
Please do not use the 'report' feature for reporting people you don't agree with or that you had an argument with and called each other names.

That's not what it's there for.


What is it there for


And you just copied filmboards 🙄


they have rules?




could have fooled me.


At least they're very transparent not hiding like these "mods"


I would rather have the mods "hide" than setting up sock accounts and attacking posters.


And I would rather prefer an explanation for deleting threads or banning rather this kind of behaviour


I agree, if a thread is deleted you should be told why. Same for being banned.




a little openness wouldn't hurt.


"openness"!?! with these mods!?!? Hownos, please, don't make me laugh


better than the alternative.


And what that would be?


mods causing shit


Or protect it




I think we can unpin this now.


Yep, I think it has made the rounds...


the point has been made, so to speak.




I agree. Whatever my 2 cents are worth. I said my piece and I shall contribute no further. Uh Oh! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I just bumped it, didn’t I?🙇🏼‍♀️ (Notice the gray hair on my emojis?)


Excuse me while I reach for my spectacles. Yep, that's gray hair all right. 😉 Yeah, I bumped it, too. Oh well.


hownos (41111) 22 days ago
I think we can unpin this now.

But it won't get unpinned because a certain person wants to get their ego stroked with praising comments of them.


I agree. Just unpin it.


It's still pinned because we are still receiving a majority of reports that should not have been reported in the first place and while a pinned thread asking people not to report trivial things or people they don't agree with may be annoying to you, it's nowhere near as annoying as having to wade through them all to find an actual report that is actionable.

I don't have an ego April and I'm no attention-seeker either, but I do have manners which is why I thank people if they show appreciation for the job we Mods do.


I thought mods were not supposed to have additional pages here???? Having additional pages can lead to abuse of the system. Not cool.


What do you mean? Additional pages? Are you talking about this username? (I seem to have outed myself by accident - sorry, I have been very ill lately and am not all fully recovered yet so wasn't paying attention there).

Nowhere does it say we had to give up our ORIGINAL member names to become mods. We were all members before we were mods. We are also entitled to post and have opinions that do not reflect our duties as mods.

You are free to search through all my past posts to try to find any shit you can dig up to sling at me to disparage me. You won't find any. I'm not that sort of person.


Just goes to show, like I've said before, you are not the ideal person for the duties of this position. 🤷🤷🤷🤷


How so? Show me one thing that makes me unsuitable for the position of Mod?




That's your answer? Really? Try a little harder than a repeated emoji, please.

You usually are very good at making complaints against others yet you can't put into words why you think I am unsuitable to be a Mod and show me just one example of something I have posted under this name that was out of order?


smh... 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


Gosh. More emojis! You're really saying something with them. Come one April-151-CT. You can do better than that.

Since I have been here on this site, I made one complaint against another member before I was a Mod (which was for spamming certificates). You, on the other hand, made 174 complaints that I could find.

At least have the courage to confront those you accuse with a reasoned argument when they ask why you don't like them and don't take the easy route of thinking a picture says it all. It doesn't. It's lazy and cowardly.


Yawn... 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴


True, you are boring when it comes to intelligent and challenging conversation. All bark and no bite.

I'm disappointed. I thought there was more to you than that. No point in continuing this 'conversation' if all you can offer is emojis which you think makes you look clever because you have no argument.

That seems to be a problem with many who grew up with tech toys nowadays. They just don't even know how to converse or debate without the aid of an icon to express how they feel. It's not expressing how you feel. It's point and click what somebody else already designed. Nothing original or challenging to that. I like to be challenged and hold a debate.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴


Ok. Be childish then. I'll be here if you ever want an actual adult conversation.

You can insert some more emojis now as your final say.


please remove this division causing thread. enough already.


I concur.
Thank you for your advice and tutelage, I know I am more than ready to move on.


are you being sarcastic?


No. Not at all. Mod4 did give me some food for thought that had been helpful.


Moderator 4 aka Keyboard:

"It's still pinned because we are still receiving a majority of reports that should not have been reported in the first place"

Which would then mean that keeping it up IS NOT doing what it was intended for. So I stand by my assertion of why it's not being removed.


Could be a hardware problem. Now that I'm on a cell phone, when I scroll, the thumb perfectly aligns with the report button.i hit it like twenty times a day just by accident.


Yes, the button IS right there LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I've reported by accident too...I felt like an idiot but it's a real fast trigger during movie games and such


Me too - the Mods must think I'm a right idiot, 'Hey, this guy just reported someone for asking if he had a safe journey home.'


