MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Could you, would you, live in a tiny hou...

Could you, would you, live in a tiny house?

Most of them are just too small for me, but I like this one a lot.

I'd attach the second one and use it as a bedroom. I'd want it to be the same size as her main one. Cool idea though, since she's a musician, to have it as a gigantic amp, with space inside to write and practice.

I'd also want a big comfy outside space. Similar to hers, but with comfortable outside couches, and covered.


I've got too much stuff that I love (tools, oddball collections, records etc...) plus I'm large and very clumsy

I don't think I could live in a tiny house

We watch those Tiny House shows on the Home And Garden network quite often though, they are pretty cool

Maybe if I had the $$$ I'd buy 10-15 acres for hunting and fishing and put a tiny house on it, my Brother in law bought a campsite in Pennsylvania with a tiny house, it's a very nice joint


I was going to say, let's say you can get a cool big old barn on the property for your stuff, but that's not going to help with the large and clumsy portion of the program 🤗

I've been watching heaps of them on YouTube. It's fun because there's a lot of innovation involved in the design of quite a few of them.

For a mini hunting or camping cabin, a tiny house would be great.


No helping my clumsy nature...if it's there I'm tripping over it for sure, stupid me!

I've always wanted the remote country mountain campsite spot but my wife is a beach girl...I'm not one to put up a fight with my Lady so I bet I'll have sand in my shorts before I get my hunting house in the woods😬


You're a sweetheart, and your beach girl wife is a lucky lady 🤗. Do you live anywhere near a beach now?

I like the beach, but have always been a woods/streams/creeks sort.


Tell my wife that LOL!

No, we are very far from the beach now
I prefer the woods as well


Feel free to show her my post 😊

My family was like your beach girl. I was the sole woodsy person. Consequently when it came time for family vacations, it was always renting a beach house, never camping. This is one of the reasons why I want to buy a house in the woods :)




How tiny a tiny could you deal with?


Pretty tiny. I could do those extremes I've seen on those shows -- but I admit I haven't watched too many of them. And I live in a small place as it is. Everyone I know who has a lot of space only manages to fill it up with stuff. Small spaces force you to decide what you really have to have. Large spaces allow you to decide at a later date that has a funny way of never arriving. When things start to crowd my small space I make a pact to dump at least one thing every day. It's an interesting process to discover which are your true deal breakers.


How small is your current place?

I lived in a cottage that was about 320 square feet for a year. Helped that it had high ceilings and lots of windows. It had double barn doors with paned windows in the back, which I loved. The building was 100 years old. Anyway, I embraced the challenge of living in a minimalistic way, and enjoyed it. I liked finding things that served 2 or more purposes, and innovative things that were space saving.

I agree, when you either live in a small space or otherwise commit to living in a minimalistic way, it forces you to decide what your real priorities and needs are. I like that, and will always be a minimalist to one degree or another from now on.


Just under 250 sq ft.


that is really tiny.


It works for me for other reasons. The less distance between things, the better.


sure. i already live in a small apartment - about 290 sq feet. a house like that would be a step up for me in terms of space. i don't really like to own things, and am trying to get rid of almost all of the few things i still own. i want to get myself down to the point where i own a bike, my laptop, minimal cookware & a week of clothes.


Your apartment isn't much smaller than my last place. My current place is smaller than that. But the classic tiny house is only around 125 square feet. No way could I do that.

This one's very nice, and is around 480:

Whoa, you're a *real* minimalist! I'll never whittle my possessions down that far.


yeah, i've seen some of those really small houses, & i think that would a bit too much for me - there's a point where claustrophobia might take over!

my apartment is in the sweet spot for me. given how little i own, even though it's small, it feels very spacious since there's really nothing taking up any room. some of the houses i've seen seem too cluttered to me, too filled with stuff. i have one living area that's nice and open and never leaves me feeling like the walls are closing in on me.

i personally would almost certainly never do anything like that, because i like the freedom of renting, but i certainly understand the appeal.


Claustrophobia would be my reaction for sure with the real dinky ones. A lot of them have those bedroom lofts with maybe 4' of clearance. Nope, nope 😬

It really does sound like you've found the sweet spot in residence size for your comfort level and the amount of items you have. I like nice and open, and uncluttered. A higher ceiling also helps a small space feel more spacious.

I had one apartment where the ceilings were only 7 feet high, and although it was bigger than the 320 square feet cottage, I always felt like the walls (and ceiling!) were closing in on me. Oppressive, and I had no clutter there.


If it were just myself, yes I could. I wouldn't be able to share that space with a family, or even a significant other. I need my own space.


Would the one in my OP be too small for you to share with a SO? I think I could share it if it was someone I had a great relationship with, and there was the second container made into a large sitting/bedroom space. Or maybe even two smaller rooms.

Not with a family though.


I need my own sleeping place, so if I can have that I'm good. I hate sharing a bed, and a room. :)


That would pose more of a problem. I prefer sharing a bed. All I'd need is a room where I could have some alone time.


That right there is my dream home.


