I'm with ya on that. I think sand is smug!



Don't say that! It sounds rough!
