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Why do people whine about electric vehicles? hear me out...

Why do people whine about electric vehicles? hear me out...

People are eating the narrative: ELECTRIC CAR BAAAAD!!!
As repeated into reality by fox news and quite OBVIOUSLY, big oil propaganda....
...when... now, think about this a moment...

Electric cars are not for them. Why even care?

Here's the hear me out part. And I'm not trying to convince anyone elec cars are good. No no no.

Here's the story:
- electric cars charging uses normal burning which is BAD.
- making batteries from those minerals is BAD.
- too over priced, too short lived, too small a range.... etc etc etc

Are people blind?

Yes, that is all true, BUT...... are you familiar with how all other automobiles are made???? AT ALL???? All the parts, the chemicals, the plastics, metals, rubber things that wear out and need replaced.... ALL CARS ARE BAD. Duh. NOT just electric cars that mega trillionaire oil companies want you to believe.
ALL CARS. Period.

Part two: Ferrari

Do all of you own one? No. You don't. Those cars are build for, and bought by specific peoples.
- They use normal burning which is BAD. and to an extensive amount: 11 to 22 mpg BAD
- they're made of special and expensive parts like special metals, wood and leather, which is BAD.
- too over priced, don't last as long as normal cars, break down and cost a ton more.
in short, they are not for everyone.

Why aren't people whining about Ferraris? Oh. They burn OIL creating $$$, I forgot.

See my point?
Ferraris are not for everyone.
Electric cars are also not for everyone. Who cares? Drive a jeep or a truck if you want to. Or an electric car. Or a Ferrari.

Stop the whining about electric cars already.


I think a lot of people just don't like having something forced on them under some false idea of saving the planet or some other bullshit idea.

It happened with light bulbs not long ago.

My new bulbs do not last thousands of hours longer and my electricity rates have not gone down but the price of light bulbs sure as hell went up. And oh yeah, some of them now have mercury in them.


true, I agree with the forced part, but we are hypocritically avoiding the point, when we all drive gas cars, many own private jets, we buy food in throw away plastic containers, and Ferraris exist. As does Lotus, Bugatti (man, those things get horrible mileage!) Koenigegg, etc etc ... not for everybody. Neither is the electric car. Yet.

I'm literally neither for or against electric cars, but I bet in 50 years everyone prefers them. After they are mass produced and improved, faster, quiter, great range, cheaper to maintain... by progressive kids that are smarter than us.

Now that I think about it... everyone bitched about buying new HD 1080 televisions too. Now, here we are. :) And now most TVs are 4K and nobody whines about it. We adapt and move forward. :)


The larger TVs looked like ass when they came out. It took a while for them to look nice and be affordable.

If someone can make a reliable electric car for under ten grand and we have the electrical infrastructure to support them, then sure, let's all get one.

Fun fact, cars that ran on water existed a hundred years ago. Why isn't anyone pushing for their return?


" cars that ran on water"
Cmon , thats bullshit , along with the story that Big Oil bought the patent (or had the inventor killed) and hushed them up.

I car cannot run on water .
Ye cannae break the laws of of physics captain!


Just because you don't know about something, doesn't mean it's bullshit. It just means your ignorant about something.

You want me to do your research?

You can start there.

Next bread crumb, read a biography on Howard Hughes.


Steam "powered" vehicles run on a fuel source that heats water to make steam , usually coal. In the case of the car in your link its kerosene.


Dont your new bulbs use a lot less power (and therefore money) though ?


Call me crazy, but I actually prefer the yellow tint it would give off in my house from the older bulbs.


Okay, you're crazy.


I was hoping for: "what are you talking about, Crazy?


I was hoping for a negative test result from the STD clinic.


Kowalski's been sitting on your couch again?


Proof positive you've been replaced with a pod person.

The real samoanjoes would have said:

"Kowalski's been sitting on your face again?"


I can prove it's me. Ask me something only I would know.


What's the tattoo on Kowalski's left butt cheek?


You giving a thumbs up.


Wrong answer pod person.

The real samoanjoes would have said "Which one?" - he has more than one.


