
Please do not use the 'report' feature for reporting people you don't agree with or that you had an argument with and called each other names.

That's not what it's there for.


fair enough.
but what is it there for?


For things like spam reports and serious harassment etc.

Not liking someone else's opinion isn't reason to hit the link and that's what the majority or reports we get are.





Maybe there should be downvote/upvote buttons to solve that problem.


I'd be upvoting your reply.


name calling
unwanted advances
barrage of PMs

Serious Harassment:
rope around your throat


Yes, some of these are viewed as things you can report and are considered serious but bear in mind that the person doing the reporting has usually given just as bad in reply to that person in an argument and then they expect us to take their side.

Sometimes the person is just trolling you rather than being serious, so try and discern the difference first and just ignore them if they are trolling and they usually get bored and move on. If you believe that they are a serious threat then let us know.


Folks are stupid πŸ˜’ only report stuff that is obviously offensive and not because someone disagreed with your Christmas Jumper! Happy new year✌😘😘😘


THank you, report buttons have always been used by cry-babies who get offended because someone doesn't think like them. And as you pointed out, often the people who report write unpleasant replies themselves.

Was about time that a moderator took care of the situation.


NONE of this should be allowed. PERIOD.


If we removed every single post or member that has been complained about, there would hardly be any posts or members here.

Seriously, you should see the amount of crap that gets reported - about 96% of it is not worthy of a ban.


It doesn't mean every report needs to be a ban. But when the things listed are happening and reported, the comment(s) should be removed. And if it's done repeatedly by the same person, then the ban would come into play. This is what the report button is for. And to say that the offending comments being removed would mean there would hardly be any posts left in a huge exaggeration.


I think the biggest problem they face is that often the person who reports a post was just as bad toward the person they reported. On the politics board for example I think there are a lot of posts that could be deleted on the surface, but the problem is the person reporting it is also calling names, trolling, etc. so it's almost as if the posts cancel each other out and the mods don't take action since so many seem comfortable with being on the giving and receiving end of the bad behavior.


Exactly this. If the attack was unwarranted then we take action but mostly it's both sides having a go at each other.

The rest are mostly made up of not liking someone else's opinion or review. Some are not even a tiny bit offensive and we are baffled as to why it got reported in the first place.


And if there is name calling and harassment on both sides, then the entire thread should get deleted. Simple. None of it should be allowed to stay visible because that's telling people that it's acceptable when according to this site's Standards, it is not. I've reported straight up Hate Speech at times and, what a surprise, the comments are still there. Seems more like the job just doesn't want to get done to me.


So if I decided I wanted to shut your thread down, I should just make an ass of myself on it and have the whole thread removed, because that is what would happen? Like I said earlier, there would be very few posts or posters here if we started to remove every single thing that someone was offended by.

What some people regard as hate speech or offensive material is getting ridiculous nowadays. Growing up, we had a saying - 'sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me'.

There also was the golden rule of 'do unto others as you would have done unto you'.

Even better was the one which went 'I might not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it'.

Not everyone in the world is going to get on or agree with each other but don't you agree that it is better to know what someone thinks or feels than to act like the thought and moral police and suppress their right to express what they feel, whether in jest or because they actually believe it?

Political correctness gone mad is causing more hate and resentment than ever there was before when people just got on with each other or avoided those they didn't like.


#1. You would not get one of my threads shut down because I don't harass people or use hate speech.
#2. The rules about harassment and hate speech are very clearly written in this website's rules. You either don't know what constitutes hate speech, if you just don't want to follow Jim's rules. You can't judge today's standards by what was acceptable back in your day.

Copied directly from this website's "Standards":

3. Content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or group of individuals

4. Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization


Having gone through half of the reports you have made, some posts have been removed as have some threads too but the rest of your posts are about not liking someone else's opinion.


My reports have ZZZZEEEERRRROOOO to do with not liking another person's opinion. My reports are solely based on rule #2 and #3. Period.


