MovieChat Forums > Michael Jackson Discussion > I've never seen a case of vitiligo where...

I've never seen a case of vitiligo where it turns one almost completely white.

MJ is the only case I know of. Most vitiligo sufferers look "blotchy".

--Michael D. Clarke




It was blotchy on MJ. He started using skin bleaching medication to even out the blotchiness at the expense of losing his original skin colour. His autopsy also confirmed he had vitiligo.


So we could say he overcorrected.


Strong circumstantial case that he wanted to be white and after 10 years of bleaching it, did something in the early 90s to turn white-white. Chemically induced depigmentation is a thing, normally done by the wealthy in India and other places where people are brown and want to be white.


I don't think they want to be ethnically white, they want fairer skin. That's like saying white people want to be Asian/Black because they fake tan their skin to look brown.


He didn't have that.

He didn't like being black and wanted to look like Peter Pan.

That's why he called his home Neverland, hung out with kids, etc it's what Peter pan did in the story.

Black people are lying that he had a genetic condition when in fact his family turned him off being black via their actions.

There's also many other black celebs that get their skin lightened and plastic surgery which makes them look less Africans.

They don't have skin conditions.


His autopsy confirmed he had vitiligo. You are the one lying.


Since he had his skin bleached, how could that be?

In addition, if you want to look like Peter Pan, it makes little sense to not change your skin color.

It would be like assuming he had Nose Degenerative Disorder after examining his skull.

Google images: Michael Jackson in a tank top

You will find countless photos of him with his chest out and he was an even skin tone, lol.

You are posing BS without even taking a moment to think about it.


Because it wasn't entirely even in all areas, especially if makeup wasn't applied.

You know, like here for instance:

*Additional shot:


Logic dictates that the pictures you posted are from skin bleaching.

That goes along with him getting his features changes to that of an elf like white person.

I work with black people in social services and have met many black people with vitiligo. They do not get plastic surgery to look like a white person, not do they get their entire bodies bleached, lol.

The autopsy is what's called a "Post Hoc Analysis" or "Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc" causation error. He didn't have the condition as a child but did have skin bleaching and crazy levels of plastic surgery. So concluding skin blotches were from a genetic issue is ridiculous.

As I said, we know he didn't have a nose disorder, only because we know he had surgery on it, lol.

If you research the age of onset of vitiligo, it's typically in childhood.

Jackson and his family are liars who lie about nearly everything they did/do.

So, a guy who lives on "NEVERLAND ranch" and then gets surgery to look like Peter Pan....then turns white...hey no connection! He had a skin disease, it's not that he hated black people and wanted to be white!

He has kids who are supposed to be his but ARE WHITE they are not his kids, and so on.

His family were very abusive, probably psychopaths, and use gaslighting to make themselves look like something they were/are not.

With that being said, I really enjoyed most all of his music, but facts are facts.


Skin bleaching that just magically happens to look literally exactly like vitiligo. Uh huh. And now you're claiming to know more than the medical professional who did the autopsy. Hilariously absurd.

Reality isn't on your side, friend.


Sure it is, read my previous posts.

Logic is not your strongpoint, lol.


"Since he had his skin bleached, how could that be?"

Because Vitiligo is not necessarily universal. It can be localized to certain parts of the body. For example, it could have occurred on the genitals, and maybe MJ did not feel comfortable bleaching those areas.


Or using those areas unless it was for little bots not even for having kids.


As you're being told, he DID have it, and the autopsy confirmed it. But most black people who have it get makeup that matches their original skin color. MJ decided to go white. That's the part people don't want to look at. That and the plastic surgery that erased his ethnic features.


Unless it was documented before he did all the plastic surgery stuff, there's no way an autopsy could confirm it, as I explained.


Yes, you know better than a pathologist.


I would because I know how to think rationally.

There are MANY black celebs who have had skin bleaching. That involves using hard chemicals to burn the brown out of their skin.

It's not some miracle process, it's a person getting chemical burns all over their skin and it doesn't last forever. So, a black person would have to use the bleaching chemicals over and over to be able to have white skin.

So, there is no way you could conclude that a person who did that for many years had a pigmentation condition that was natural, lol.

By the way, this is how you can tell that I am smarter than you are.


From what I heard, he wore makeup to make his skin look lighter. If you look closely at some high-definition pics of him, you can faintly see the vitiligo around his mouth and a few other places. It's a very weird skin disease and unfortunately is very noticeable on dark-skinned people. I'm not certain if he did skin bleaching treatments, but he definitely had plastic surgery on his face, if his childhood and adulthood photos are anything to go by. What really creeps me out [aside from the usual stuff about him] is how much he looked like Janet after the plastic surgery on his face.

I actually met at least two black kids when I was growing up who had it, but I was very little, and didn't know what the disease was called at the time. I mean, when you're 4-6 years old, you're not gonna know about something like that, and chances are, you've been trained to ignore such things so as not to embarrass your playmates by asking about it where everyone can hear you. Either that, or you did ask them what was wrong with their skin, and even they didn't know.


It was blotchy but he used makeup & skin creams to even out his skin tone


Who knows what the truth is.....

From what I've read, he did in fact have Vitiligo.

So what he did was use skin bleaching products to turn the rest of his skin white. Ostensibly to even out the tone as opposed to having spotty blotches.

It actually makes sense, but I certainly wouldn't testify to the veracity of this story.
