MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What movie/TV show tracking app are you ...

What movie/TV show tracking app are you using?

I am using Simkl! It allows you to keep track of the tvs, movies and animes you watch at one place. It allows you to rate them. It also allows you to post reviews and comments by episodes or by the series itself. That is what I like. Then, if you want to get personalized recommmendations based on what you rated, you can sign up for the PRO feature of Simkl. The good thing is, you can get the PRO feature for free if you logged in to Simkl every 20 out of 30 days.
If anyone here is also using Simkl, and want to add me as friend, here is my profile:


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I don't need the government knowing that I like Andy Ritcher Controls the Universe.



I use Letterboxd.





I did look at Trakt, but I found its interface ugly and cluttered. Besides, I don't watch much TV or want to keep track of what TV I do watch, so Letterboxd is much more my speed.


Most of you seem to use letterboxd. Is it good? Why did you choose to use that?


It's good for films. Nice clean interface, some useful features -- such as user lists.

Other apps are better if you want to track TV shows though. Letterboxd doesn't really do most TV.


Yes, Letterboxd is good. Lots of users, you can follow people, post lists, reviews, rate and/or log movies. If you become a pro user, you can access some cool stats about your movie watching.

Check it out:




None. Never heard of Simki. I tried Letterboxd, but decided nah, I don't need to keep track of what I watch. If I have questions about films or TV shows, the only resources I use are MC members. 😉


I had to start tracking my crappy found footage horror movie watching. I think I watched the same awful one like 3 times and it took me about 30 minutes to realize that I had seen it, and then a little bit longer to know that I did hate it. Lol. Also helps when I'm doing my Hallmark Christmas movie marathons to know which ones are worth a rewatch. 🤣


This reasoning makes sense. I do keep a spreadsheet of all my DVDs. Oh, and also a list of movies I would like to own if they someday become available on DVD. Every once in a while, I look at my list and do a search to see if any have been released.


I have a spreadsheet for my dvds, and started that with streaming, including ratings, but when I'm off work for periods of time I will watch a heck of a lot of movies, and would forget to put them on the sheet. I sometimes don't bother with Letterboxd too, but I usually regret it.

It's also nice to see if my friends have seen a movie and what they thought about it. Sometimes though, it's too much effort.
