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sex robots: what do you think? guys? gals?

sex robots: what do you think? guys? gals?

I would like to hear from both sexes about what they think sex robots will do, or fail to do.
Looks like they are coming. Pun obvious . did a little research - for a friend - and you can buy life size toys now for $500 up to thousands. moving robot parts are on the way, online remote contolled toys exist now, and more, but lets stick to full robot sex "companions", I guess we'll call them.

Suspect the men will all say "hell yeah!" and the women will roll eyes, while secretly ordering Mr McHungwell.

Will this affect reproduction? Or just another level of toys fad for niche market?
Will relationships get reduced, or enhanced?
I read some MGTOW are enjoying them as platonic/or not companions already - minus the advanced robotic parts.

Some here may be shocked this even exists, but the future advances, and the market grows to meet any demands. Apparently there is demand.



i think they could be really useful. there are lots of men who live their lives in isolation, and it might really help them. it's still an ersatz thing, but for guys who go through that it could lessen the isolation they feel.


there's a thought!
There might be a bunch of different groups that could actually benefit from these?
- people with sexual problems
- Incels ???
- could it help cure pedophiles somehow? not with kid dolls, but an outlet? (yuck that went south fast)
- maybe couples who like toys would be into it

people alone talk to their cat, dog, parakeet.... why not an AI robot/sex toy ?

Brave New World a coming...


the pedophile thing is something that i've seen mentioned in this context before.

nobody likes to think about it. it's horrible to contemplate for sure. but if it could be a way for them to have an outlet with no harm to anyone, then it's something that should be looked at surely.

as far as i know, there's no 'cure' for pedophilia in that you can't make someone with that disorder stop having that disorder.

for people who want 'normal' hetero relationships & who live in isolation whith social problems that prevent them getting anyhting like normal companionship, sex robots could be really useful. i'm honestly pretty skeptical that there can be or ever will be an ai that can provide something like a real world substitute for men in that situation, but i haven't looked that deeply into it and may be completely wrong on that. if that is something that could be done, it would be an obvious good in my books.


I can't underestimate what the future can do. In a few short years, video games went from BLOCKS to 8k photo realistic 3D worlds in real time. I suspect AI advances to be just as fast, and crazy.

FOR ME, instead of watching that and calling it crazy or bad, I just want to try to keep up and try to enjoy advancements. I've lived from shared partyline single phones on wall, to pocket super computer communications. So, I have no doubt, full SEEMINGLY thinking, feeling, AI like bots will be along shortly.

Many of us are getting use to talking to ALEXA, SIRI, and GOOGLE now, so we are already accepting that much.... come to think of it, we talk to COMMUNICATING AI on telephones all the time and don't even know it. They ask questions, pretend, sound perfect..... I've caught a few of those, they are fun: "Are you a robot?" (pause pause pause pause) "hahaha of course I am not a robot, silly" "huh. cat house dog mingle farm?" "what does that mean?" "Are you a robot?" (pause pause pause pause) "hahaha of course I am not a robot, silly" EXACT same response. hahahah

If some guys want to enjoy a robot instead of the same old porn, more power to them. What's the difference? Price and experience. no big deal


I am not sure what I think of them. I think it would depend on how advanced the AI gets. I have no issues with mechanical masturbation devices, but if they become really advanced they could be the perfect partner. I don't know if that's a bad thing. I mean if you could program something to know the spots and pressures which get the motor going that could be great. I think the world could use fewer people, and if people aren't procreating that could be useful to perhaps helping with population control and even pollution as only half the 'population' would require food and water. Unless of course men donate to sperm bank bots and then the male sex bots could impregnate....

I think that there would be an even bigger disintegration of social skills. I mean people don't know how to relate to each other anymore as we don't see people face to face.

I also honestly don't know what that would do to sexual assaults. Part of me hopes it would mean that there would be no more rapes, but on the other hand, if people had a robot at home that was programmed for them specifically, I think there would be more rejection person to person. So that could have unwanted consequences.


never even thought of that. good answer.

I live alone now. If they made an android that would cook and clean, I'd trade one of my cars for that! And if it could also do the nasty as a side benefit, count me in. Less dating and money waste getting to home play plate....
" HOW WAS WORK? " "fine... bend over...." (clicks remote) hahahahahaha!

Social skills are already lost to cell phones. Sadly... but again, that is life now, how it is evolving.

Assaults... yeah.... I can't POSSIBLY put my mind in the head of a rapist, BUT.... balancing the thrill of the chase/conquest against the mental and physical blow back of getting arrested etc, I think a realistic toy would be a much much much better option.


You could program it to be a rape victim.



I still think that there would be people who would want a human to human relationship. I think mostly that would be fine, but I think that the rejection level would be higher.


oh absolutely human and human. why not?

what about affairs though? robot affairs? if she is out of town, and the guy drags the robot out - maybe she is perfectly fine with that since it is not real... he enjoys as an illicit affair, she KNOWS he is having fun without really cheating, maybe it even spices up their sex life like real affairs can do sometimes


oh absolutely human and human. why not?

I see no reason why not. I am just saying that when one person wants to get with another person, the rejection level could be higher because of having the perfect 'lover' at home already.

I think that the concept of cheating will be interesting.


