MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock Discussion > So Sad to See Black Women Simping for Me...

So Sad to See Black Women Simping for Meghan and Harry and Throwing a BLACK MAN Under the Bus

So, according to these Black women, biracial Meghan Markle and spoiled white ginger whinger Prince Harry are heroes, but a genuine Black man is a 'villain'?!? What the fuck is the world coming to?

Also, so sad to see Black women advocating *violence* against a Black man (i.e. celebrating the 'slap') and calling for *another* Black man to be cancelled.


The only people who use the word 'simping' are incels.


That is something a simp would say


His usage of the term, "incel", outs him as a troll.


Your post history outs you as an incel, don't be ashamed, if you are going to be an incel at least be proud of it!


I'm no fan of rcnyc24. The way they've treated me here has been disgraceful.

BUT why are you throwing the insult 'incel' around with such abandon?





'Simping' for me, and bear in mind that I'm using it in relation to a straight couple (i.e. a woman AND a man) is about putting people on a pedestal who give ZERO fucks about you. It's basically sycophancy, and it's pathetic, self-demeaning behaviour that has NOTHING to do with sexual frustration or misogyny, and so has NOTHING to do with being an 'incel'.

I'm curious as to why you think simping is a good thing. I'm curious as to why you think putting celebrities and other privileged, powerful people on a pedestal is a good thing. I can only surmise that you've bought the media lies and propaganda hook-line-and-sinker, including their handy mean-spirited little insults for anyone who doesn't treat the celebs like virtuous gods. "I have pride in myself and refuse to bow to anyone" "Oooh, you must be an 'incel'". Fuck off with that self-debasing nonsense. I treat all people equally. I am an egalitarian. Since when was believing in GENUINE equality a 'bad thing'?


When did I say that 'simping' is a good thing? I've only ever heard the word used by men who absolutely HATE women, thus why I said that the only people I've heard use that word are incels.

All of the sudden I feel some sort of way about putting celebrities and other privileged, powerful people on a pedestal? WHAT?


I don't understand what you're saying here.

You say you're not condoning 'simping', and yet you're condemning me as an 'incel' for using the term, and for calling out anyone who does simp.

I don't hate women. I'm an egalitarian though, and so I don't put women, or indeed anyone, on a pedestal.

What I find as a consequence is that I tend to treat women with far more respect than those men who do treat women differently (i.e. either worse, or better; because the latter have these delusions about women, and are thus liable to become unhinged when they discover that, hey, women can be just as flawed as us asshole men). Where I do tend to treat women differently, and in fact better, is in acknowledging that women are physically weaker and more fragile than men, and thus need greater safeguards, and that the respective biology of women and men mean that the former are vulnerable to sexual assault from the latter. As a consequence, I still believe in some degree of gallentry towards women.

But I totally refuse to do what the MILITANT feminists expect me to do, and argue that men are innately evil and women are innately good. Not in my personal experience.


What is so hard to understand about, "the only people I've heard use that word(Simping) are incels." ?


Only incels and bull dykes have Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Why are you bringing up Trump? Are you drunk?


Well considering you were disparaging a whole group of people you seemed like a right winger but your post history shows you are a pussy liberal


put the bottle down and sleep it off.


Are they implying that Chris Rock is wearing blackface? He’s simply dressed up as a clown because he is a comedian.


I don't understand it either.

He's dressed up as a clown. Since when was a Black clown 'racist'? Are they saying Black people can't be clowns?

I think they're looking for reasons to attack him because he dared to question a wealthy, culturally white, biracial woman, and her wealthy, white, ginger, aristocratic husband's claims of 'racism'.


Chris Rock is a coon and a colorist.


A 'colorist'? He's darker than Meghan Markle or Jada Pinkett-Smith, so what's your point?

And a 'c**n'? Really? Damn. That type of language, like the 'n-word', shouldn't be allowed around here. RACISM is NOT acceptable. 😠


You get your news from Twitter?


Who said I get my news from there?

I'm highlighting how people think, based on what they post on the world's most popular social media website.


Why would anyone care about the opinion from three unknown women on Twitter? Do you believe they represent millions of other women?


There are several posts and conversations, which are trending right now, on the same theme, and whilst some people are defending Chris Rock, there are a militant few who are condemning him, and even suggesting he's a 'self-hating Black man' despite the FACT he was the VICTIM of a VIOLENT ASSAULT quite recently. What happened to supporting VICTIMS and condemning VIOLENCE?