Someone calling another poster an idiot is their opinion. You have reported several of those types of posts.


You clearly just don't know what constitutes harassment and hate speech. Everybody can get their opinions across WITHOUT name calling and harassing the person they are speaking to. Name calling is harassment/bullying. And harassment/bullying is against the rules. Some people seem to comprehend that. And some don't.


And not everybody views the word idiot in the same way.

If you don't want to call someone an idiot then don't do it but you don't have a right to stop others who don't view it as an insult from saying it.


Oh sure you do. When it.... again.... goes against the rules stated on this website by the owner. A mod has to be impartial. You clearly show you have a hard time doing that the same way you're showing that you don't understand what goes against the standards. And with that, I'm done with this particular thread. I'll let you have the last word since you're clearly that type that needs to have it. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹


How noble of you to let me have the last word.

If I were you, I would have reported that as being insulting and disrespectful towards me.


Dude, you don't see straight


I'm not a dude and that's just your opinion.

A quick glance through your reports illustrates my point about those that give out but complain when they get it back.


Let me thank you, sir, for your care in allowing as much speech as possible on message boards and for putting up with dinks.

I love this site, I love having a place to talk about movies (and stuff), and your careful moderation is a big (probably thankless) part of that.

Keep fighting the good fight.



Even better was the one which went 'I might not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it'.

This is golden! I totally get hulk hogan’s entrance songs now. Wise one you are.


Sound like you want to live in a bubble. Not everything can always be skittles, unicorns, and rainbows.


Yawn 😴😴😴😴


reporting you for offending me and not agreeing with me


In the spirit of fairness I shall report you also, lol.


crap lol


Don’t worry, I’ve reported myself too.


To say that the offending comments being removed would mean there would be hardly any posts left isn't really a huge exaggeration.
I doubt it's an exaggeration at all, tbh.

Seems redundant to debate with a moderator who has the "report statistics" on their end, instead of baseless opinion...imo.


Oh but it most assuredly is a huge exaggeration. And this particular Mod IS a huge exaggerator so having the "report statistics" is meaningless to that type of person.


Because most message boards are known for everyone being civil with hardly any vitrol lol.

I can't speak for the character of the particular mod, but to say the boards are generally civil places is most assuredly a huge exaggeration.

Why don't we continue this conversation on the IMDB boards?


Yawn... 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴


I'm sorry you're tired. Maybe a nap or something may help? Or sleep, depending on your timezone.


People whine too much. Might as well stay off the internet.


Your ultimatum is confusing to me.

Why would anyone change what they do or "stay off the internet" because some people whine?


I agree 100% man. Tons of people on here are just vile with their responses and seems clear cut in violation of the rules, but nothing ever happens. Not saying they should be banned, but remove the post, multiple warnings, etc. Lots of people too because of their "site status" get away with way too much. Oh well what can you do.


why even have moderators if there is only a 4% offender rate?


Because someone has to read through them all to find the ones that need dealing with.


If it is like the old IMDb site there are some real nut jobs out there and who knows how secure things are here. The moderators need to stay.


I would bet most are from the politics board.


and the rest are in your own front yard.

You knew. And I came to you for advice.
And you said this is what he does, and that
I'm just his latest obsession. He is a serial offender,
and everyone is cool with that?
How many where too embarrassed to do something?
How many didn't want to rock the boat?
How many just disappeared from moviechat?


Sorry if you are being harassed. That poster has almost everyone on here on ignore and few actually engage with him. We have no idea what he is sending anyone through PMs. Just report him and I have a feeling he will go away. He should have been banned a long time ago.


Of course I reported him. But the system is broken.
Serious Harassment=not ok?

If he should have been banned a long time ago, why wasn't he?

hownos, I like and respect you. I'm still processing all this, and I'm angry about it. Disappointed. Hurt.


The system is only as good as the ones willing to work it properly.


