MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are women allowed to trash men but m...

Why are women allowed to trash men but men can’t criticize women?

Women constantly bitch about how all men are shit, when the majority of men are just nice guys who would happily treat women like queens. What they mean is “the small percentage of guys we want are assholes and we pretend we hate it but we don’t because we keep going back to them”

Meanwhile, if a man points this out, or levels any sort of criticism at women they are immediately crucified by both sides - the women obviously don’t like being called out on their backwards psyches and the men are lined up to defend them because they are desperate and think it will help them get laid. It’s really pathetic. You will see plenty of this below in the comments.


You will see plenty of this below in the comments.

Yeah because you are baiting for those sorts of comments.

I don’t know man. Men, women, we’re all just people. That you seem to be struggling to understand adult relationships between the sexes (or navigate your own) sucks for you, but it sounds like you expect all men to naturally agree with you. Not so.

I hope it works out for you and you meet someone nice. I think it would do you the world of good.


Not baiting at all I just know how people respond. And what exactly makes you think my experiences are so much different than the majority of men? I understand SOME may disagree but I think the majority of single guys share my experience to some degree. Everyone I’ve talked to has, even my friends that do well agree.


Ok man. Whatever. I think we’re all just a little tired of hearing it. For the record I was just trying to be nice and wish you well. Maybe dial back the attitude.


I wasn’t giving you attitude, I was just clarifying that I wasn’t baiting. Thanks for the well wishes.


You're free to not read his threads if you're so tired of it.


As you are free to not tell people what to not read.


Where did I tell someone not to read something?


Have you already forgotten what you wrote 32 minutes ago? That's natural enough. But you see, there's a record of it kept on this very page, all you have to do is scroll up two lines, and reread what you wrote before, unless you got hacked or something of course. If that's your defense, I sympathize. I've been there.


You're free to not read his threads if you're so tired of it.

Maybe your command of the English language is a little lacking. Please explain how I told anyone what to do, in that statement.


Eh, if it's an argument about semantics you want, you need to offer something interesting. This is nonsense.


What's nonsense is people who complain about things but keep coming back for more. I made that point very clear.

If people don't like MovieBuff224's post, why would they enter his threads?

It's like someone sitting out in the rain and complaining about getting wet. Hello?


Hello. I hear your complaints. I'm afraid I can do nothing about them at this time. It is all in your mind. Perhaps, if you were to consider getting some extra sleep, reading a good book, going for a swim, or any of a myriad of other good ways to release some endorphins in your brain... but who am I to tell you how to live? I have no experience of living!


Well, with that said, maybe heed your own advice.


You're free to not read his threads if you're so tired of it

Great, thanks for the permission.


It's odd that you would perceive it as permission. It's really just common sense.

I hate musicals. There are threads here about musicals. I don't go into them and grouse about musicals. That would make no sense.


I take it you only read and comment on threads you agree with?

If you have a second look at my comment you might notice I was having a chat with MovieBuff offering my take on his dilemma. I was not rude or condescending. I wished him well and, yes, mentioned that people are tired of these sorts of threads. Offering advice, just as you have done for me right now. That’s what happens on discussion forums.


No. I comment on things I don't agree with all the time but if it's something I'm "tired of" or I think it's pointless to engage, I generally steer clear. It just seems like a lot of people here talk about not liking MovieBuff's threads and make dismissive comments saying he hates women and stuff akin to 'oh, another woman hating thread' (different than disagreeing) but continue to participate in them. Your post seemed more accusatory than conversational but I could have misinterpreted. The kicker for me was when you said people are tired of hearing it.

Maybe I'm a little hypersensitive to it. I'm a member of a musician's forum and it grinds my gears when someone posts a topic and inevitably multiple people respond with things like "not this topic again!" or "I hate that kind of music". If that's how you feel (not you, personally), go find a thread that interests you. Duh.


Fair enough. In my defence though the comment you picked on was in response to him getting defensive about it, after I’d wished him the best. I do appreciate your point. Sometimes it is better to just not comment and move on. I do suspect that isn’t exactly what MovieBuff wants though.


MovieBuff, you're venting, and that's perfectly okay. Not venting is not okay. Seems like some people here don't want you to vent. I don't understand why that is.


Well, I am in a happy relationship right now and wouldn't exchange her for anything, and still, I agree with OP. So, finding the right person doesn't automatically change your mind on this. I already got really tired of women's bullshit way before I found my current girl.


Absolutely, in some cases being in a relationship could make things worse! I said that to MovieBuff more in a general sense rather than in response to his OP. He seems to have an ongoing rough trot with the ladies. It would be nice to see him happy and a bit more positive. Dwelling on the negative side of life so much isn’t good for anyone.



