MovieChat Forums > Jeffrey Jones Discussion > Beetlejuice 2 Won't Bring Back The Origi...

Beetlejuice 2 Won't Bring Back The Original Movie's Most Problematic Actor

It's awfully telling that Jeffrey Jones is considered the original Beetlejuice movie's "most problematic actor" when Alec Baldwin was also in that movie, and he literally killed somebody.

The long-awaited sequel to "Beetlejuice" will see the majority of director Tim Burton's original cast reunited -- with one notable exception.


I'd say that accidently killing someone isn't as problematic as possessing child pornography, soliciting a minor for sexually explicit pictures, and failing to update sex offender status. That's just my opinion though.




Now if it comes out that Baldwin killed her on purpose, I might change my stance on that, but for right now it appears that it was a horrible accident.


I’d take Alec Baldwin as a neighbor any day over this guy. There is no comparison.




Meh, this Jones character didn't molest a child. But Baldwin might actually kill you. I don't have any kids so I'll go with Jones.


I hope your joking.


You'd want a hothead like Baldwin as a neighbor? Dude, whatever his excuses, he killed a woman.

The other guy looks at child porn. Creepy, but I don't give a rat's ass as long as he doesn't bother anybody.


Nobody is beating you over child pornography.

Shame on you.


You're the same guy who posted about your theory that Baldwin murdered on purpose. The right just really want Baldwin to be the eternal villain because he impersonated Trump on TV.



No one cares about an impersonation an actor does of a famous person. Baldwin is an unhinged psycho with a history of violent outbursts and people are just sick of watching him get away with murder just because of his political support.


"because of his political support."
What does that mean?
This "liberals control everything" whining again ?

e3e3 is right - the right hate Baldwin because he "bats for the other side" . period.
He expresses a preference in his voting - now all the magas are happy to send him to the chair over this accident - not because of anything to do with the circumstances , purely because he votes left and has made that public.


You really think the democrats all teamed up to skew the courtroom decision?

No, I'm not a big Baldwin fan. I agree he's always been a big asshole. But the guy accidentally murdered someone because he was given a gun he didn't know was loaded with live ammunition, a gun that wasn't supposed to be loaded. He was directed to point the gun at the camera and pull trigger under the guise that nothing would happen. It is a very tragic scenario and he has to live with that for the rest of his life. He wasn't prosecuted because it's 100% fact that he's not the man at fault. Yet a lot of right-winged nutcases like TMC-4 enjoy fantasy scenarios where Baldwin secretly loaded the gun himself and intentionally shot and killed a random person for no reason other than that "he's crazy".

And by bringing democrats into this death, you revealed a nice Freudian slip. It is all political. You are mad he impersonated someone on TV.


You made it political to start with, no Freudian slip necessary. And I honestly haven't seen more than 30 seconds of his impersonation but am glad some people like it. There are good impersonators that I will watch do a trump but SNL writes crap material and hasn't been funny for a long long time.

I think it is standard procedure to check the firearm that is handed to you regardless of how many people you think checked it beforehand. It's a failsafe, the last person, the person pulling the trigger is responsible in the end. And was he supposed to point it at the woman during rehearsal and pull the trigger? Never seen that kind of framing outside of the slow-mo cgi bullet fly. Did he personally put live rounds in? Probably not, but was he an accident waiting to happen? Yes. He is one of those guys who has been allowed to be out of control forever


I agree he should've checked it, but I also don't blame a lifelong wealthy New Yorker to know much about firearm safety. Nonetheless it would still be the fault of the assistant director and the prop's master even if Baldwin caught that the gun was loaded, and they would still be fired for negligence. And yes, that is how rehearsals work. That sort of shot has been done dozens of times before (off the top of my head, the same shot is used in Back to the Future Part 3 and Evil Dead 2). Him being "out of control" doesn't mean he's a murderer. Again, being an asshole doesn't somehow make him the badguy in the situation.


The right just really want Baldwin to be the eternal villain because he impersonated Trump on TV.

Dana Carvey and Darrell Hammond could have done a much better job than Baldwin at impersonating Trump and they look nothing like him. Even Will Ferrell as W. was better than Baldwin's Trump.

Here's a good debate performance


What a stupid post


How exactly is this post in your words, "stupid"!? Why not explain why you feel this way rather than just saying that the whole thing is stupid and then leaving?


He thinks it is stupid because J.Jones will be appearing in the sequel. Possibly a lead.


This really needs to define "problematic" to put it in context.

When I first read the post title, I took it to mean difficult to work with on set or disruptive to the production process.

I don't know that I'd use "most problematic actor" to describe the fact that he's not a good person outside of the acting part.


i'm surprised they did what they did. it was kind of like a tribute to him. mom and dad save the world was awesome though.


It was bizarre. I mean, he'll get royalties for it surely because they used his image.


They still used his image in the movie. Sounds like another Crispin Glover situation developing. Unless they prove the images were from the first movie.