This is literally the type of posts that are the majority of the reports we get.


If I'm using my laptop or I-Pad it's not a problem; only when I use my phone.

Maybe it would be an idea to have an, 'Are you sure you want to Report this?' step built in (I think the Ignore function does this already?).


I've asked Jim to maybe add a captcha to ther report feature or at least move the button.


It does have that already.


Did not know that.

I will ask Jim if it is possible to move the report button or perhaps add a captcha to it to ensure it doesn't get hit by accidental reports, which may turn out to be the cause of the majority of reports we receive which are not actionable.


I use a stylus on my iPad scrolling on the right side. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I accidentally land on Report. Thank goodness I receive the warning drop down, “Do you really want to report....” It needs to be moved.


I agree. It's getting on my nerves.


And it won't stop people from reporting. I will still report any instances of bullying, harassment, hate speech, racism, and spam etc that I happen upon. Certain mods (or mod) understand what violates the rules. And some don't. For instance, there's a post in GD about how some ugly asholle must only get girls because he's black so he must have a big dck. So that's just got to be why he gets girls. Racist?? Nahhhhhhhh, not one bit racist!! smh...


I have to admit, that one made me cringe when I read it.


NAHHHHHHHH, you're just a sensitive whittle snowdrop. There's no racism there at all. Pushaw!!


I'm just off to find my safe space so I can curl up in the foetal position and think of unicorns and rainbows and happy thoughts.


Don't forget the Skittles and cotton candy LOL 😋😋😋😋


Yes, those too.


Excuse me while I go barf! 🥴🤢🤮 I just had to do it! Just had to go back and read the noxious OP by MovieBuff. I could give a rat’s patooty about why he posted the tripe. It was a disgusting bigoted post and should be removed.

Finally, to MovieBuff, was it necessary to post about a black guy with a large tallywacker? Surely you have more meaningful thoughts other than some guy’s wing wanger! Did I pick up a bit of envy?


It won't get removed because some of the mods don't comprehend what goes against the site rules and what constitutes racism, bullying, hate speech etc.



See what I mean???? It's not racist at all. 😒😒😒😒


I missed your deleted post.


It was the same comment. I just put it in the wrong spot so I deleted it. What I'm saying is see? The racist post didn't get deleted because the mods don't comprehend what racism and bullying etc is. Mod4's (keyboard) comment about it was racist as well so that would explain somethings.


"I will still report "

[sighhhh] Yes, we know you will, April...

You might try evolving into May. you'll get a bit "warmer".


Tell you what. I will half the count and make it 5 in a row posts that are actually actionable and then I will remove the pin. Sound fair (to us Mods)?


Are you a Mod? If so, your text should be red in color. I for one zero in on red text.


Yes, but I accidentally used this account when replying instead of my Mod account, which is why it is not in red.


So, when will we see red text? I don’t read every thread, read every post, etc. If I’m scanning and notice the red text I read it and what came before and after.

Thanks for responding. I now know for certain you are a member of our great Mod Squad! Seriously though that OP needs to be removed. It would have a better home at the other place, FB.


Had the thread not remained pinned, a possible problem which may be causing the amount of unwarranted reports would not have come to light.

I am awaiting Jim's response regarding the repositioning of the report link/adding captcha or 5 clearly actionable reports in a row - whichever comes first, before I unpin it.

I'd like to be sure that the majority of reports are actually being caused by accident and not deliberate reports over nothing.


The button's been in the same spot and has been getting hit by accident for almost 4 years now. It should've already been known about by the people who are responsible for representing/running the site. ANOTHER example of not knowing enough for the position. Sorry, but that's #truth


Everything is so simple in your world, isn't it?

We did not design the site. I never use a phone to view it so how and why would I know the link's position?

If people thought they were hitting it by accident then they could have let us know. Nobody did.

Us Mods are human. You seem to assume we are supposed to be superhuman and all knowing. Sorry to dissapoint.


Superhuman LOL 😂😂😂😂


That's mature of you.


Oh and kspkap is talking about the racist post that has not been removed. Not your post. Sigh...


If someone could link me to the post being referred to then I can take a look at it without having to trawl through the reports to find what you are talking about.

When we see that the colour status on a report has changed then it was already seen/dealt with by the first Mod that saw the report. I did not see it as the colour status was already changed.


Well Mod5 obviously did not believe it was a bad post because he/she commented on it immediately after I reported it. It's sad really. Smh...


