MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever been described as "stuck-u...

Have you ever been described as "stuck-up"?

I don't think I have, but I guess some may think that way because I tend not to speak or smile much.


Nope, not yet. There's always tomorrow.




No, although people may have wondered since I am also somewhat quiet at first. Some of my very best friends in the world are people I used to think were stuck up until I got to know them and found a treasure trove of wonderfulness inside them.


That's awesome!


Reminds me of a joke that I can't quite recall but it us along the lines of

A man is being honored at a banquet. The speaker praises him for his great leadership, his altruism, his many mentorships, his charity, his good works, and on and the end the man seems a little agitated, and the speaker asks him what's wrong. "About my humility, you have nothing to say?," cries the man.


Yep. Neighbor thought we were stuck up because we bought our house with a good deal and work corporate jobs.

We got our work from working Temp jobs. We didn't have the education or experience, but we got into these temp positions and worked hard to build a resume.


Jealousy will do that sometimes.


I was called "uppity" LOL.


Not at all, I'm very humble.


As a kid or teen I think, coz I was really shy but doing my best not to look cool calm and collected, and that probably just made it worse. God I was awkward back then, I don't blame anyone for insulting me in any way.
