MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are there any remakes/reboots that would...

Are there any remakes/reboots that would make your list of favourite movies?

I honestly can't think of any.


Night of the Living Dead (1990)
The Thing (1982)
Scarface (1983)
The Mummy (1999)


"The Thing" is a popular choice.


They've already been mentioned, but I'll go with Scarface and Ocean's 11...


To Be or Not To Be (1942)

the mel brooks remake (1983)

the remake is mostly identical to the original. it just adds a few jokes and cleans it up a bit. i love brooks so i lean to the remake but the original is fantastic too.


Funny that you bring up "To Be Or Not to Be". I skipped that movie because I thought I had already seen all the Bogart/Bacall movies. Then a few days ago I realized I haven't actually seen that movie because I was getting it confused with "To Have And Have Not".


TBonTB was Carole Lombard and Jack Benny. Her last film before she died in the plane crash. gotta give props to them doing a nazi satire in 1942.

i saw the Brooks version in the 80s and it became one of my favorite movies. when i found out it was a remake. i had to seek out the original.

i was expecting that brooks updated it a lot. to my surprise it was probably 80% scene for scene. just a little streamlining in editing, adding some characters, and where i thought the original went a little too serious on a few occasions. brooks replicated the seriousness of nazi capture... but threw an extra zinger to bring the comedy back.

both are 10/10 in my book.


I've added the original to my watchlist.


I don't have a list of favourite movies as I am fickle and change my mind constantly, but...

The Thing (1982)
The Fly (1986)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Remakes of foreign films
True Lies (1994)
12 Monkeys (1995)


I had no idea 12 Monkeys was a remake.


It's a remake of a short film, so I think that still counts.


I've seen that and I don't remember thinking it was similar to 12 Monkeys.


Just look at the writing credits for 12 Monkeys


Maybe I'm taking inspired by and remakes too literally, but a lot of the remakes that are good that are ones that are only slightly like the originals. (at least in my opinion)


Not saying you're wrong. I just don't remember thinking it was similar to 12 Monkeys when I saw it.


I am cautiously optimistic about the Salem's Lot remake.


It can go either way.


I Spit on your Grave.


I hated part 2.


Have you seen Deja vu? It makes part 2 look like an oscar winner.


No, I gave up on the series.


The Enchanted April (1991) > Enchanted April (1935)
The Last Of The Mohicans (1992) > The Last Of The Mohicans (1936)
And both on my quite long list of favourite films.


Last Of The Mohicans being a remake is news to me.


I remember the remake actually credits the earlier film. Been a long time since I read the book but I think there were tweaks to the story that the later film reused so I guess they had too.


Batman Begins
