MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Pumping your own fuel at the station

Pumping your own fuel at the station

Are there places in the US where an attendant still comes out and fills your car?

Edit: the reason I ask is because I assumed in most of the western world it was outlawed because of health and safety - ie they don't want employees overexposed to chemicals due to dispensing petrol all day every day (obviously this would be dismissed by anyone with even a grain of skepticism as just an excuse by companies to save money with less workers). But I still every now and then see/hear of incidences of gas station employees in the US doing it themselves.


I've never been to a gas station where an attendant pumped it for you. My parents always did it themselves, and they showed me how when I was old enough to drive. The only thing the gas station employees did was man the cash registers inside, give directions if needed, and hand over keys to the bathroom if need be.


Can I ask where you are? It seems like many people in the US here have it as normal that their fuel is pumped by an attendant.


I’m from the US and it seems like I haven’t seen attendants that pump gas since the late 90’s.


I have lived in California, Illinois, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Texas (my family moved a lot). No gas station attendants were ever present at any of the gas stations we ever used, and nobody ever pumped our gas for us. We always did it ourselves. The only employees were inside at the register.

Who are these "many" people you speak of? Spoiled rich kids online?


Yeah, he needs to disclose his sources.


Just anecdotal stuff, people mentioning it online. I'm really just asking to see if it's to do with legalities etc state by state. There are a few people on this thread who've replied that it happens and sometimes it's perfectly normal where they live (New Jersey for instance). Are they all 'spoilt rich kids'?


Law has nothing to do with it. Take it from someone who has lived middle-class their whole lives: nobody has ever done it for me, I am not entitled to it, the gas stations don't owe me any kind of luxury service like that, and I'm PROUD of being able to do it myself! Anyone who thinks they HAVE to have paid servants to do such a simple task needs to rethink just how much the world doesn't owe them.


You appear to have missed the point and made it all about you.


So did you. You made us Americans seem spoiled and entitled about something as lame as gas at a gas station, and I'm making it clear that most people don't have others wait on them over an activity as trivial as refueling your car. This is about misconceptions about Americans and lumping us all into one class. Exactly what country are you from anyway?


All I'm doing is asking if it's a thing and why. I have no agenda about this. You've decided to make it all about you and your feelings.

"This is about misconceptions about Americans and lumping us all into one class."

What the f*ck are you talking about? Are you really so precious and oversensitive that you see this as me judging you or any Americans somehow?

I'm in Australia exactly, since you asked.


Turns out it's a legal thing in two US states for people to have employees pump gas for them and not do it themselves. Anything to say about that? You said 'Law has nothing to do with it'. Any response? Care to change your answer?


Sorry, I don't feed snotty Australian trolls who obsess over dumb things like gas stations.


I accept your admission that you were wrong, and I trust you've learnt not to overreact in future.


My favorite gas station attendant:


Aw, I thought you were going to pick this guy!


Yeah, your right. I especially fond of his USMC days.


Can't believe nobody has posted Joe Gatto's brief stint as one:

To be on topic, growing up in the NE US, I remember "self service" and slightly higher priced "full service" pumps. And my first fill up in OR, the guy came over and had to convince me I couldn't pump my own gas. Didn't believe him at first and thought it was a scam. Was a weird experience.


I'm in the UK, been driving over 30 years. About 15 years ago we were on a family holiday in Cornwall. We needed petrol, so pulled into a small, old-looking (wooden buildings!) garage that we suddenly came across in the middle of nowhere. As soon as I pulled in this old guy came out, asked what I wanted, and proceeded to fill the car up. He took payment (cash) at the car window. That is the only time/place that has happened to me. Every other time I've had to fill the car myself.

I wish I could say that on our next trip to Cornwall we tried to find that garage but couldn't, only to be told that there used to be a garage there - but it burned down many years before our first visit, killing the owner, whose description exactly matched that of the old fella who served us! Sadly, that didn't happen 😊


I enjoyed your story, but the last "chapter" is quite sad.


I'm in Australia and yes it's definitely a thing of the past here. I have spent time in the UK, I'm surprised it was as recently as 15 years ago someone was still doing it. I wonder if him doing it was actually allowed by health and safety laws or whether he was just doing it because he could.


