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Britney on Her 2007 VMAs Performance: "Everyone Was Acting Like My Not Having Six-Pack Abs Was Offensive”

Britney Spears has lifted the lid on the devastating reality behind her 2007 MTV Video Music Awards performance – an infamous moment which made her the target of ridicule for years.

In her new memoir she recalls being a bundle of nerves backstage, when she happened to run into ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake, who had broken her heart just five years earlier.

“It had been a while since I’d seen him,” Spears wrote in her book, adding that the moment highlighted just how far apart their careers were at the time.

“Everything was going great in his world. He was at the top of his game in every way, and he had a lot of swagger. I was having a panic attack. I hadn’t rehearsed enough. I hated the way I looked. I knew it was going to be bad.”

The high-profile performance had been touted as Spears’ big comeback, as she prepared to take the stage to showcase her latest single, Gimme More.

But, according to the singer, she didn’t even want to take the stage as “nothing was going right” behind the scenes.

“There was a problem with my costume and with my hair extensions. I hadn’t slept the night before. I was dizzy. It was less than a year since I’d had my second baby in two years but everyone was acting like my not having six-pack abs was offensive,” Spears wrote.

“I couldn’t believe I was going to have to go out onstage feeling the way I felt.”

Singer ultimately went through with it – but was universally panned, exactly as she’d feared.

“I went out there and did the best I could at that moment in time, which — yes, granted — was far from my best at other times,” she explained.

“I could see myself on video throughout the auditorium while I performed; it was like looking at myself in a fun-house mirror.”

To make matters worse, Timberlake was at the top of his game, taking home numerous awards and putting on a showstopping performance with Timbaland and Nelly Furtado.

It only served to make Spears feel worse about herself.

“Justin glided down the runway,” the singer said.

“He was flirting with girls in the audience, including one who turned around and arched her back, shaking her breasts as he sang to her.”

Timberlake and Spears were one of the most high-profile couples in Hollywood when they dated between 1999 and 2002.

Spears says that after the split, the media portrayed her as the “harlot who’d broken the heart of America’s golden boy”.

The narrative was heavily fuelled by Timberlake’s break-up anthem Cry Me A River, which was released just months after their split and featured a Britney lookalike in the music video.

But ironically, as Spears details, Timberlake allegedly cheated on her twice during their relationship, both times with famous women. She claimed that he hooked up with “one of the girls” from a hit ‘90s girl band while in London in 2000.

However, as she writes, Timberlake had actually broken her heart rather than vice versa – dumping her with a text message that read simply: “It’s over.”

Spears admitted she was “devastated” and considered quitting the music industry entirely after Timberlake dumped her.

“I was comatose in Louisiana, and he was happily running around Hollywood,” she wrote.

Here is her performance

And here is Justin's that night

The thing is - no one forced Britney to perform in her bra and pants when she didn't have body for it at the moment. It was her own choice of a wardrobe. It was her choice not to prepare better and rehearse. She was partying instead. She could have cancelled her performance any day if she didn't feel ready. None of it was someone else's fault. Only her own.

Yet she never admits it in her book. Everything is always someone else's fault. Justin was guilty because he looked great and prepared that night. Public and press was guilty that she was having port-baby-body and not thin enough to rock that pants and bra stage costume...

Justin was guilty because he looked great and his career was thriving. While she was unhappy single mother with 2 babies and loser husband. Even tho she was the one who cheated on him and then married K-Fed and then decided to have 2 children back to back. Then divorced and was wondering around town high and hanging out with shady people. Turning herself into laughing stock.

Everything she did prior that 2007 meltdown - she did it to herself. When she was dating Justin she became bored with him and cheated. Then when he was gone she started missing him and envied how cool, swaggy, pretty and successful he was....

Lots of things in her life was bad because press WAS shitty to her. Yet she needs to accept her own role in her downfall. Madonna was ridiculed and attacked worse when she was young yet never allowed herself to become laughing stock.


reminds a lot of bam margera from jackass ......... constantly blaming someone else for their own fuck ups!

"this is the definition of loser mentality... blame your problems on the people around you when really you’re the source of your own problems"


Yeah, not feeling much sympathy. That whole thing reads like it was dictated by her PR manager.


Call me crazy but she looked very good, real sexy.
Who doesn't like a bit of meat on the bone?

She looks perfect there, hell, add ten pounds and any guy would still be all in.


Yeah. I was rewatching video and thought the same. By these days standarts she actually looks very good.

But I guess she and press in that time were remembering how perfectly thin she was looking in her prime years in 2000 and it was considered downgrade. And who knows why she decided to wear pants and bra when she could have wear any normal outfit.


1. Agreed. For a mother of two, that body is nothing to be ashamed of.

2. I suspect that Britiney is used to taking advice on such matters from her professional...staff. After all she was in the business since she was a child.


Press was onto her that night not only because of bad lazy performance. She was is in the middle of her meltdown. Everyone hated and ridiculed her.

It was actually AFTER she shaved her head, which happened on February 16, 2007. And VMA was 6 months later.

For months she was walking around LA, being high. shaving head, wearing pink wigs, speaking in English accent, hanging with shady people, flashing her vagina for paps... all while her 2 young kids were at home. Press and public hated her for it and attacked relentlessly.

And then this lazy VMA performance happened. When she came unprepared, high, did not rehearsed and was sleepwalking around stage. That's why everyone laughed and attacked her. Because people were angry about her crazy behavior.


You know, you say that, and I don't doubt you, but, the behavior you list doesn't sound any worse than shit we hear about stars that are still beloved and exhalted, so, i still don't really understand or respect the whims of the chattering mob.


I think she looked damn good also.


I know the press was hard on her, but the public wasn't shaming her over her body, it was her lacklustre performance that did it coupled with what was going on with her outside this performance. I'm not saying the stuff about JT was false, just that it had little to do with this specific performance or why the public was against her at the time.




Got this book today. Was extremely excited to unbox it and read it. When taken out of the box, I immediately felt the stickiness on the book. And upon further investigation, it appears someone literally cu**** on my book! How disgusting and so disrespectful!! Needless to say, I am exchanging it for a new one! Here’s to hoping my next one is clean!




It was a review from Amazon. There were pics too! lol




It had been trendy to bash her for a while, which is horrible and she didn't deserve any of it. However, this performance deserved some of the criticism it got - no hate towards her at all, but this performance sucked and it's fair to say that.


Her dancing and performance rubbish. Looked like she only rehearsed an hour before.

Timberlake looked like he was on fire.


I've got little sympathy for anyone who's job it is to be up on stage getting gawked at


I've dealt with so much beyond my control, so have many.
Everything that's appermtly happened to this bitch is something she did. The only thing thay isn't her doing is her difficult childhood amd lots of people have has those and worse.
I'm so sickmof this bitch and her fans.


"...when she didn't have body for it at the moment."
Did we watch the same performance!?
How did she not have "the body for it"?


It's funny now but back then it was considered that she looked fattish in that performance. People and press were comparing her body to the times she looked very slim. And odds were not in her favor. That's why she mentioned it herself in book. Compare her 2001 performance on VMA. This is - if she would not strip to her bra and pants than no one would notice and jump at her.



Young celebs should have looked perfectly slim back then. Or press would jump at them. Christina Aguilera was getting shit for gaining weight too. When she went

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