I don't count the small mole as a real tattoo.


Try harder AI!

It was a trick question. He just has one massive one.

Here's a pic before his back hair grew back.


Reported for breach of everything.


You can't unsee that.

You don't want to know where Splinter is hiding.


Most do. It's a more comfortable color, and more natural for the body at night


Yeah, white lights are an eyesore.


You can get LEDs in different colors. I also prefer the color incandescents produced so I always get the “warm white” ones which have a blackbody temperature about 2700K.


"As repeated into reality by fox news and quite OBVIOUSLY, big oil propaganda...."

There is no genuine "big oil propaganda." The so-called "big oil" companies are largely owned/controlled by the same institutions that push the "green" propaganda, e.g., BlackRock, Vanguard Group, and others. You've been tricked by the type of thing that's known as "kayfabe" in the world of pro wrestling.

"Electric cars are not for them. Why even care?"

Because they will be forced on people. For example:

Is California going to mandate electric cars?
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently adopted “Advanced Clean Cars II,” set to take effect January 1, 2025, which would require 100% of new cars sold in Model Year 2035 to be electric vehicles.

"Why aren't people whining about Ferraris? Oh. They burn OIL creating $$$, I forgot"

Who's trying to force Ferraris on people?


I'm not into silly conspiracy stuff, but there has been electric push back for decades. I know a few people who ride that narrative wave for all they can, never doing any research for themselves on the topic, just parrotting what they are told - all the down sides, none of the good... like my post mentions COMPLETELY IGNORING the way normal cars operate right now, and thier negative impact on life.

If yu were an investor, and one team made you quadtrillions, and the other that could take that down, makes 10s of hundreds, which would you bank on and try to keep alive? Obviously the quadtrillion making one. Drop seeds of fail into the open heads of moron public who eats and parrots everything... propaganda complete.
Like I said, I personally know people who help to push the nonesense for investment profits.

Forcing on people: happens all the time and will continue.
Currently, my town is FORCING regulations of fireworks. There's a tiny loud minority that wants to blow them up now, anytime they feel like it. THEY don't want to be forced. It pisses the rest of us off, trying to sleep, getting up early for jobs ETC.... the QUIET MAJORITY pushes for less time frame to do fireworks.....

who is right and who is wrong? The Majority will push government to FORCE those people to stop it. Or pay dearly for it.
What is the option? Go KILL whomever is firing off fire works?? Is that a good solution?
Force Happens.


"I'm not into silly conspiracy stuff, but there has been electric push back for decades."

No, there hasn't. Electric cars were a non-issue until they became widely politicized about 15 years ago.

EVs already had their moment in the sun over 100 years ago. They were supplanted by ICEs because refueling an ICE only takes about a minute while recharging batteries takes a lot longer. EVs still have the same problem. Waiting a half hour or more to recharge your batteries sucks, especially if there are people ahead of you in line. There's also the problem of using the heater when it's cold, which drastically reduces your range. On top of that, EVs these days are effectively disposable, because once the batteries will no longer hold a charge, replacing them costs more than the vehicle would be worth at that point. Unlike an ICE, the batteries can't be repaired.

"Forcing on people: happens all the time and will continue."

And only authoritarians and their bootlickers are onboard with that, both of which are detestable types of people. In any case, you asked "Electric cars are not for them. Why even care?" and them being forced on people is why, obviously. You also asked, "Why aren't people whining about Ferraris?" And the answer is obviously because no one is forcing Ferraris on people. If regulations were being passed making it so that the only new cars that could be sold were Ferraris, then of course you'd see a lot of pushback from the people who are neither authoritarians nor bootlickers.


Well the battery is expensive to replace. The battery also loses charge during hot weather.

At this rate, we may as well keep driving gasoline automobiles.



I'm all for moving away from burning fossil fuels eventually but I don't think EV's as they currently exist are a viable alternative.


Yes that's my conclusion also.