Also, imagine if a Black man had made a joke about a Black woman's hair, and a white man and/or a police-officer 'came to her defence'. I genuinely believe these people would now be justifying this violence, rather than standing up for the Black man who was ASSAULTED. 😠


I don't follow Rock so I did some digging to find out the reasons for the criticism. Apparently, he has a very long history of attacking black women in his comedy routines including this Netflix show in which he repeatedly said bitch and blamed Jada for the incident instead of Will. There have been complaints about his misogyny for years.

Some are saying he caters to a white audience at the expense of black people. He also made some pro-Republican jokes during the Netflix special.

These articles and comments give a more complete picture than a few Tweets:

No, Smith shouldn't have slapped Rock, but I don't see any problem with criticism against Rock when he's criticizing people.


People are advocating for the slap. I'm sorry, but these holier-than-thou people are suggesting that 'violence is okay'. Yes, they are advocating violence against a BLACK MAN. Hmm, weren't we supposed to be against that post-George Floyd? Or has Chris Rock done worse things to women that George Floyd? Does anyone *really* want me to go there...? 🤔 Would I be a 'racist' to bring up a certain incident involving a gun pointed at a woman (who, yes, may not have been pregnant, but since when should that matter to my fellow pro-abortion leftists/'feminists', or are we saying that a woman's life only matters when she's carrying a child? 🤔 Oh the contradictions and hypocricies are abundant here...)?

Also, what 'pro-Republican' jokes? Chris Rock has a history of mocking Republican politicians. Since when did he become a Republican? I'm almost 100% certain he still votes Democrat. I think people are butthurt because, heaven forbid, he's making a few anti-Democrat jokes, and everyone's assuming he must be 'pro-GOP' or 'pro-MAGA', rather than, hey, an INDIVIDUAL WITH A BRAIN WHO HASN'T DRUNK THE KOOL AID AND REFUSES TO TOW THE PARTY LINE. I seems that a lot of people (mostly women) are 'offended' that Black men are able to think for themselves rather than do whatever Joe Biden or Bill Clinton tells them to do. 🤷‍♂️ Sorry, but thanks to Abraham Lincoln and *his party*, Black people were finally freed from the plantation by 1865.

Also, having been on the receiving end of a physical threat from a man that was cajoled by his girlfriend, I wouldn't be quick to assume that Chris Rock is wrong about Jada. Yes, Will is ultimately to blame, because he could have told Jada where to go...although imagine all the hit pieces and abuse Will would have got if he 'hadn't defended Jada's honour'...

Anyway, when you see articles like "Here's Why Chris Rock Deserved to Get Slapped..." it's quite clear that some of these *women* have a predilection towards violence (*unlike* me)


You appear angrier toward the women than the man who actually slapped Rock. Why?
None of the women slapped Rock. They're just expressing an opinion.


Ah, so now you're trying to accuse me of 'misogyny' for questioning the desire to see a BLACK man PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED. Nice...

Will Smith made a hotheaded mistake. He was in the wrong. He's been punished and since apologised.

However, some people are still commending his behaviour and justifying it...but, sure, *I'm* the 'bad guy' for arguing that VIOLENCE should NEVER be encouraged or celebrated.

Instead of picking on me and trying to play the 'let's accuse someone of racism/misogyny for speaking sense' game, maybe you should look at YOURSELF for justifying VIOLENCE towards a BLACK man. You think that's a good look? 🤷‍♂️


I don't consider their tweets to be incitement. Apparently, neither does the monitor or they would be removed. Freedom of expression.


I didn't say they were incitement, but don't you think there's something wrong with celebrating VIOLENCE? And a lot of nonsense is given a pass on these various forums and social media sites.


Movie Chat isn't Twitter. BUZZ OFF and post your pot stirring shit there.


Chris Rock hates Black women!


Some Black women seem to hate him, and are calling for VIOLENCE against this BLACK man. 😠


I have not seen Twitter, but he did make some valid points about Meaghan. No offense it was funny.


I haven't seen it.

But I can see both sides.

On one hand, I abhor racism, and I do think Meghan has been subjected to some unfair treatment. On the other hand, I think Harry and Meghan overplay their woes for publicity, and even if Chris Rock hypothetically said the most awful things about Meghan, it does not justify anyone calling for him to be physically assaulted.

Sorry, but as soon as you advocate for violence, you've lost any sort of moral high-ground.


Rock defended Meghan by calling the royal family colonizers aka: racists.


And yet you told me earlier that he was a sexist and a racist with a long history of attacking Black women.

I'm now confused...

Which one is it Keelai?


I think you're beating a dead horse.


The Meghan jokes were spot on.
