MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > is it possible to like sport but hate wa...

is it possible to like sport but hate watching it?

i mean. i really really dig basketball. but i hate watching it because its boring. but as a video game its so frikin fun.

what do you think?


What's your main account?


Ya. Two of my little brothers are like that. One is a Manchester United fan. The other supports FC Barcelona.

I've never seen them watch a full match. Ever. They'll watch the odd highlights but never the actual matches.

They love playing FiFa though.


Your brothers played "FiFa".
Do you know what "FiFa" means?
You dumb shitty sock. 🧦​

Just saying. ☺


Sorry, I'm not good with slang & shit.

Is it butt stuff by any chance? 😆


That's not "slang".
You're talking Scheiße (= shit) about soccer.
You don't have a clue, socky. 🧦​

Go ahead.
I'll spend better times...dead corpses just awake.
It was a hard party (I wasn't there). ☺


Firstly, *how* am I talking shit about football?

I've been a Real Madrid supporter since the Galacticos era in the early 2000s.

Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon because of all the stars at the time but I've genuinely been a fan ever since then.


Please, bite the dust...or eat a good boiled egg.
You won't get any egg from me.
Tschüß. 👋​




I applaud your patience. This user has real mental issues. I noticed he’s been riding your ass for a while.

Bravo 👍


Ya, some people just wanna rile you up.

I don't see the point of fighting with "usernames" online. Just a waste of energy tbh.


Yeah but it can be so satisfying to call them out too.

There’s quite a few weird psychos up in here.


Eh, maybe it's a sign that I'm getting old but I find it more satisfying just leaving the conversation and/or ignoring them (not blocking just regular ignoring)

Just let them eat each other up & scream into the void & stuff, ya know.

I've met a lot of genuinely nice, awesome people in here. Also a bunch of jerks & A-holes. But I've only ever blocked one person. Cause he was annoying the shit outta me. 😆


Believe it or not, but it’s the same for me. I’ve been here five years and only ignored one person..


Three years for me. We've probably blocked the same person too. haha

Also never posted or commented on the politics board. Not even once. So that probably helps keep away *some* of the antagonizers too I guess.


A lot of people are like that. It's the interaction they find enjoyable. Guaranteed they wouldn't tune in to watch other people play the same game.


What's a "sesame game"?




I hate college basketball in the months of January and February but enjoy it during March Madness. I think that's a pretty common opinion.


I don't really understand that. Never could. It reminds me of the people who say they don't like football but they will watch the superbowl, or in the case of baseball, the world series. Seems to be more of a case of jumping on the hype bandwagon. I mean, is the actual gameplay of a sport that radically different during a playoff game as compared to the games leading up to it?


Well I'm in Kansas and the only real Winter Sports we have is College Basketball and in January & February it kind of contributes to the dullness of winter. I think by the time it's March playoff Basketball the games seem better when there's more on the line. It's win or go home.


I see...I guess, though I just can't wrap my mind around players trying less hard to win just because it's a non-playoff game.


I often prefer a good movie or a few episodes of a fun TV show to the three hours spent on a sports game. I respect sports and athletes but couldn't we just wrap this nonsense up in an hour? The FUCKING BALL needs to go over there! Which one of you overpaid dipshits is going to put the fucking ball over there!?!

Every sports game should be like 45 minutes, eventually some knucklehead will figure out where to shove that ball!


I'm a sports fan but I'm with ya on it being long. I literally just watched a cup final.

It went on for 2 hours & like 15 minutes (not including breaks) & it ended in a 1-0 win.

Kinda frustrating watching it for 90 minutes without a winner and then getting another half hour.


I love Rugby, but I rarely watch it.


I like those Golden Tea games, but I'd never sit through a golf tournament.


I find regular season games boring on TV (but just fine attending). Give me the playoffs, where there is something at stake. Now that is drama worth watching. There is nothing like playoff hockey!


I don’t really understand the appeal of spectator sports.