Without seeing the post I can't comment on what I think and can't speak for Mod5.

Can you provide a link please?


Are you referring to this post which you just reported?

The post is not racist. It's probably only guilty of light trolling.

You might accuse it of bringing up a racial stereotype, if it were not for the fact that as a race, statistically, black African/African American men do have the largest penis size overall, as several studies have shown.


4. Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.

Yet again, you show that you don't understand what breaks the site rules. It's comical.


"[–] April-151-CT (3922) 17 minutes ago

But it won't change the fact that SOME of the mods here don't comprehend what goes against the site rules and judge things based on what was acceptable "back in their day"."

Isn't that an ageist comment?

4. Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age,

Shall I report you for that?


You seriously have no awarenesss of self 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Even if it is statistically true, it's degrading, and causes harm to the Black Community.


Have you asked them?

Perhaps male African members might not be too happy with other people/races trying to hide the fact that they have larger penisis on their behalf? They might even view that as racist and degrading in itself?

How are statistics degrading anyway if they are true? It doesn't matter what the subject matter is. If studies prove something is a fact then why do you want that fact to be buried because you want to make it about something that it isn't?

And if the story is true, do we then get accused of censorship if we remove it?


Yes, I have. Just because something is maybe true about ethnic body typing, we are human and have body shame.My sons are is my
ex. No it does not make me an expert, but I am aware of the negative impact this has on our black men and having are hard time typing and reading in this small space. It's a subject that could be discussed at lenght. It's objectifying and degrading and just plain rude.


OK, I have to make this short due to the format which shrinks my text box on my iPad. I have to agree with April & Laura. Here’s my 2 cents for what it’s worth. The post should be removed due to this: “The general consensus and only logical conclusion is that he gets girls because he is black, and it’s pretty obvious.”

I don’t care if it hangs to the ground like a horse. There was a shade of degradation there & blaming the black guy for him having sexual prowess. Yes, it’s been proven, but it’s not necessary to write an OP about it. Good Grief! I cringed when I read it.
An analogy: “The white guy got the job because he’s white and I’m black! White guys will always get the jobs over black guys.”

Finally, maybe the problem lies with MovieB. He feels inadequate (woe is me) and blames it on a black guy because he has a big wang!




But, it's just me that finds it racist???? ROTFLMAO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I would call it more of ignorant bigotry. And a little bit of jealousy. I’m down to five words, no four words per line! Eventually it will be one word!


No what I'm saying is that I was told that I was the only one who has a problem with the post and with certain mods not doing a proper job. Clearly though, the post goes against the site's rules. Several people have stated the post was wrong.


I have a major problem with the post and it should be removed! I said so to keybored. My analogy puts it into perspective.
The post was not only wrong, it was disgusting!
I’m down to 3 words per line.


Notice how she didn't reply to you about it being racist. Only replied to me. Something's wrong with that person. It's hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


OMG April-151-CT.

Get off your self-righteous and judgemental high horse and stop making assumptions about everybody you don't agree with as if you are the expert on everything and everyone and know exactly what is going on in their lives and why.

If you must know, my sick and infirm mother, who has been staying with us for the last month, woke up and I had to take care of her and seeing as she goes back to the UK on Sat, I am spending as much time as I can with her before then.


Apologies for butting in here but sorry to hear your mom is ill

That's pretty heavy sorrow and trouble

All the best to your mom


Thanks ShogunofYonkers.

It's appreciated.


From me also. Peace & better health to your Mom

Now down to 1 word per line!


Sorry about your troubles I really am. But that really has nothing to do with any of the things I've been saying. It's a sad situation. But no need to bring any of that into it. I stand by erything I've said. Bye now. But you go ahead and keep on with your lastworditis. You can't help yourself.


I never said you were the only one (though as it turns out when I checked just this morning that you actually were the only one who hit report, 7 times, over it).

I said something like you were pretty much the only one, which is true.

Nobody else who said (in this thread) that they found it objectionable bothered to make a report about it.


OK, I will report. I keep hoping I don’t have to hit the report button. It should have been deleted by our Mod Squad w/o a Report.


OK I reported it. 🙇🏼‍♀️


We received 7 reports about that thread and all of them were from you.

Usually, we get many reports about something that other people also find objectionable which includes those of the spamming variety also.

If us Mods concluded that it was probably only mild trolling at worst then it seems the vast majority of other members did too because nobody else felt the need to alert us.

By your thinking, that must make virtually all the other members racists because they didn't complain.


