MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I'm Not A Christian

I'm Not A Christian

But assuming any of *you* are, and you are of the belief that Jesus died for all our sins, why do some of you still condemn other individuals for *their* 'sins'? I thought Jesus had already taken the blame. 🤷‍♂️

As an aside, whilst I don't have a Jesus-complex, if I could I'd gladly shoulder the world's sins (although I'm not so sure about the cruxifiction part), IF, and ONLY IF, the world would then PLEDGE to STOP condemning one another for the sins I'm supposedly shouldering. After all, a DEAL IS A DEAL, and the whole point of a frickin whipping boy, is that ONLY the whipping boy takes the scars, and NOT anyone else.


“It’s a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.” -Ulysses Everett McGill


Have fun in hell!


Why am I going to hell?


I hereby condemn you for trolling on behalf of the good people of the MC general chat section.


What's a 'troll'? Because I doubt I meet the definition. I'm certainly not trolling with this thread.


Jesus took the blame for his elect, (his sheep) which he chose before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:1-4.

The idea that Jesus died for every single individual´s sins so that they can go on living in sin is false and unBiblical.

In John 10:15, Jesus says he lays down his life for HIS sheep. In John 10:26, Jesus says "But you do not believe because you are not of my sheep". So unbelievers are not his sheep.

Crystal clear passages that tell us Jesus did not die for every individual´s sins but those he chose to save (His sheep who believe in him). And those who he saves, become sanctified, they no longer live in sin. Romans 8:29-30.

A Christian is not supposed to "condemn" unbelievers for their sins since we were once unrepentant sinners too, merely appeal to them to repent of them and warn them of their sinful lifestyles. If you die in your sins, you will face judgment. God does and will do the judging, not us.

Hope that answers your question.


The sheep do enjoy the mythology.


Omnist here
