MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Something much more appropriate

Something much more appropriate

Without meaning to, within my first 24 hours on this board I posted a question that has led to a discussion about bodily functions. So that you will know that I can do more than that, here a more sophisticated question.

When you play croquet do you wear your knickers and flat caps or do you just put on casual attire and hope for the best?


I play nekkid.


I'm trying to envision if that could be problematic. I guess just be careful when you swing your stick.


No side panel. Letting it all hang out:

Hope that doesn't violate terms of service here but I'm of the mind that if you got it, flaunt it.


I usually wear an 80s style dress, complete with shoulder pads, which coincides with the colour of my ball. Why? Because I can.


Now that is a fashion choice that I had not considered! I hope you poof out your bangs as well.

For me it's white gloves and satin dress with petticoat. Someone holds my teacup while I hit the ball.


When I was a younger man, like James Fox. But now that I am in my senior years, more like Robert Morley:


Should we ever meet on the croquet green I will offer you one of my crumpets.


Here at Kings Towers in ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth, my daywear consists of Raybans, rock t-shirt, shorts and sliders - same when I’m playing croquet.


That definitely sounds more comfortable than my outfit and probably more conducive to winning. On my side of the pond, sliders are small sandwiches such as miniature cheeseburgers. I suspect I am correct in assuming that you are not wearing cheeseburgers to play croquet.


Actually, it means the same thing in Blighty also, however, I was referring to these: -


That's what I figured. 😉


I only play after taking a nice steamy dump.

Signed, million man.


I hope there's a McDonald's on the way to your local croquet court then.


I wear a napkin.


Well I guess if you cover the right things, a napkin is enough.


I don't play croquet. But I do have fun when watching them do it in Wonderland on TV :)


Croquet is lots of fun! I highly recommend it. Despite the silly nature of my thread I do actually have a croquet set and enjoy playing it in my backyard from time to time. 😊


As I'm not a character from Alice in Wonderland, I don't play croquet, but I do like to eat croquettes. Highly recommend. I'm usually wearing casual clothing when I'm eating them.


I've heard of croquettes my whole life but didn't really know what they were so I just Googled them. Now I want all the croquettes.


I didn't know other planets had croquettes, interesting fact. Japanese korokke (which I'm pretty sure just means croquette) are particularly good, you can find them at almost any Japanese restaurant or sushi joint.


My planet has croquet, croquettes and Davy Crockett.


What was Davy Crockett up to on other planets?