I'm talking about the people on this post here that agreed it was racist. I reported it 3 times dear. Unless hitting the back button on my browser causes it to trigger an additional report after I have reported. I hit the back button as a habit. But nothing will change the fact that it's racist dear. Bye now 👋👋👋👋


The times of the reports were -

jan, 15 at 22:14
jan, 14 at 11:46
jan, 14 at 11:45
jan, 14 at 11:45
jan, 14 at 3:33
jan, 14 at 1:26
jan, 13 at 21:52

As I have pointed out, the majority of people do not seem to think it was racist or we would have received more reports.

A couple more said in this thread they agreed or thought it cringy at worse but they are still in the minority of members who just saw it for the likely mild trolling that it probably was.


Some of those reports were for comments on it. I think 2 of them. The post itself I reported 3 times. The ones with the same timestamps were probably from hitting the back button triggering it to report again. I definitely would not intentionally report a post 7 times. And again, nothing will change the fact that it's racist, or that you are a lousy mod, or that you have no awarenesss of self. You keep showing that repeatedly. But since you have no self awarenesss, you can't see it.


Come on, April, let’s be civil & not resort to ad hominem attacks. keyboard is not a “lousy” Mod. There is a lot of truth in her reply. Most don’t like to hit the Report/Ignore buttons. I for one requested on this thread the post should be removed, but decided to add my disgust by reporting it.


I stand by everything I've said. She is a lousy mod. She has said herself that she goes by what was acceptable back in her day when judging reports. Then when I bring up what she's said, she comes back with how I broke site rules with my ageist comment. 😂😂😂😂


Okay so basically, you are one of those PC little pussies who get triggered by everything, and can't accept that some people still have older standards from the days when not everyone was an easily offended pussy? Jeez, I love the 21st century..



That's keybored, not Keyboard.



Very sage advice, twinA. 👏🏻 Profane ad hominem attacks should not be permitted toward anyone...not even once. The poster should be chastised and put on probation (time out) because it won’t stop! After “detention” the poster should be permitted to join the throng again. If the poster chooses to remain hostile then an out right ban is warranted.

All in all I do believe we have a good Mod Squad. I was once accused in the past of reporting a poster who attacked me. I didn’t have to...the Mod took action without me reporting. I do have some on Ignore due to snarky replies laced with profanity whether it’s to me or others. Posters such as those I have no interest in reading their words.


Amen 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Good point. I never did that though


How do we report general misuse of this site? For instance using it as a platform to insult and spread lies about climate activists and relatives of famous people?


You don't. Those are people's own opinions and they are free to have them.


But you do, that is why the politics forum was created because trolls were constantly bumping Trump’s profile with nonsense posts. This seems to violate the standards and terms of this website.


The politics forum was created because not everybody wanted politics in the General Discussion section so it was given it's own forum.

Nonsense covers many things posted here. Just because one person doesn't like it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be talked about.


Trolling is an aggravating form of nonsense that led to the demise of other chat boards. Trolling in and of itself is the antithesis of tolerating differences of opinion.


Some would argue that some trolling is an artform designed to push your buttons in order to challenge your thinking. Others think wanting everything you don't like or agree with to be banned or censored is the antithesis of tolerating differences of opinion.

How are people ever to be challenged if all they ever view is their own opinion?

When you have shut down everyone else's voice, how long till someone wants to shut down yours?


"Some would argue that some trolling is an artform designed to push your buttons in order to challenge your thinking. Others think wanting everything you don't like or agree with to be banned or censored is the antithesis of tolerating differences of opinion.

How are people ever to be challenged if all they ever view is their own opinion?

When you have shut down everyone else's voice, how long till someone wants to shut down yours?"

Then why was NZer banned with no warning or explanation?
Will I now be banned for asking such a question?


The ban reason is listed as 'Soliciting for Filmboards'.


Considering the fact that she is one of the sweetest most non confrontational people you could ever hope to meet, I would say that someone made a big BooBoo.
Thank you for answering my question. I'll just slip out through the back door....


"soliciting for filmboards"??
WTF is that mean??!


NZer mentioned another site while defending someone . I guess that equals soliciting the site. Suddenly, with no warning that she had done anything wrong, her account was wiped out.
I know that it is confusing. I have no doubt that I will still be puzzling over it by the time my account is wiped out as well.
So much for freedom to share opinions....


I remember when hownos said something about aiding or supporting "filmboards troll" or something


She did more than "mention" it; she was encouraging people to join filmboards. Over the last year that she was a member here, those were basically the only type of posts she made. And I was far from the only one who noticed.

