
After the whole episode with the boy/tongue sucking thing, it sure seems people will be saying that of him.


Who in the ''elites'' isn't?


He's not a pedophile. He's a senile old man.


If he were a senile old man he would have suck everyone's tongue, but he only did that to a little boy, just like those catholic priests.


The Dalai Lama is also a homophobe who has denounced homosexuality. He's an idiot. And he's a coward who fled Tibet to save his own ass. I'm not a fan. But he clearly has dementia.


The Catholics also denounced homosexuality, that did not stop their priests to molest little boys.

Did those catholic priests use being senile as an excuse?


Pffffffft. Kissing at a public event is not child molestation. It was a ceremonial greeting. There was nothing sexual about that. It was just gross and improper.


And of course you just know that. I am guessing you are just another one paid to be here, trying to downplay this.

You are not alone. There are quite a few desperately trying to protect him here, some of them lie quite shamelessly, clearly quite a bit money is paid for this.


Paid to be here? Hahaha. Is the check in the mail?

I've already said I despise the Dalai Lama for fleeing Tibet when it was under attack.

I just think he's a senile old man. And sticking out the tongue is only sexual to Westerners. I'm not sure what it has to do with sex when kissing is used as a nonsexual greeting allover the world.


It's not sticking out the tongue, he specifically asked the boy to SUCK his tongue. This is sexual in any part of the world. You're sounding like a dirty peado sympathizer.


There are more serious problems with the Dalai Lama than his kissing this brat. Stop over sexualizing everything. There was nothing sexual about that incident.


After saying stuff like that I don't think there is still any lingering doubt about whether you are paid to downplay this.


You need your internet search history monitored. Disgusting pedo sympathiser.


Troll #1 & Troll #2, probably the same weirdo.


If it’s not sexual, go ask your dad to suck your tongue. Exactly. Pedo sympathiser.


What mental institution did you escape from?


Did you suck your dads tongue? How was it?


You need to ask yourself that buddy trying to convince people asking a child to suck your tongue isn’t sexual. Go suck your dads tongue if it’s not. Fucktard.



"He's a senile old man." Most likely scenario.


Only real pedophiles spell it paedophile.

The DL is a major global leader, and as such anything he does that can be called into question is immediately publicized and spread around the world.

The video was pushed out all over the world and immediately thousands of otherwise sane people began to make assumptions about it that were unwarranted. They have no idea what the DL is about, or what he does or what his followers think is normal.

Do I think that was weird. No doubt. It was creepy by my standards, but European men kissing each other is weird by my standards as well, or mothers breastfeeding their children into adolescence.

None of that is pedophilia.

Then also ... the DL was accused of being a CIA assett. No shit sherlock ... China took over his country and he was a massive political rallying point for freedom and against the Chinese imperialists. Why wouldn't the CIA try to aid and support him?

AMJF, you are a dull-witted goofball who should not be posting since you have nothing of value or import to say.


AMJF, you are a dull-witted goofball who should not be posting since you have nothing of value or import to say.

Yeah, but at least he's consistent..


I'm British, all of us spell it as paedophile.

An adult asking a child to do an inappropriate thing like that is dodgy at best - how do you know the DL wasn't getting his rocks off of it? Why would he ask the child in the first place?

I'm also anti-religious, and am all for a world of science and reason without it. Why shouldn't I attack this senile old man with questionable interests??


How do you know what is appropriate in their culture?


So you're saying pedophilia is part of Buddhism, is that what you're getting at


No, it's very clear, I'm saying first and foremost, you're a moron.


Resort to name calling, clearly you have no argument, and made it clear of your character.

So I am guessing you are a fellow pedophile? I bet you support those catholic priests too.


And now YOU are name calling, WELP, circle of life I guess.


How is that name calling? When people are pedophiles, they are pedophiles.

I see you are another pedophile sympathizer.


So now you are calling me a pedophile sympathizer, that is name calling. It's okay for YOU to do it I suppose?


When you support pedophiles, taking their side, you are a pedophile sympathizer. That is just a fact.


That sounds like something a pedophile would say to try to take attention away from themselves.


I see a rush of people try to defend him here, quite a few are lying shamelessly.

Now I know people like you are paid to be here.

I don't know how you live with yourself.

I mean taking money to support wars is one thing, taking money to support a pedophile is quite another.

Anyway I am no longer interested in engaging a professional liar.


Whatever pedo.


So calling out pedophilia makes you a pedophile? I thought Kowalski was an idiot but you seem to have taken Number 1.


lol this whole thread is a joke, everyone calling everyone else a pedophile, so stupid. You are just playing into it.


An elderly man kissing a little boy and requesting tongue sucking, what do you call that if it's not oedophilia?


It's fuckin' gross is what I call it.




But you don't consider it pedophilia?


So tell us about the culture? Does it involve kissing little boys and asking for tongue sucking?


I have no idea, except that the DL has released a statement about it, and it is not anything to do with sex.


So you know nothing about their culture but then claim tongue sucking minors is part of their culture despite not knowing anything about their culture? Oh but DL released a statement so it's all good, if he says it's normal, it's got to be normal, right?


What I expressed was a deep discomfort with ignorant people calling the Dalai Lama a pedophile based on a video that was taken in public, with no duress, clearly in a voluntary situation.

What I know is not to judge things that happen in foreign cultures by ignorant American standards - that is suspend judgement and find out more.

What do you have against the Dalai Lama and why the rush to judgement.


I'm not American so that defeats whatever point you were trying to make.