Feels like HYBRID are the best concept for vehicles right now. I jsut bought a new ICE, but hybrids were looking very attractive.
electric to improve ICE efficiency.

this all LEADING eventurally to full electric, AFTER it gets efficient, AFTER prices get reasonable


Those are real problems and they will be eventually solved. Remember what cell phones and computers were like 20 years ago? Now imagine what electric cars will be like 20 years from now.


things improve with cash flow of larger acceptance.


They are commie cars and if you want to drive one that's fine but you don't have the right to dictate that I do. Only the very rich can afford them and the whole point of the Biden Regime EV mandate is to end private car ownership for the poor and middle class.


I know several people who own Teslas and other EV's - they certainly aren't in the very rich category.


I also know many owners.

This attitude narrative against these cars is kind of weird an manipulative.


Both my neighbours drive electric cars.


they basically just reversed climate change. thats why the earth is getting colder.



bottom line is society WILL control you. does already now for the greater good of everyone. we've put in restrictions for pollution, laws for speeding and lines on roads, littering laws, cali has a NO TOP OFF gas law, Vegas has NO DUST DRIVING days.... all these things, LIKE IT OR NOT, are for the betterment of everyone, GENERALLY decided by everyone via elected officials.

not saying gov is the best, but GENERALLY, it works ok and there is not a better system or it would have taken over by now.
And I am not political. I hate politics, but recognize the utility.

Also not an elec owner, nor care, but they have way less parts to break, are faster, quieter - its all still too new so there are growing pains.
TV replaced the live stage play, Microwave replaced open fire, car replaced horse, etc etc things evolve when they are better.

prices will drop with acceptace. it always works like that,


But when you have a President of the U.S in Joe Biden telling people he's mandating EV's and that people will have to drive them by 2035, then people have every right to whine


so, it's more about the forcing, not whether ECars are good or bad?
Then, why isn't that the gripe, and not this or that feature or shortcoming of eCars?


Because most people can't afford electric cars. Automakers are rebranding to all electric. GM says they want to sell only zero emissions by 2035. California wants all new cars sold to be zero emissions by 2035. Michigan is doing the same, zero emissions of new cars sold by 2035. So it's not like hey I just don't want an electric car. It may be the only option in the not so distant future. This effects lots of things like mechanics and parts for older cars. Am I going to be taxed for using gas, what will the cost of gas be when it's all electric? Will I still be able to get gas? Things are moving towards all electric vehicles and people feel like they have no say in that. But for the most part, the average person can't afford it and the tech isn't just there yet for northern states too.

Also, all those bad things - parts, chemicals, rubber, except for the oil are still going to be around. So you have all the bad things that come with making a car already and now you are also adding on an additional bad thing with creating the battery. But it's all somehow supposed to be better because it doesn't burn oil? I think people get frustrated because it's under the slogan that it is absolutely necessary for the world. Yet, the oligarchs still are flying around in their private jets.

In the end if electric cars were more affordable, could hold long charges in the cold, and you could charge them as fast as filling up a gas tank, I don't think we would hear a peep.


no one can FORCE you to buy something you can't afford. they can't sell these cars to everyone, until they are affordable.
maybe stations will swap out battery or hydrogen cell instead of fill up, and only take 9 seconds. I don't know.

NOW I read some are vandelizing charging stations???? What the hell is wrong with people?


I didn't say they were forcing you to buy it. I'm saying there may not be another option in the not so long future and people have no say or control in that. And currently, it's not affordable for the average person.


“Because most people can't afford electric cars.”

Most cars in the UK are about 20K 🤷‍♂️

Ironically, I’m not a fan (yet).




I was going to say the same in my response. This 100% should have been posted in the politics board.


I'm all for electric vehicles but they aren't very good in colder climates.

A nearby town has an electric school bus. Works great during the warmer months but cannot get the same range during colder months.Many students are in rural areas here in the U.P of Michigan.


They are good enough in colder climates. Busses are in such a minority that they should not be mentioned. The EV capital of the world is Oslo. A cold city that has days with less than 0 degrees Fahrenheit within a year. Much colder cities and towns like Tromso and Alta also has a lot of Electric cars.