My personal favorite:

[–] MissMargoChanning (6618) 2 years ago

Yes.... I have looked things over a little bit on the Filmboard site. A nice place to visit.....🙄 I really wouldn't want to live there.
If it suits you fine, I'm thrilled for you and your "dysfunctional family". I'm not clear on why you are telling me all of this. Are you recruiting new members?
I've been here at MovieChat for almost a year and it suits me fine. Have a great life. My best to you and yours. Goodbye now.




You literally just linked other people saying that just mentioning another site is soliciting.

If you're saying she did more than just mention another site, how about links to the "soliciting" so many people claimed happened but no one has seen?


They were removed a year ago when they were first posted.




Croft is a dude


I haven't reported anything since the pin went up. Look at my account, see if there are any reports. If there are, it is definitely, or they, are completely accidental. I really think we're on to some thing here with the design issue.


But it won't change the fact that SOME of the mods here don't comprehend what goes against the site rules and judge things based on what was acceptable "back in their day".


That is a separate issue that I'm not deeply invested in. One thing at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day.


You forget why the post was put up to begin with?? It was in direct correlation with your reports and emails regarding you being harassed by another member.


Oh no - not by a long shot. It has taken me this long to process the whole affair.
And it was done with the help and support of you April, and many others on MC. Hownos, shotgun, ksps, stratego, bananaman and many others. Shit was brought to light. I've learned some things. Like that R_Kane is one of the biggest assholes on moviechat. That he is notorious for his inappropriate behavior. He should be banned. He is predatory. But I can't keep losing my shit everytime I see a thread about how shitty women are. It's not healthy. Yeah the internet as a whole is fucked with problems. I can't fight them all. I am old, I pass the torch to you.


Not to take away from your feelings about him, but I've seen MUUUUUUUUCH WORSE people on here. Oh soooooooo much worse.


That's one of the things I've learned. That not only women are dealing with this bs, but the men are too! That was a revelation to me. I'm not gonna let some developmentally disturbed idiot ruin my day. I get insulted on the reg, in GD, but now, it doesn't get to me, because it is a game, a game I wont play.


You mean the days when most people were happy because they just got on with each other (or not) without whining about every little single thing that offends them and causing even more trouble and resentment amongst the majority rather than just accepting that not everybody thinks as they do or finds this or that offensive?

It might surprise you to learn that it's not just us Mods that think that way and not just people older than you.

Anyway, I have said before that if you don't like how we Mod the site you are free to contact Jim and complain about us.


Aaaaaaaand again, you can not judge things of today by yesterday's standards. The group rules are very clear as to what goes against the community standards. You choose to disregard the rules most times. By now dear. 👋👋👋👋


And the world does not revolve around you and what you think and feel but you want it and everybody else to.

You already broke a site rule, as I pointed out in your disparaging and ageist post earlier, but I just shrugged and moved on.

Jim left the interpretation and enforcement of the site rules to the Mods and pretty much everybody but you is happy with how we do things.


"you can not judge things of today by yesterday's standards. "

Yup, and even though in many cases it is a good thing, it is also very annoying in many others. Like, for instance, your whining..


Well now isn't that tough titty, troll?? 😂😂😂😂


Hehe...'Tough Titty'😅

This term needs to be used more often


It's one of my favorites. 😆😆😆😆


I'm stealing it😘


Be my guest lol. 😉


We in the South stole it and have used it for decades! Sorry, Sweet Cakes😘


Foiled again!


But, you have to finish it. See my reply to April.


Well, Miss April, to finish the adage...we in the South say:
“Tough Titty, Said the Kitty,
But the Milk’s Just the Same!”


Haha!! I've always only known it as tough titty LOL 😂


Okay so the fact that I despise your kind of sensitive little snowflakes, it makes me a troll? In that case, you are better to do that thing you are a professional at: report me, since I go against the rules!



You use the same kind of empty argumentation replying only with gifs and emojis that you used with the moderator.. and you think it's clever.. *eyes rolled*



LOL! Whether people agree with you or not...that is funny. If you can’t laugh at this can’t laugh!😅😂🤣




I think this thread has just become a fun way for the Mods to post...Am I wrong.


Yes you are. I don't find it fun.


Honestly, I sympathize with you amd admire your patience with annoying users like April. People like him are clearly not on the Internet to debate, but to feel like everyone should agree with them and with what they consider offensive.

You are doing a great job!