I suspect he might have been 'off the grid' as far as H&S goes (wooden buildings, an' all)!


Oregon. It's the only state I know where they have full service still.


Thanks for the info, and it appears from other replies here that New Jersey still does too.


I wouldn't call it Full Service, but yes, they do begrudgingly perform the function for which they are paid.

Haha - no, most gas station attendants I've met are cheerful and accommodating, more than I might expect.
They don't do the windows, don't check the oil, don't bother with the tires .... That's a thing of the past, when service people weren't so poorly paid they end up resenting having to help others who are oblivious to the person trying to help them.

But as a wise man once said - (I paraphrase) - when you have a job, do your best to do it well.
Many would call it being a sap - or a simp - but some of us call it being a hard working Christian.


Not that I can recall.



Last saw it when I moved to the town here in Victoria, Australia I live in. It was years back though, not sure if they still do it. The guy is a lousy mechanic and as the town became bigger we got other options than his servo.


Interesting, I'm in Australia too. I haven't seen it happen for about 25 years.


Yeah it was about 20 years ago that I moved up to this town, saw it for a couple of years but that was it. I doubt it still happens now. They would clean the windscreens as well.

Prior to that I hadn't seen it since the 80's and only in very small rural towns. Side note I also recall a manned railway crossing around Coburg or Preston in the 90's which is suburban, the guy would come out of his little box and open and close the gates.


Ha, I used to ride bikes all the time and once I had someone come out to put petrol in. While my back was turned they started wiping that filthy servo window squeegee across my very scratchable perspex fairing screen. Had to shoo that poor young lady away quick smart.


lol what is it about the idea of a young lady petrol attendant that makes me think she was hot and yet I know she most likely wasn't....


I guess it's like when one thinks about a nurse. The image conjured in your mind is usually pleasing.


And to be fair, I can't remember what the servo lady looked like lol.


what is "servo" short for in Australian?


Service station. Equivalent of gas station.


seems to be all self serve here in the toronto area. full serve is a dying concept.


The Co-op here is both full and self serve, other than that, I can't think of any.


Yes, there are a few around here, even one station with both options.


Can I ask which state you're in?




I like the idea of both options. Have you been there? How do you make the choice? Do you have to go inside and tell them you want them to do it, or do they come out and ask you when you turn up? Do you tip them or something if you get them to do it?


years ago in philly, one side would have a full serve sign and self serve sign on the other. the attendant usually has a booth between the pumps and waits there. its all self serve now i think.

im in NJ. so, its rare i ever pump my own gas. i fill up before i leave the state lol
our gas was the cheapest in the nation too, but they changed some taxes around and a gas tax went on pretty heavy in 2020

no tips. unless they go overboard. clean windows, may ask if you want oil checked. then i might throw a buck or two depending on what they do. thats a rare thing they may do on their own out of boredom. once in a blue moon deal.


Its basically two rows of gas pumps - one full service, one self serve. I pump my own, but appreciate the fact full service helps older people and provides jobs, mostly to local teenagers.

They're wage paid and most people don't tip. I remember seeing one guy refuse a $5 dollar bill from someone who needed oil.


Nice, even able bodied it would great to have the option sometimes. Days where you have a ton of texts to check for example, or when you just basically can't be arsed to do it yourself.

But yes definitely for older people it's a good thing, and I can imagine the hassle of self service if you're disabled too.

I'd want to tip, even just a couple of bucks just for the novelty of them doing it (hasn't been a thing in Australia for decades).

Edit: I'm guessing they bring a card reader out with them at the one you're referring to, or is it cash only?


Yup, they have card readers. Cash is always accepted and they have treats for peoples dogs haha. Its also the last place I know where you can get free air for your tires. Everywhere else its coin operated and cost a couple dollars.


You pay for your air!? Yikes, I've never heard of that.

And a couple of dollars, wow - 50 cents might be ok but damn.


Free air pumps are being phased out it seems, unless you seek out the small, independently owned gas stations. The chains are all about $$$.


I think I'd even use a footpump rather than pay for air, just on principle. Spoilt maybe ha.
