MovieChat Forums > James Cameron Discussion > The best movie director of all time?

The best movie director of all time?

I'd say he is top 5 at least.

--Michael D. Clarke


nah I put George Lucas over him


Definitely top 5, if you disregard the last few decades.


Nah. His peak was Aliens. Abyss is an underrated film with flaws but its all been downhill from there. He made his mark with Terminator 1 and Aliens though. I would say Aliens is one of the top 3 or 5 action films of all time.

Now Cameron makes kiddy films and cartoons while focussing on his oceanic stuff. Thats where his real passion is at. Hes a commercial director so as long as his films make money somewhere he doesnt care. I have yet to meet someone in real life thats even seen Avatar 2 let alone talk about how great is was. His only older films that get rewatched a lot are Terminator and Aliens. Some people are discovering the Abyss but its a small group.

Greatest director.. I will Say Kubrick but hes such an Oddity he almost goes beyond the category of Director. Maybe Hitchcock in terms of standard Director. Hawkes is up there as well. I put McTeirnan WAY before guys like Cameron. My personal favorite is Carpenter but a lot of that is due to John doing so much of the work himself in his films and having basically little to no budget.

Cameron could be in the top tier for special effects film directors though. I wouldnt say he is a good writer. Terminator he basically stole the plot. Aliens was just another version of Rambo 2 tweaked and that idea has been done countless times in war films. His best writing IMO was the Abyss and his final passion project. These days his work since the Abyss is more in line with most of the modern Directors than true greats. He stays very safe and very commercial. I dont think he has another great film in him since he became obsessed with ocean exploration. His fandom telling him how great he is doesnt help either. His ego will ever let him get back to his roots of making great films like his early days.

I dont think people are dumb for being so obsessed with his films just kind of narrow minded and limited in terms of Cinema. Frankenheimer or Segal are better and these people dont even know them.


It's hard to respond to shit posts like this when people make fantastical claims without so much as providing their reasoning.

So here's my shallow response to your vapid claim:

I'd say he isn't top 5 at least. Fuck you.


It's amazing how posters here don't see the kind of person you really are. You've acted this way with so many people.


Cameron has always been immensely overrated. He's a terrible screenwriter and he's in the same ballpark as Lucas when it comes to directors who care way more about special effects and spectacle than story or character development.


It takes an 1hr 40mins for the Titanic to hit the iceberg. It takes over an hour to see the first alien in "Aliens". It takes about half an hour for the Terminator to see Kyle Reese for the first time in "The Terminator". There is almost no actual action in "The Abyss". How is he putting spectacle ahead of story?


Oh, good point I forgot: his movies are also boring as shit.


Not even top 100.
