MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is everyone’s favorite movie of all...

What is everyone’s favorite movie of all time?

Just one and no conditions or honorable mentions. If it’s something like LOTR which is one long movie divided into three parts basically, pick the one you liked best out of them. I’m curious to see if there will be any repeats in the relatively small sample size of this board.

My own answer is: The Fellowship of the Ring


What is everyone's favorite movie of all time? I don't know, The Room?

What is my favorite movie of all time? I'll have to think about that.


My bad! I always am careless with grammar. I meant to say “Whuz y’all’ses favert movin pitchur?”


Step Brothers


Conan the Barbarian.

The REAL one.


The ONLY one.


The ONE.


There’s another? My mind tends to block out crappy crap.


there was a remake about 10 years ago that i'm positive i saw but can't remember a single thing about. not remembered fondly by many, i believe.


I do remember it. Had Jason Momoa, but is pretty forgettable. I’m with you, I can’t even remember if it followed the same general story as the original.


It doesn't follow the same story, but I think that's because (a) there are a *wealth* of Conan stories to glean films from, and (b) the original deviated pretty far from the Howard stories.


Jaws is my favorite movie of all time. I have probably watched it over 100 times. I even got to watch it on the big screen in 2015. I've read the novel several times, too. I am hoping I will see a film that will affect me in the same way as Jaws but I doubt it will happen. It is to me the perfect movie.


I’m with ya on that. The perfect film.


Beautiful comment!


Hmmm... probably The Matrix (1999).


2001: A Space Odyssey


It used to be "Planet of the Apes" 1968.

I went from disliking the movie, to loving it most of my life and now it's meh. Kind of like having a first love.


The Wizard of Oz (1939)