Who’s harassing you?


Andy, if you choose to go globetrotting, you're going to miss a few dramas back home.


I remember seeing you post a series of random unwanted pms that you’d received. Next, you were basically told not to make a fuss over nothing. Then I saw this thread, so I feel like I’ve just turned over two pages of a book at the same time.


I don't use the ignore feature. What does a poster who has someone on ignore see in lieu of their posts? Is there a placeholder showing that an ignored user posted something, does it show their username and no post, do they see the thread and all its replies but its just as if the ignored user never posted? How can you make sense of the conversation if there are just chunks of it invisible to you?


its just as if the ignored user never posted


That seems like not the best way it could be.
But you still see all the parent posts and replies?


Who are we talking about???


If that was addressed to me, I said nothing like that to you when you contacted me so don't twist what I said.

I reviewed the exchange, saw he was just trolling you, and you were giving back just as bad to him.

I even offered to speak to him about it but you never bothered to reply.


I was replying to hownos.




It's just common sense.


Well, there are some sensitive snowflakes around here. As the moderator said: you didn't bother to follow up your complaint, so boo-fucking-hoo. If this is the way you want to deal with things on Internet, I suggest Safe Space..


I agree, and this site has not taken off because they are not doing the work necessary to make it a pleasant place to be. My ignore list is hundreds of names because a large percentage of the people here are so low class and ignorant.


EXACTLY!!!! It is no different than it was on IMDb. The very reason why the boards were shut down. This place was supposed to do better. To BE BETTER. This is why so many people leave here.


So many problems and no fixes every happen, nor any improvements.


Well, April, there's another saying that applies here..."Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out".

You keep spitting and spluttering and fussing and fuming, but really, your presence here is one of the things that makes it less pleasant than it could be. Your continual sulky, peevish complaining is a pita.

And here's another saying: If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


And if you don't like my comments, or people that you think make your experience here less pleasant, you can simply block us. See how that works? Just as I will report anything that is harassment/bullying/hate speech. 😊😊😊😊


Trouble is, April, you seem to think everything is "bullying". If everything is bullying, nothing is bullying...

And I wouldn't block you. But you really should try to cool it. For your own sake.


Hmmmm, why that's odd. How would you know what I think is bullying since you don't see what I report???? I guess we got Carnac the Magnificent here. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Oh and, I personally have no qualms blocking someone who I don't wish to see or interact with. So... buh-bye pumkin. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹


Women are not welcome here.


No, that's not true at all, Laura.

Over-emotional, touchy people with paranoia, be they men or women, are less welcome here than average folk. They're just too much hard work.


Wow, that's a bit "sensitive"! Maybe it is best you block me, April. I'd get too nervous interacting with such a vulnerable woman as you.





Awwww you sensitive little snowflake.


Yep. Has an ignore list in the 100Β΄s then blames it on everyone else. lol


The sensitivity is strong in that one
Do we even have 'hundreds' of posters here?

Most nights it seems like me and three other wiseasses😁


We're ALL on some random weirdo's naughty list!

'I'd like to thank the Academy...'🀣

Nice handle by the way way John McCockπŸ‘


Even I’m on two peoples ignore list! I don’t know whether to be worried or flattered, lol.


Absurd, you're one of our top posters...people are really silly lol

I'm gonna guess it's Brux and R-Kane that 'ignored' you
They are both very silly cranky posters so no worries!

I'm happy to be ignored by some of these weirdosπŸ˜ƒ


Brux accused me of being a jihadi sympathiser (I’m quite the opposite) and a troll and immediately put me on ignore when I voiced my anger over the last London terrorist attack πŸ™„

The other one was a β€˜superhero crazy’ (I honestly can’t remember their name) who objected to the fact that I liked both Marvel and DC. I pointed out that having collected comics for over 40 years, there were many other companies’ titles in there as well (namely 2000AD) and that the whole rivalry thing was a bit silly.