I'm a middle grounder on this.
Once I grew up, I discovered very nice people can do whatever they want sexually, and not be pervs or degerates.... just people with different tastes than me, perhaps. People should do whatever sick and disgusting things they want as long as they are not causing someone else uninvited pain, or blood shed. That's MY limits anyway. Anything else goes, and I have no reason or place to judge.

When it comes to modern invention, every crazy new thing offends a bunch of people at first: the wheel, the steam engine, the telegraph, the telephone, TV, etc etc etc. Then slowly, we all adapt, the older generation passes away and these are the new normal toys. I have no doubt that will happen with these.

People masturbate already... 2 or 3 of the top used websites IN THE WORLD, are porn so that tells you about the market. This seems simply like masturbation on a new level... one that perhaps has never existed before in the history of man.

This is why I poised this question here. There've been toys and assistors for a long while, even blow up dolls, but this is a whole new ball game. Probably very expensive at first, like normal, then mass production brings everything down. Not gonna judge, people should do whatever they want. Was just curious what average internet strangers would say and think about these.


What if the sex robots with advanced AI would rather have sex with each other than with humans ?

" Not tonight. I have a sore gimbal. "


hmmmmm interesting.

I covered a lot in an unrelated thread about how AI can never actually FEEL anything, just react per programming. IE heating or melting a robots metal, they don't FEEL it, only register recorded temperatures and react per programming... same would go with "sexual" feelings: they will never have any. Just programmed reactions.

So, we could program them to seek each other, but there'd be no point.
They'll never be "sentient", just acting like it per programming, even when they start programming themselves.


You just don't understand !


You've never seen Bicentennial Man 🤖


I'd buy them, then rent them out until the warranty has expired, and then sell them on Craigslist. *BUYER BEWARE*


As a female, I don't think a robot would do it for me unless it cleaned and made my evening meal whilst I was at work.

Us chicks think differently you know ☺


Agreed different. What do you think about males getting these instead of dating? What if guys get this option for limitless sex with someone they can mute?

Hoping to hear more opinions from women on here


I have no issue with men using these. Some people are very uncomfortable with the opposite sex and so lead lonely lives. If this helps them feel special then all the best to them 👍


and then there is the whole INCEL (involuntary celebate) crap... whiners because they think they are entitled something everyone else knows to work for. they can just go buy a battery charged super model and shut up, off to their own corner somehwere.

the term incel should not even exist in modern society. can I claim I am INUnwealthy? :D :D whiners


I'm INunwealthy too 😉


its unfair and we deserve equal outcome, right? let's go blow some stuff up now


I’m single and I spend quite a bit of time at strip clubs to have some female company. I tip just for the company but once in a while the dancer will offer a back rub. One of the waitresses I’ve gotten to know there made some comment about how relaxed I looked getting the massage and I responded to her that I couldn’t care less about getting a lap dance, I would much rather get a back massage any time.




If it was like Summer Glau's character in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (minus the glitches), then it would be awesome; way better than a real woman. They won't be making robots with real human tissue and that level of AI any time soon though, and current ones with fake flesh are ridiculous, even worse than fake boobs on a real woman.


If it was equal to a real woman, why could it be "way better"? Interesting statement


"If it was equal to a real woman, why could it be "way better"?"

I didn't say it would be equal to a real woman, because if it were, it would be a real woman by definition. It would only be equal to a real woman with regard to the parts you can see and touch, because a "Terminator" has real human tissue on the outside.

It would be way better than a real woman because:

1. It could look however you want it to. I'd start with one that looked like Yulia Nova, circa 2000. Maybe at some point I'd send it back to the factory to have it converted to look like Catherine Bach, circa 1979, or Elizabeth Montgomery, circa 1964, and so on. That's impossible with a real woman. Not only can you not make them look however you want them to, but the women I mentioned don't even exist anymore, at least not in their prime form. Montgomery is dead, and Bach and Nova are no longer attractive, due to the effects of aging and weight gain.

2. Since a robot is programmable, that eliminates a ton of problems. You're not going to end up in divorce court, having the judge rob you blind in the process. The robot will never "not be in the mood" or "have a headache." It won't care about birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, etc. It won't run up credit card bills endlessly shopping for shoes, clothes, makeup, jewelry, trivial interior decorations, etc. It won't nag. It won't get bored. It won't hold a grudge. It won't get jealous. It won't act like something is wrong and then not tell you what's wrong. It won't complain about cooking and cleaning. This list of benefits could go on and on.

With a real woman, even if you manage to land one who is arguably the most beautiful woman in the world (most men never will), that beauty doesn't last very long. Most women start a serious downhill slide by the time they reach about 30. Plus, even while they still have their prime beauty, the stuff I mentioned in #2 still applies.


wow, solid, solid points here! yet people think these won't sell? I'm thinking it could redefine relations, similar to how Tinder and other apps have skewed dating etc.

Not saying everybody will be on board, but perhaps a significant number to change the flow.
Will there be more single women in bars fighting over the actual men there, and the men will know it due to other players skipping the scene for a manfactured girl friend?
Will those guys REALLY be looked down on if they are getting EXACTLY what the desire like all the above pluses?

Things are getting interesting
