MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > what historical event would like to go b...

what historical event would like to go back in time and witness?

the last days of hitler in the bunker
the black plague


My conception




I know, right?? Was a joke


the moment before the big bang


I’d go back and see Jesus born in that barn. Then I’d steal all the myrrh and skip town.


I think "Myrrh" was an incense for when you died...,the%20lifeblood%20of%20the%20Commiphora.

they also have deeply practical uses, even today. ”You find that people use the frankincense and myrrh plant for dozens if not hundreds of purposes, from helping you get pregnant to helping your cows produce milk,” he says. Mixed with other compounds, the resin can even seal the broken hull of a boat. “It’s bewildering the number of uses they have,”


To see the meteorite or whatever that smashed into Earth 65 million years ago !


i'd like to go back to pre-human times. have a look at australopithecus, the primates from that era. or perhaps to the times when neanderthals were still around.


Hard to pick one, history is so full of messy outcomes

The first and Second Age of Industrialization in America brought about a hell of a lot of good but also a big list of social and environmental problems

I guess Allied victory after WWII might be one or the moon landing


Ooooh the Hitler one is a good choice.

I'd pick millenia ago to when the first people stepped onto the current day British Isles. Just to prove once and for all to all the naysayers that indigenous Brits weren't white 🙂.


And if they were white what would you do ? This is assuming you are talking about Homo Sapiens and not Homo Heidelbergensis.


I'd admit that I'm wrong. But far right racists in Britain love to spout that non white folk are not indigenous and should leave.

I'd love to prove that indigenous brits were never white to begin with .


It's a funny thing the study of ancient DNA. Some scientists said that DNA evidence suggested that Europeans may have been dark skinned 10,000 years ago ( now bear in mind "may have been" and that this was necessarily evidence from a small sample ). The next thing you know the Woke Folk were loudly proclaiming that all Europeans were without doubt dark skinned 10,000 years ago. And this was at the time when African "refugees" ( who nearly all happened to be young men ) were flooding into Europe. So it's not only far Right "racists" who are guilty of pushing their own agenda here.

In the end though what does it matter what the story was 10,000 years ago ? Even if it is true that the original Homo Sapiens inhabitants of Britain were dark skinned so what ? Some 4,000 years ago so the scientists say a people ( the Yamnaya I think it was ) swept across Europe from the east to the west and largely replaced the male population wherever they went as far as breeding was concerned including in Britain. So whoever the British used to be after 4,000 years ago they weren't that any more.

But delving way back in time doesn't really address what is happening now. I am in sympathy with John Cleese when he said that London was not an English city any more. Demographically and even culturally speaking to a large extent he is right and that is a sad state of affairs. The Woke Folk pooh-pooh the idea of population replacement but that is exactly what is happening in London.

Why does it matter ? Because white North Western Europeans are the people who raised our species out of the Dark Ages. They built Western Civilization and the modern world. Now the Woke Folk are determined to kill the goose that laid the golden egg in their idiotic and unachievable quest for universal equality.


To be in a movie theater in 1977 for the opening of Star Wars. I’d call that pretty historic.




I was there! Well, three weeks later.