You have been bitching about women constantly on here.




Genuinely 😂ing.


😆 , that's my Bowser!




Time to change the record.


Similar subject matter, new topic


Chicks man, amirite?


You know it




Because when a woman doesn't like a man there must be something wrong with the man. When a man doesn't like a woman though, there must be something wrong with the man.

Women also think they wield some kind of power over men and that we hang out waiting for their approval and the threat of not receiving it will make us crumble or something.





"Because when a woman doesn't like a man there must be something wrong with the man. When a man doesn't like a woman though, there must be something wrong with the man. "

This is, unfortunately, accurate.


I have never seen a tread or post here bashing men, and....


Where did I say anything about posts bashing men here? I’m talking about the countless social media posts. You shut the fuck up, if I was mindlessly bashing women your frustration would be founded, but I’m clearly not.


There are consistently negative threads about women by men.
My point is that there are no threads bashing men by women ever.
But whatever, by all means, please continue.
I'm sure all the women of MC are used to this in their day to day.


Again, where did I say anything about men being bashed on these boards? I clarified I was referring to facebook/twitter posts.


You didn't, I brought up the subject as food for thought.


Fair enough, sorry if it seems like I bash women a lot. I think if you look past that common denominator and read my posts you’d see I have a legitimate frustration.


If you're really sorry, stop doing it . Talk to Forsaken. He can give you links to sites where this is acceptable. Peace.


I’m starting to think you don’t read entire paragraphs, just select sentences. I don’t “bash” women, I have very specific grievances.


Yes. Me dumb. You smart.
Just take it else where, there are other sites that would welcome you with open arms. You might find satisfaction and comrodery there. And when you want to talk about movies, come here. Sincerely, I'm not trying to fight you. I want you to be happy.


I didn’t say you were dumb. I just said I’m not bashing women and I’m not. There’s a difference between indiscriminate woman bashing and voicing displeasure with specific behaviors, and this is not exclusively a movie board. Thanks I want to be happy as well, it’s hard though in this society.


Oh lord..... "Comrodery"??

Man, I've seen some laughable examples of misspelling on the Net, but that's up there with the best!

The word you're struggling with is "camaraderie".

See, this is why I cannot take some people seriously. If a person doesn't know how to spell, and doesn't even bother to look it up so that they can spell it correctly and thus avoid looking foolish, then I can only assume that they are foolish.

Yep. You dumb.


Yep. I am.


To be fair, typos sometimes happen in the heat of debate Popcorny

Even a genus like me commits the ocasional👍


He has a hard on for me. It's cute .


Yeah see this is why so few female comedians ever get truly famous. Their "humour" is centred entirely around themselves, and so it isn't relatable to others. Also, it depends on sexual elements, often of the most private or dirty kind.


I'm not a comedian. I'm a smartASS. A dirty one too.


he wants you.


You're being chivalrous, Shogun. But really, you and I both know that "comrodery" was a laughable and desperate attempt to use a word of which Laura hadn't a clue of its spelling.

And really, what I objected to was that she obviously didn't look it up. Obviously took a chance on looking uneducated and foolish, and not caring that she was.


I am uneducated.


In what, though............?


I only have a h.s. diploma (barely)


And what is a h.s diploma?

And tell me, honestly and with no one-liners, why did you write "Comrodery" for "Camaraderie"?

No side-stepping, no comedy defections, no pleading that it was a "mistake".


I didn't know how to spell it and my phone said what I had was a-ok.
High School Diploma.


Maybe instead of using an obviously useless phone app, might be better to use the phone to call someone who is good at spelling.

I should add that I'm not picking on you for your poor education, Laura. I know very well that an entire generation of people were abandoned and deserted in the classroom, by people who only played at being teachers, and who were really social manipulators with a deconstruction agenda.

That's all that mattered to them. If ever those betrayed people mounted a Class Action against their educators, the material evidence which they could present would be overwhelming.


Not the teachers fault. I've been a bad apple since day one. And I have no one to call for spelling advice. It didn't seem that important at the time. I'll try to make a greater effort in the future. But what is this really all about?
I have no beef with you. So why are you doing this?


Okay, I see I've hurt you, and I apologise for that. My comments about bad spelling were just a thing I do. I cannot turn away from it when I see it, and you're not the only one who has been addressed about it by me.



This is more than spelling.
You asked me to be honest, can you not afford me the same courtesy?


I said "honestly" because you were replying flippantly, and I wanted you to reply straighforwardly.

