MovieChat Forums > William Shatner Discussion > WIlliam Shatner Trying To Mend Friendshi...

Never make an enemy of someone who has both a smart mouth... and an audience.


Takei or Bill?


There really isn't any good reason for Takei's constant vitriol. My guess is Takei made a pass at Shatner back in the day and was shut down. Nothing burns hotter than spurned love.


I don't think he made a pass at him. I think he's been jealous of Shatner being the star of the series.


That's the story going around but it would be juvenile beyond comprehension if true. Who carries a 5-decade intense grudge because they weren't the star of a tv series. It wasn't Shatner's fault and Takei was never angry at Nimoy. Nah, my money is on spurned love. Believe me that shit is like losing a war, they never let it go. Some chick I turned down in HS came out of nowhere during #mepoo and caused me a bunch of grief until I got her to admit in a text message that she was lying. I wish Takei had gotten his own show but it didn't happen and he needs to grow up and stop acting like a brat.


It seemed like every regular on Trek had an issue with Shater, though. He even fell out with Nimoy. Nimoy has a reputation as an absolute mensch who got on with everybody.


I don't really follow Hollywood gossip. Takei has been so vitriolic about Shatner that even I know about that one. My understanding was Shatner and Nimoy got along fine mostly until the last few years. Celebrities by nature are narcissistic, which rarely allows close friendships.


True. Most of them aren't obsessing like Takei seems to be.


I doubt that very much.
I think he has no acting career so we became a professional celebrity, and he had to have a way to grab attention - so punching up at a kind of stuffed shirt guy, Shatner, was how he did it.
Who cares, and it would be nice little sound byte if they kissed and made up, figuratively.
They both are getting pretty old, and Shatner is big as a house.
He can spend the rest of his life trying to lose weight and he will never be able to do it.
But mostly - I like shows, writers, directors and as Hitchcock said, actors are just furniture,
or something like that.
At least yesterday's actors were not most nepotism babies as they are today.
Wish them both luck as pretty soon people will be posting RIPs of them all over social media.
A sad day.


Takei seems like one of those bitchy gay people who has the worse attributes of both men and women, being aggressive from the male side and revenge driven from the female side.


this 🤣


lol I somehow missed this comment 😆


For years, even decades William Shatner has claimed that he never had any friendship with George Takai. That he was the star of the show along with Leonard Nimoy, and that he rarely if ever interacted with the other bit part players on the show. This seems like kind of a stunt on the part of Shatner.


Takeis at it again dissing Shatner



He said he wouldn't talk about William Shatner anymore.


He lied 😆


Good grief! Takei is an egocentric, self-involved, prima donna.

Oh -- he doesn't want Shatner working his side of the street. I get it.


12 month old comment, but if the source is the daily mail..


Takei should have put a sock in it decades ago. His continual whinging about Shatner has become tiresome and pathetic. He sounds like a bitter little bitch. For shit's sake, it's been over half a friggin' century. Grow the F up and move on.


He's got to be what he is. And if he could just grow up, he wouldn't be that cartoon character that he is.


Better for some to be a cartoon character than a nobody.


As Cliff Booth once said, “George Takei is a little man with a big chip.”


I don't know why he's even bothering with that jealous gay old duffer!


I think he’s trying to take the higher road, and genuinely so, but for some reason he hasn’t figured out that narcissistic pricks like Takei are only further emboldened by such intentions.


Shatner had an ego, and could be insensitive. There's little doubt about that. That said, from everything I've ever read, he's not a bad guy at all. The fact of the matter was that Shatner was the star of the show, and Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley were the costars. Every other regular cast member was a supporting player. TOS was not an ensemble show like later iterations of Star Trek; like most 1960s TV shows, TOS was built around a main star. What has fed Takei's ego, mainly, is that unlike the stars of other 1960s shows, who long since moved on, is that Star Trek achieved a unique status, and unlike other actors, Takei and the other supporting actors spent decades attending conventions where legions of adoring fans were happy to see any of the cast from their beloved show -- and the supporting actors went to more of the conventions, because they got less acting work than the main stars after Star Trek was cancelled. I think all that attention from Star Trek fans gave Takei an exaggerated sense of his importance to the franchise.

And I think Takei is, at heart, somewhat immature and spiteful. Walter Koenig has said how he was surprised, long after TOS was cancelled, to learn that Takei resented him a bit for stepping into parts that had been written for Sulu, when Takei went off to film "The Green Berets," and that film went over-schedule. Takei was unavailable, so episodes that had been written to give Sulu a more prominent role had their scripts rewritten to put Chekov in Sulu's place. Think how petty and irrational Takei has to be, to blame Koenig for stepping up when Takei made himself unavailable for those episodes. What was the series supposed to do? Shut down until the supporting player came back?

Sorry, but Shatner is not the aggrieved party in this quarrel. Takei is an ogtogenarian who needs to grow the hell up.
