MovieChat Forums > Matthew Perry Discussion > Was the Covid Vaccine The Cause Of Death...

Was the Covid Vaccine The Cause Of Death In The End??

Perry was a big proponent of the Covid Vaccine and the Rolling Stones article above cites this and yet, as much as Pro Vaxxers don't want to admit this, people have died from developing Myocarditis after taking " The Jab" and it is documented, so is it very possible this played a part in his demise??


LOL! The OP must be an operative for the Kennedy campaign.


I honestly don't know why people have a problem with what I said?? Once again, it has been proven this vaccine could cause serious side effects including death which has been documented?? I don't get it?? What?? Is it because people were dumb enough to fall into line with this and don't want to hear someone died from complications brought on by the vaccine or what?? Not my fault people were dumb enough to take it??


More than 73% of the world's population has been vaccinated against Covid 19. The vaccine has saved many lives.


Once again, I'm not vaccinated and turned out just fine and why?? Because I take care of myself which is something alot of people simply don't and that's why you feel the need to get vaccinated..


That has to be the dumbest article I have ever read on here.




Because it's bullshit. He drowned.


BKB.....More than 12.7 BILLION vaccine shots have been administered world wide. It is a miniscule amount of people who have died from the vaccines. NON mRNA vaccines did cause some deaths, but the mRNA vaccines have proven to be very safe.


Doesn't matter if it's a "Miniscule amount of people".. It still happened and can happen and that right there is the problem is you see miniscule and you equate that with "Never happening" and that's bullshit


The benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. Did you read that article?


I read it and don't buy it


Lol, the guy was on drugs during his whole life and you think a vaccine killed him? Lmao, anti-vaxxers are so fucking stupid.


6 Billion people have had the vaccine, a celeb dies and it's the vaccine? 🙄


You have proof 6 Billion people took the vaccine?? Do you have any idea how much 6 Billion people really is?? There are 8 Billion people on the planet.. Did you know this or not?? 6 Billion people didn't take this vaccine and it was far less than you'd imagine


Even if the research is faulty BILLIONS of people all over the planet took it.


You weren't far off as I type this 5,697,311,845 have had a first dose of the vaccine as:


70.6% of the *world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
13.53 billion doses have been administered globally, and 21,236 are now administered each day.
32.8% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.

World Population was: 8,069,846,806 as I typed.

So 70.6% of 8,069,846,806 is 5,697,311,845.

Above data is sourced from a UK Site which is part of Oxford University.
About Oxford University:
Team Behind the Data:


You have 0 proof Billions of people were stupid enough to take this vaccine other than what Joe Biden says and you know it.. ZERO!!


Lifelong drug abuser. A much more likely explanation. Occam's razor.