Are you implying the kid who only asked for a hug, volunteered to have an 80+ year old man kiss him in the mouth and ask for tongue sucking? You blaming the kid in this situation?

You are making it out that people have another agenda for calling out DL, this board was quite before this controversy, that should tell you people had nothing against before he sexually harassed a child which you seem to think is part of their culture. A creepy disgusting old man ask a kid to suck his tongue just after kissing him and you expect people to be OK with that?

Be no surprise if you're also a Polanski supporter.


You live to attack people on the web ... AKA troll-bot dit hip.


And you live to defend pedos on the web


I don't know how you could be more of an idiot.


So explain how I'm being an idiot or anyone else that's not comfortable with an elderly man asking a child to suck his tongue who you've been calling an idiot, explain how me or them are being idiotic instead of acting like a fool, talking about culture then backtracking abd saying you gave no idea about the culture, you're the one being the idiot here.


Did you seriously compare women breastfeeding to an old man asking a little kid to suck his tongue? Men kissing eachother isn't my thing but they're consenting adults whereas this is an old man sexually harassed a child. There must be something wrong with you to defend this sick shit.


Glad you think so.


Pedo sympathiser.


For sure! Terrible


The thing that shocks me most about this incident is that it was not Joe Biden who said it. I mean, we are used to this sort of thing from Joe, but the frigging Dalai Lama propositioning a little boy on live feed? That's almost too much to comprehend. It seems the problem with the global elites is far more widespread than anyone ever imagined.

Also, the really horrible thing is, if you watch the video, it looks like the little boy obeyed him.


DL did not proposition a little boy, the little boy was happy and anxious to get up there with the DL - in public and broad view of the audience and the media.


I was referring to the invitation to suck the Lama's tongue. The kid thought he was going to get a chaste kiss from a revered holy man and instead he was asked to French kiss an ancient perv. Sounds like a proposition to me.


LOL so if a child is happy to do it, it means it's ok? I wonder how many pedophiles have used this excuse.


If you watch the full clip, the kid just wanted a hug. He then directed the kid to kiss him on the check and then the lips.

That poor kid.


LOL ... is that supposed to be an actual comment? Just because pedophiles did that to you in secret doesn't mean the DL was sexualizing or even being inappropriate with that kid. The bottom line is how do the boy and his family see this, and DL already apologized. What is toxic and sick is the whole American idiotic social media jumped on this like a fentanyl sundae.


thank goodness this incident happened b/c now we know who all the pedo defenders (and likely pedos themselves) are! yeah, that's right "brux". you would have faired better keeping your big mouth shut this time!


You need your internet history monitored. Asking an underage boy to suck your tongue and kissing him on the lips is pedofilia, point blank. If it’s not, go offer your underage son or nephew to the dalai lama. Disgusting pedo sympathiser.




Pedo sympathiser


I think you protest too much ... I'd bet you have something to hide that you want to dispel suspicion about.


Lol says the one protesting in favour of pedophilic behavior.


First, that was not pedophilic behavior.
Second, I am not protesting, for or against anything buy making ignorant snap judgements about something like this.
Third, you're an idiot.


Asking an underage boy to suck your tongue and kissing him on the lips is pedophilic behaviour and you’re defending it. If it’s not sexual behaviour go ask your son or nephew to suck your tongue infront of other adults and see what kind of reception you get. Jackass.


Get lost you twit.


Hello Mr. 14,000 posts. You must be a devil with the ladies.


This Liquid guy was obviously raped by a Buddhist monk and he's never gotten over it. 🤣


Of he is a rapist himself trying to push away suspicion ... as in ... me think thou dost protest too much.


He's a weirdo with about 5 socks on this thread.


Says the two losers with 19,000 posts between them. You’re more likely to be the same person since you both live on this site. Get a life.


People with that many posts I think are more likely to be professional "social media consultants" doing this for a living. For example hired to support political content, wars or in this case a famous pedophile.


I was on IMDB when it began, and then switched over the MovieChat when IMDB dumped the chat boards.
Looking at the ridiculous brainless comments here I can see why IMDB did that.
I don't live on this site, but what business would it be of yours if I did? Do you think about anything you say at all?


I too migrated almost right after the IMDB board was shutdown, and I am a retired film buff who spent a lot of time here. See how many posts I made? The only way you could make that many posts is to be full time here. I think that is only possible for people work as professional posters, paid for posting certain contents.


You don't think too much, too hard, or very well.


I am guessing people you just described are your bread and butter.


Lmao at trying to defend making 14,000 posts. You absolute colossal loser. Get a girlfriend and a life, then maybe you won’t spend your time defending pedophilic behavior online.


The only reason you to don't have more posts is that you are troll-bots and your trade off your posts between your two moronic harassing alter egos.


Yeah that made a lot of sense. You’re getting cabin fever buddy, you need to leave the house. Lmao at 14,000 posts. The ladies must throw their panties at you when you walk outside.


And he does it on one honest account. You have 2000 on this sock alone and 2700 on your other sock. Wow, you're the man!

Brux has posted here 6 years. How long have you been here?


You're projecting too hard with the sock account comments buddy. Especially the way you're aggressively defending super loser Brux with his 14,000 posts.

Lmao at Brux has posted here 6 years. Is this your idea of a dick measuring contest? Or biggest loser contest? No one should have time to make 14,000 posts (almost 20,000 between you studs) unless they're a complete fucking loser. Now run along.




Salient remark.


Someone wrote on FB that the boy sucked his tongue and afterwards said, "I can't believe it's not Budda" and I'm still chuckling over that one 😆
