MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > A Quarter of the People in the US....

A Quarter of the People in the US....

...give up a meal a day because of Bidenomics.


Didn't click the link because I just don't click links.
But if true, not a bad thing given US Americans are so fat.
Doing the health care system a favour but mobility device manufacturers and sellers won't be happy.






not a bad thing given US Americans are so fat.

Doing the health care system a favour

Um, they didn't just give it up, that quarter turned to "unhealthy foods because they are cheaper." ... but you are right, they are doing the health care system a favor since they can cash in on more unhealthy citizens.


Why do you preface your replies with Um? Do you type what you are thinking verbatim?


The "Um," I believe, is to emphasize the stupidity of the question. People have skipped meals, and the meals they do eat are less healthy.

That's because they didn't learn how to cook. Rice and beans are quite healthy, and cost less than meat protein. The veggies are a bit steep, I must say, but still not as pricey as ground beef that's almost $4.95 a pound. That's insane.

Soon the only people able to eat well will be the folks who live on old-fashioned farms.


My original post didn't ask a question.
It was a comment.


Too true. It was to emphasize the fact that you missed the point. If you'd clicked on the link, you would have seen that it wasn't so good, because the Americans were eating junk food. But that's because their moms didn't teach them how to cook. So sorry -- no question; just a comment that missed the point by a mile. Sort of like mine missing that you'd only commented not questioned originally.

We're both dumb as rocks.


Igneous or metamorphic?


We have free market in this country. If the Biden administration forces price controls on us to lower prices, he will just be called a commie dictator.

The link in the OP is just a baseless claim for which there is no rational reason to believe.


Immortan Joe already is a commie dictator. he has no intention of help america or americans. he has no problem giving away billions to a corrupt country.


The Trump administration gave away billions, was he also a commie dictator?


who did he give money to?


Here are some details. You can make an effort for yourself you know.

Was Trump also a commie dictator?


if you knew anything about history, then you would know that we have been giving away free money since 1945. only Dictator Joe wants to give billions to Ukraine.


So you think it is not money well spent to keep the Russian bear in its cage instead of fighting them when they reach France or Alaska?

Was Trump also a commie dictator? It's a simple question. Trump was throwing money at other countries also. Why is it not a commie dictatorship when Trump does it?

Almost everyone else knows various other countries are givings billions in aid to Ukraine. Why are you pretending to be so stupid as to think it is only Biden doing this?

If you knew anything about history, you would know this.


how many countries has russia invaded since 1945?

Trump never gave billions to Ukraine.

thats your opinion, it doesnt make it fact by posting fake news about Trump.


"Fake news" is rather broad. What did I post here in this thread that was fake news?

Trump provided aid to Ukraine; it came with more political strings attached than usual. Did that make it alright? Trump tried and failed to withhold hundreds of millions in aid to Ukraine while he was president.


you didnt answer my question.

how many countries has Russia invaded since 1945?

Trump provided weapons not billions in free cash. he had to because of the deal that Obama made with them. he really didnt have a choice.


Thankfully, he's now backing away from his idea that he'll keep them up in the style to which they've become accustomed. He's now saying he's going to try to force them to the negotiating table to try to end the war. If it's good enough for the folks in the Middle East....


That's why when clowns like you ask for proof of anything, you will get none.
You dismiss, reject, deny and gaslight, every single time.


At this point I have no idea how our country actually runs or why we do anything we do. It seems like whoever has hijacked our government is looting as much as they can before letting us collapse into a smoldering heap


this might help Porshe.. Learn about Accelerationism

"Accelerationism is a range of revolutionary and reactionary ideas in left-wing and right-wing ideologies that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage and other processes of social change to destabilize existing systems and create radical social transformations, otherwise referred to as "acceleration". It has been regarded as an ideological spectrum divided into mutually contradictory left-wing and right-wing variants, both of which support the indefinite intensification of capitalism and its structures as well as the conditions for a technological singularity, a hypothetical point in time where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible."

Notice its Left AND Right. This is more like a game. Order out of "ORCHESTRATED" Chaos. Its not true chaos. We would have more of a chance if it was just unorganized chaos. This is a very well orchestrated plan thats been progressing for over 100 years now and we are coming up on a major marker in 2025. Its called "Externalization of the Hierarchy". Next year mankind gets to see their new "Deities" be revealed. The politics and "News" (Both left and right) is just a show of dualism for distraction, misdirection, and manipulation. Almost nobody knows whats going on at the populace level. Biden is a "Fall Guy" for this period of Accelerationism. Thats his part in this.

Its pretty dire stuff. If you have faith in Jesus Christ you will want to hold on to that and also become very schooled in discernment because part of their plan is to bring in a "World Leader" in 2030 which is their False Christ who will defeat he "Antichrist". They always control both sides. Biden and Trump are no exception. Crazy times. After more than 30 years of studying these people I still cant believe we are seeing it play out right before our eyes. Absolutely evil but also brilliant.


Hey Jack, he's trying to help combat America's obesity problem!

Some people are sure ungrateful.


Where are all the Biden supporters thanking him for Bidenomics?!


I'd heard that the bragging about Bidenomics hadn't caught on...except with Republicans. Most people can go into stores and realize that it's not that single digit inflation Biden's been claiming, but actual double-digit inflation they're dealing with. Yellen is trying to say that it's Trump's economic policies that have them in the state they're in -- the same woman who claimed that inflation was transitory.

Trump started us down this road with his closing the economy and sending out the stimulus checks. But Biden doubled-down on that, then started spending trillions on this and that, as if printing all that money wouldn't jack up inflation. Well, it did. And if they'd point to precisely what the Trump policies were that caused inflation so many years later, I'd admire to hear it. Especially when Biden had just been saying Bidenomics was "working." Now it's not working?

I swear, they just keep throwing stories at the wall and hoping something sticks. Which shows how desperate they are.


99% of Republicans make shit up, or believe the shit other Republicans just make up


I love how people "conveniently" forget the reality of poverty in America, in that it is pervasive throughout US history... And dumbass Republican cult members say "Oh! It's Biden's fault!"... What are they gonna say when it continues after Biden leaves? "It's still Biden's fault?!" What about the 2 centuries before Biden? Still his fault??

JFC... Trumplodytes are some of the dumbest humans on the planet... You don't have the intelligence to handle politics. You're a circus monkey doing what it's told by spreading lies for Orange Man... Congrats.


Oh Thanks! Yeah, it took a Brandon supporter to tell us that it was not at all Biden's fault. Thank you so much!


The real poverty in America is not helped by the Democrats telling them that they're not paying more for beans and rice in the store when they know very well they are. The people scraping by are not helped by an Administration that tells them inflation is transitory, then when it's here to stay -- as most of the intelligent people knew it would be -- telling them it was really Trump's fault, instead of the guy who just kept printing money to spend it, lowering the value of the dollar and therefore how much it would buy in the store.

If they can get more in food stamps, but can buy less with what they get, who's blowing smoke up their skirt -- the Trumpers, who are telling them Biden's outrageous spending is causing the inflation that's robbing them blind, or the Biden crowd who are telling them Bidenomics is working?
