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sex robots: what do you think? guys? gals?

sex robots: what do you think? guys? gals?

I would like to hear from both sexes about what they think sex robots will do, or fail to do.
Looks like they are coming. Pun obvious . did a little research - for a friend - and you can buy life size toys now for $500 up to thousands. moving robot parts are on the way, online remote contolled toys exist now, and more, but lets stick to full robot sex "companions", I guess we'll call them.

Suspect the men will all say "hell yeah!" and the women will roll eyes, while secretly ordering Mr McHungwell.

Will this affect reproduction? Or just another level of toys fad for niche market?
Will relationships get reduced, or enhanced?
I read some MGTOW are enjoying them as platonic/or not companions already - minus the advanced robotic parts.

Some here may be shocked this even exists, but the future advances, and the market grows to meet any demands. Apparently there is demand.



What if were a sexbot AND a Transformer?


Would that be like having sex in your car, with your car?


It could both drop you off and get you off - the advertising writes itself.


Spend the money once, as opposed to a spouse.


Perhaps, but they you are stuck paying all of the rent/mortgage, and the rest of the bills by yourself.


I plan on asking my girlfriend for two of them for my birthday.


after that, can.... can I have her number? :D


As a gal, I can see why there's a demand for it. Simply put, it's a smart idea and has a lot of benefits. I don't really know why anyone would consider it perverse unless they think sex in general is perverse because it's just getting off via an object. Sure, it's not inanimate (I'm guessing) and it's more advanced than a blow up doll or a vibrator, but those exist already, so naturally we would progress from those.

I'm sure there would be some minor kinks (pun also intended), but they could likely be resolved over time. The only real issue I could see would be with hygiene because, if you're using it as a disabled person, I'm guessing it's gonna be difficult for you to maintain the necessary cleaning it would require.

To bring it back to movies, I agree with a lot of the points made about sex bots in the film Mumford (1999).


nice, and well balanced and considered response. thank you.

Yes, there are probably 100 to 1 stripper clubs for men, than ones for women, prostitution still exists on a wide scale, there are many other toys currently in existence being used, porn is huge on the internet... perverse or not, this is how sexual life plays out in reality, whether it is our kink or not. is what it is. robots seem to be on the way, due to demand.

I'm sure many thought a Toaster was pointless at the start.


Interestingly, when you consider how many stripper clubs there are for men vs women, it really makes me think about the benefits of a sex bot for victims of sexual assault, which are predominantly women - but it could literally help any SA victim of any gender reintroduce sex safely back into their lives. You can't do that as easily with a real person.


A bit like in "Demon Seed" (1977) and "Saturn 3" (1980) movies, correct?


I practice boxing on a punching bag, so why not have a doll to up my skills?