"Honest"="straightforward", in that post.


Instead of belittling someone for a spelling mistake, you could have just spelled it correctly and left it at that. I have a really difficult time not correcting the spelling, and grammar of others too. In an effort not to seem like a bitch, I just correct it in my answer, and be on my way. Saves some hurt feelings.

I'm only saying this because I see that you have apologised for hurting feelings, and I am not trying to hurt your feelings either. I appreciate the fight.

You might like to join my useless campaign to save the adverb? Love live the LY.


Haha, I would, but I've read somewhere that serious writers eschew adverbs. It was very popular in H G Wells' day, though. And I've just read Frankenstein, wherein adverbs are practically the mortar that keeps the sentences together.

Also, I discarded adverbs after I heard someone use "Friendlyly", to mean "in a friendly way". :)

[I didn't mean to belittle her, but to scold her for her laziness, not so much her grammar. Not my place, I realised.]


Don’t sweat it Laura we all make mistakes. You’re a kind person and don’t deserve to be treated rudely.


Like water off a duck's back.


That’s the way 👍


I'z to
We shud date👍


Me not edimacted no understandable.


Not to stir the pot, but if you're uneducated and you know you are, you can educate yourself. The resources are literally everywhere.


you seem well read to me.




that explains it.


Nevertheless, we all knew what she meant and nobody died, right?


It's really bloody rude. A much worse offense than a spelling error.


It appeared to be a disproportionate response.


He's been on my ass
all week.
I don't even know who he is.


He’s always a bit spiky and aggressive.


Whaaaaaaat?! Hey guys, if you're going to talk about me, talk to me! Okay?



I think sometimes you can be a little aggressive. Yes, it was poor spelling, but maybe you could have spelt it out to LG (heh, see what I did there) in a gentler way.


I suppose I could have. Reading further, I've discovered that she's a gentle soul, and I don't like to hurt vulnerable people. Hence my apology further up.

That was some really laughable spelling, but what gets me fired up is when people very obviously don't try to find out the right spelling. I can handle typos and errors of understanding and so on, but the spelling of a word is what gives it its identity. In the English language, one incorrect letter can make a word mean two entirely different things. In a time when peoples' obsession with "identity" is so widespread, I just think it's annoyingly ironic that so many people can't or won't make their writing clearly identifiable, by spelling it right.


Fair enough and I agree that it only takes a second to type a word into Google to ensure the correct spelling (which is something I do all the time).


As do I. Mostly because I just hate looking careless.

(Of course, I don't mind looking bloody rude, spiky or aggressive. ):)


The thing is, you have come out with some funny one-liners in the past as well.


Well thanks for acknowledging them, Andy. :)

I much prefer to joke than fight.


Absolutely, life’s far too short.




:) Yes, Talk. Got me.


"My point is that there are no threads bashing men by women ever."

Hmmmm excuse me, WHAT?


On moviechat.


Ah, sorry, my bad.


Start a thread, Laura. I'm a dude but I'll partake in some man bashing. Now that I've typed that, I realize how wrong that sounds.


::::snickering:::: 🤭🤭🤭🤭


A warning would have been nice.


I thought the hand over mouth emojis would've been warning enough LMAO!!

Yesterday I Googled "hehehehe" gifs and for some reason that popped up. I was like oh I gotta use this somewhere, sometime. It didn't take long LMAO 😂😂😂😂


Ha, that's funny.

But I don't have the need to do that.
I like you guys.
I like the men I know in my real life.
Why would I want to alienate anyone?
My only two complaints would be that men don't really like women, they like sex, sure, but not women.
And that men hunt and kill us for fun, or because we have become inconvenient.
The second one is a minority, I know, but we always have to be on guard.
A girl, very early in life, figures out that she will always be number two.
The battle is between accepting it, or fighting it, that is the way it is.
We have to challenge ourselves, not some man.
I'm not impervious to being triggered from time to time. I suppose that's the whole point of threads like these, the poster feels the need to punish women.
I don't feel the need to punish men, my life is my own, my happiness is my own responsibility.


And why the fuck is everyone up so late?


We are waiting to see samoanjoe’s man bashing skills! 😳


I've got a bad feeling - I am going to get ripped apart for this. I'm frightened just for expressing myself. It shouldn't be this way.


I’m not ripping you. I respect your right to express yourself.


I know you're not.
But the deluge will come.


I’m not sure I want to see that 😯


This is the only man bashing you're going to see from me:


It was morning when I wrote that comment. That must explain why I didn't realize my man bashing comment right away.


You have no idea what I've had to deal with for the last 4 hours. Happy reading.