It's a good thing to be ignored by some of these assholesπŸ‘

And please STOP being a Jihadist😬


I'll try, but the whole 72 virgins waiting for me in heaven thing is a big plus.


I know, I heard we get a Cadillac too if we kill a bunch of infidels...seems like a great deal


"The other one was a β€˜superhero crazy’ (I honestly can’t remember their name) who objected to the fact that I liked both Marvel and DC. I pointed out that having collected comics for over 40 years, there were many other companies’ titles in there as well (namely 2000AD) and that the whole rivalry thing was a bit silly."

Yeah, there are people like that. They are childish and pathetic if you ask me. It's like if it were impossible to like two things which are widely considered as rivals by people. Like, just, grow up and get a life.

I met people like that toward the consoles war (PlayStation Vs. Xbox specifically). I once said that I liked both consoles and that each has its pros and cons. And there was this Microsoft fanboy there who was pissed (yes, really -.-) and told me that I have to choose a side and REALLY wanted to convince me to go with Xbox. At the end, I went with PS4.

There's the Black Friday episodes trilogy of South Park who makes fun of these rivalities and it's really accurate and funny. I suggest to watch it.


People do seem to fly off the handle over nothing.


Copied directly from this website's "Standards":

3. Content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or group of individuals

4. Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization


There is a poster here who goes around referring to women as cunts and uses other slurs (even in thread titles) but I was reprimanded for reporting them day after day. Eventually those posts were deleted but then a bunch of posts and threads of mine were deleted in retaliation. My guess is one of the mods approves of that behavior and another doesn't.


Yes. THIS MOD is apparently ok with harassment and hate speech. They have admitted that the standards they go by are the standards that were acceptable back in "their day". This job is clearly not for this person as I've reported the same types of things and the comments are still there.


Unwanted advances seems weird to me unless you are extremely desperate. We have no idea as to the true identity of other posters here. What would appear to the population here as a barely can keep her clothes on 25 year old hot woman could be some 60 year old gargoyle of a man. If somebody wants to play into the unknown in terms of "I am sure you are" when a poster says she has nice measurements that is one thing but I hope nobody would take it past that. Might be some pretty good people here but I would want to be extremely careful in ever trying to meet one. Good thing that I have a fair number of friends I see face to face on a weekly basis.


Holy Crap I was wondering why this post was so long. My god, I'm at least glad I know now in case it happens to me. I hope this gets taken care of. I do block people who say terrible things but still very scary.




How about flooding a board using a bunch of aliases like what's happening over on Karate Kid 3?


We don't read every single post. If that is happening, then alert us to it.


I did send an alert. Nothing came of it. Thought this might bring attention to it.


You sent a message on Aug 10th and many of the posts that were relevant were removed then.

As I said. we don't read every post of every forum so if it continued after that then we should have been alerted.


My apologies




The KK3 board may be the strangest thing I've ever witnessed...I have no idea how the discussions are still in any way entertaining to those guys.


Those "guys" appear to be all the same person talking to himself. If you look at some of the past conversations you'll see they use the same phrasing a lot.


I assumed WearsAlan and Cruisin were different people but I thought it possible (likely?) that Cruisin and a few of the others were the same person. In any event according to Cruisin or one of his aliases I'm in an imaginary jail for reporting a really ill-timed xenophobic/racist post of one of them (and honestly I'm not even sure I reported it but I was pretty disgusted by it so it's likely lol).


Are they really the same person? Lmao everyone blames wearsalan for the taken down of imdb message boards.


I'm pretty sure WearsAlan is his own person. Whether the others who are always giving him crap are all the same person I'm not sure about. And the idea that WearsAlan brought down the imdb boards is ridiculous lol


What if someone tickles you? Can you report them for that?


I’ve had my funny bone tickled a few times, does that count?


If you enjoyed it, then it counts. I enjoy any of my bones being tickled.






Can we report Mods? Lol.
