MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > Time to step in the race Hillary Clinton

Time to step in the race Hillary Clinton

Time to step in the race Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden did very poorly with his performance.


LOL.. that would be a riot for her to come out of the shadows again


it would be fun to watch


The average person is completely clueless about Hillary Clinton let alone everyone else in this web. Im guessing nobody here even knows who people like Cathy Fox or Fritz Springmeier are. Thousand Points of light? The Chateau des Amerois?

Let me grab something quick BRB


“At 19 she did her 1,000 points of light ceremony in the Mother of Darkness Castle that I exposed in 1991. It is the Chateau des Amerois near Muno, Belgium; from what I’m told they discontinued using it as their HQ due to the attention it had gained.”

Hillary is a fun one to talk about. Shes a wild one. Shes a Grande Dame in Mothers of Darkness. Not a Queen as far as I know but a Grande Dame is very elite level.

This is how Hillary goes out. She does it voluntarily BTW. Chomp, Chomp

"An iLLUMiNATi Grande Dame is killed in a ritual in order to pass her spiritual power onto the next initiate in line and is done with great reverence. No blood is spilled out of respect since the woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power. It is said that there may be as many as 2.197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. her head is served on a silver platter at a banquet."

Hillary always fun to talk about but this info on her is over 30 years old now. People need to do independent research more. This was all exposed before a potential revolution in Belgium during the Dutroux affair. Its supressed of course but the info is out there if people do the work. Trump knows about all this Mothers Of Darkness stuff as well. Ask yourself why he never mentions it or anything else related? This is all Open Secret stuff.

Hillary is always fun. Collins is better but most people dont that family.


They're not removing an incumbent. Especially not 5 months before the election.


I doubt it. They tried this angle last time as well and just ended up pulling him from the debates. Its all a staged event anyways. Trump will be reinstalled. This Agenda is bigger than any silly election and Dominion theology is a major part of it. Thats where MAGA comes in.

"Dominion theology/Dominionism - a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians and based on their understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of acquiring governing authority are varied."

Biden was put in place for this period of Accelerationism

Accelerationism is a range of Marxist and reactionary ideas in critical and social theory that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage, and other social processes in order to destabilize existing systems and create radical social transformation, otherwise known as "acceleration"

Biden constant Ice Cream images were their tell but people couldnt spot it. Ever wonder why he was constantly shown eating Ice cream?

"Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone:A military doctrine or political process that appears to exist in order to justify its own existence, often producing irrelevant indicators of its own success".

So who is controlling Biden? Answer ...NSA. NSA controls all. Type Illuminati in reverse and put it in your search engine. see what it takes you to. Put in "Itanimulli".

"It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy." - William Van Duyn - Head of the Illuminati - Bilderberg 2014

Van Duyn gave that speech 1 month after the Vatican declares Lucifer as God in 2014. Nobody was paying attention though. I wish people would snap out of it and realize where they are at. 2025 is a huge marker for this worldwide Agenda.


No way Jose..


So...she couldn't run a decent campaign against Obama for the Democratic nomination and she ran a bad campaign against Trump when lots of other candidates could have won the Electoral College and become President. But, bring her back? Again?


Its not going to happen. Hillary is a loyal soldier to the actual controllers in the hierarchy. Shes not going to get in the way of this plan. That was decided long ago between her and Van Duyn.

People are missing the big tip off. When have we ever seen a political party attacking their own candidate thats also a sitting president before an election. Thats a major break in pattern. It helps to show how staged and controlled this all is. Trump will be reinstalled. Democrat party is just controlled opposition. I know this stuff is hard for people to process because they get wrapped up in emotion but what we are seeing is unprecedented. Its all following the script.

I hope people start learning the dangers of Dominionism because thats coming. After that Noahide Laws then we are heading straight for the purge. WILD times.


It worked out so well for her in 2016, lol.


yeah, she is a 2 time loser


If Biden drops out and she winds up being the nominee, then the DNC is either criminally stupid or controlled opposition all along.


Well its all controlled. Which side is opposition depends on which side you are on. Best to look at it as both sides are controlled opposition. Its called dualism tactics. Kind of an off shoot of Divide and Conquer. Bidens been controlled since before he was installed. He took the deal. You are watching a play. Since when does the MSM all systematically turn on their presidential candidate and start calling for a replacement of a sitting president? Especially after saying what a great job he has been dog for 4years. All because of 1 debate? Come on now. Try to watch the game being layed right out in front of you. Block whatever bias you may have and look at the pattern. The "Left" is now helping to sell the installation of Trump its just being done in a backhanded way. Clever tactic that was put into effect last night. First time I have seen it done on this scale. Trump is going back in as expected. Agenda moves forward.

Big question now is does Accelerationism continue into 2025 or do we go full blown Dominionism. Perhaps a grace period to get public trust again before going full throttle IDK. Theres a couple different ways they can make this happen.