It is beautiful, isn't it?


I love the size and it's also away from society.


This one's in a regular neighbourhood, although it does look like the lots are roomy so they're not crowded together. But I'd prefer being even farther away and more in nature.


I hate this crap.

For decades they made fun of trailer parks, but they were tiny houses. They were for people who wanted to "own" but really couldn't afford it then they ended up in a dump, after the thing starts falling apart.

Tiny houses fit the same demographic only they are worse with no storage and almost no bathroom, etc.

There is no way a small thing like that is going to last when houses always are falling apart. So, it would be much smarter to rent and not get stuck in some shit box.


Small doesn't always mean poorly made and inferior quality, any more than large always means well made and of high quality.


i know nothing about houses or the durability of one home over another, but that musician's home in your post looked very well made and perfectly sturdy.


Yes, she used high quality materials throughout. It's very well made. A lot of the ones I've been looking at videos of are like that because the people want high end materials, but wouldn't be able to afford that level of quality in a large home.


There's well made trailers, but that's not the stereotype and I wouldn't buy one, due to the stereotype.

Even if it was certain it was good quality, an apartment is a better deal. If you have no space for storage, etc you are dooming yourself to be stuck in a place that allows you to have NOTHING---forever. And, I doubt there's much resale value on these places.

It is a terrible idea.


I'm going to put you down as a no then 😉

They can be built with as little or much storage as you like, depending on your budget and needs. There's also always the option of getting a storage shed and putting it on the property, just like many people who own full size homes do.

Oh, and coincidentally yesterday I was speaking with my real estate agent and this came up. He said there's increasing buyer interest in them, and he suspected they'd be an excellent investment in the near future.


Well, what the hell else is he going to say?

They are a stupid investment and you can trust me on that. I have a nose for shit and have predicted many such problems years before they became one.


Here's a tip: assume less, lest you fall prey to confirming your biases; and instead ask more questions.

I brought up the topic. He has none to sell me.

So if he were being salesman-y rather than discussing the subject with me in a straightforward way, what he'd have said is "Oh no, they're terrible! Awful investment, and you should steer clear of them. Instead buy one of the XXX properties I can sell you."

Sorry, no, I don't trust you; I trust myself. I've read a lot of your posts and don't think you're capable of detecting bullshit.


If he is your real estate agent.....let me think....who would you ask to hook up a deal...I JUST DON'T KNOW! You got me!

You are engaging in what's called a Confirmation Bias. You want a house, cannot afford it, so you are looking at this crap through "rose colored glasses" meaning filtering out all the negatives. It's exactly what I've seen poor rednecks do where I grew up.

You will end up fucking yourself and being stuck.

You need to find a wider array of opinions about the topic.

Note: I was looking at the price of these things. I lived in the large town in the Poconos (PA) and you can buy a whole real house for this price.


Jesus, you really are severely clouded by your confirmation bias. So much so, apparently you couldn't read or grasp my post.

He has NO such houses to sell me. Yet again you're making assumptions to support your bias instead of asking questions. I CAN afford a house. There are a number of 2, 3, even 4 bedroom houses currently on the market I can easily afford.

I've been investigating my options for several years now, including these homes. So I know a good amount about them, whereas it's clear you know little to nothing about them.



You are suffering from what I've said.

You will see.


He simply has a personal distaste. The rest is just a construct devised after that most visceral reaction. No more than his first statement: "I hate this crap." -- before morphing into "They should be hated by all" via his bootstrap construct. It's very similar to what atomicgirl does.

And when he's challenged on his reasoning, he defaults to an appeal to his own authority with some weird grandiose claim. Just trust that he has "a nose" for making accurate predictions years prior. So I'm sure he knew this "terrible idea" of tiny space living would rise in popularity in the first place, right? Yeah, right.


LOL, exactly right. He's very transparent, but has no awareness of it. I'd be horrified if I believed he was in the field of psychology or psychiatry and was advising anyone, as he claims.

Arrogance and condescendence are unfortunate qualities, made worse when the person has proven there's nothing to back them up.


I and others have asked him for the specifics of his CV, but he always dodges the question. Yet he can't help working in references to his high intelligence, and his extensive knowledge/experience, in every third post. He's desperate to be taken seriously as the ultimate authority. What he's compensating for is anyone's guess.

I placed my bet on the occupation a while ago: Corrections Officer


Very typical behaviour of someone suffering from narcissistic personality disorder is all I'll say.


I could do it. I got rid of most of my stuff on my last move. It would have to be on a nice big piece of land though.


That's what I want, a small house on a big piece of land.


Thats really the dream for me too. I'm going to be looking for a new house in June. Here we have a lot of small 1200 sq ft. brick homes that are very nice. Small but not too small.


I'll probably be looking around the same time. 1200 square feet is a great size.


No, I need my space. I'd go crazy in a tiny house. Plus where would I put all my stuff ?


The obligatory:


Yeah well other people's stuff does look like shit to me but my shit is definitely A grade stuff !

Love me some George Carlin.


How big a space are you and your stuff living in now?
