MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are your thoughts on "Karens"? I.e....

What are your thoughts on "Karens"? I.e. extremely entitled white women.

This stereotype seems to have gain traction within last few years. Any truth to it?

--Michael D. Clarke


My experience has been that there are lots of assholes out there, men and women of all different colors.


Asshole is so much more appropriate when describing, well, assholes.


Aren't "Karen's" assholes?


They are a subset yes , but it'd be great to just use the term asshole and drop the karen , then you can use it on ,male karens too


Yeah I agree. I don't use Karen, I tend to use asshole, jackass, or wanker.


At first I could laugh at it as a meme but today its a racial slur.


It's a whole genre on YouTube :)


Stop making it about race, it's confusing. A karen is simply someone creating drama 'cus they have nothing better to do. The origin seems to be harassing black people, but the term has evolved. I've seen people trying to make "Kevin" the male equivalent, but that will never catch on. They are also Karens, the gender doesn't matter.


Someone I cared for very much was named Karen. She died of cancer. So I hope you'll understand why I find the term offensive and refuse to use it.


It is an offensive and hurtful term. I am very sorry for the loss of such a dear person to you.


Being a so-called "Karen" isn't just limited to white women. There's being sterotyped, and then there's being a stereotype. That applies to ALL races. Period.


It’s a great meme. There really is a phenomenon of clueless, gobby, middle-aged soccer moms with short blonde hair who screech and complain about inconsequential shite because they’re over privileged and detached from reality, and they’re often literally named ‘Karen’ 🤣

I have a friend who 100% resembles a Karen (but isn’t) and she dyed her hair brunette once the meme had taken hold.


It's a racist and sexist term.


I agree.
