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"You look nice today"= sexual harassment?

Please shoot me now.

Just read that Chris Matthews retirement is due in part to comments on reporters Laura Bassett appearance, along with other complementary comments on women's appearances.. Matthews issued a apology for past comments on women's appearances.

Wow...what are we doing people?


I'm saddened to say that I no longer compliment people on their appearance unless they are a very good friend. The only exception is if they are wearing something nice or have a cool accessory.


LOL. He probably still is in the dark as to what happened. Possibly Brian Williams too. It's fun to watch them be useful idiots though.


"Never comment on a woman's appearance" is a safe rule of thumb.


Unless it's your Lady this is the safest course of actionπŸ‘




Welcome to the modern world of PC stupidity.
Personally, I think the guy is an ass.



LMAO -- what a world!


I never say ANYTHING at work.

I have worked with some insane horny women and cock teases too. Women are too much of a gamble and even being nice is a risk.

Meanwhile, men's clothing is boring, it's like tan, grey, or black stuff, so almost no guy ever wears anything worth mentioning. Female clothing comes is a wide array of styles, colors, etc. Women also frequently wear perfume which smells very nice, because it is supposed to and it is supposed to make people notice. Men have nothing like that.

Men also have very limited hair options.

So, you're sitting there and some women, you see daily, walks in with some bright interesting clothes and smell unlike anything you have smelled AND YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING SAY ANYTHING! That OR YOU HAD BETTER SAY SOMETHING or she will be hurt.

I used to work with a nurse and she would smoke crack in the medical room, come out, and ask me to feel her breasts, comment on the size of my penis in my pants, etc. I have never seen anything like it.

Back when females first started going to work a lot of experts said it would be horrible, and I didn't believe them.

Now, I work from home and visit people in the community. I am quite happy to not have to deal with coworkers.


Women are not designed for teamwork. They're designed to take control of a zone, bitch around about every minor detail and become emotional... and this is not a negative portrait. It's what makes a good mother. If you're a kid, you'd better have somebody bitching around about every minor detail and being very emotionally linked to you.

The problem is when ideology ignores biology and tries to force women into a work environment. And when that fails, because it fails, it doubles down and looks for somebody else to blame. Of course, men.


I hate to say it, but I agree.

I worked in what is now and almost total female field.

What I do takes a LOT of study. However, I have met only a few women who actually have studied and remember the material. They just do whatever surface stuff they remember or invent their own ideas.

I find women to be scary "loose cannons" and prefer to avoid in the workplace.That and THEY are always hyper sexual at work, not all, but there's always one or two. They are terrifying to me.


Who cares if a woman may take offense to such a statement. That's her problem. I refuse to let myself become a puppet to please spoiled brat entitled losers like this. Man how women have screwed up western society. And us men have allowed it by cowering down to them.




All well and good but when it can get you fired or arrested etc then standing your ground becomes a Pyrrhic victory.


Crazy - I'm a woman and like compliments. I'm too old to be whistled at but was never offended by that.
