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Sinéad O’Connor explains why she ripped up photo of the pope on ‘SNL’


I think she's owed a big apology.


she was more right than wrong.


she's not owed squat. no more "lets make up some past so people pity us" crap.

she grand standed, knew what she was doing at the time, and did it anyway.

Life happens, deal with it.


I have a better explanation: She's a lunatic.


"It represented lies and liars and abuse. The type of people who kept these things were devils like my mother.”

Theodore McCarrick, the former Archbishop of Washington D.C., pleaded not guilty on Friday to child sex abuse charges. He was defrocked by the Pope.

In 2014, the New York Daily News and other websites published information about a Vatican report saying 848 priests had been defrocked and another 2,572 suffered lesser sanctions over a 10-year period because of accusations of clergy abuse.

And *she* was condemned. What a world we live in.


I never thought I'd support Madonna, but I remember when, in the aftermath of Sinead O'Connor's stunt, Madonna commented that while she understood the point O'Connor was making, and might even agree with some of it, there are effective ways to try to persuade people, and ineffective ways. This was an ineffective way.

Lots of people are devout Catholics, and while many can certainly see problems within the church, even grave ones, attacking the pope in that way simply gets viewed as an attack on Catholicism itself, and thus as an attack on them as Catholics. In other words, you're not persuading people, you're just pissing them off. And I feel safe in saying that more people came away disliking Sinead O'Connor than disliking the pope.


Lie with dogs, get fleas.

There are other Christian Churches that are not Protestant and are "good enough" for the Catholic Church. I think the Egyptian Coptics, the Armenians, some others... The Orthodox Churches are not kosher based on some issue from 400 A.D. whether someone got chocolate in the peanut butter, or the other way around.

13,000 strikes, you're usually OUT.


"13,000 strikes, you're usually OUT."

That is a great line.


"Lie with dogs, get fleas."

Well put . very succinct


One day she should rip up a picture of Mohammed on CNN.


Where does one find a picture of Mohammed?





How odd, I don't recall her saying anything about the catholic church sex abuse scandal when she did that, as stated in the article. I do remember her saying something about how the catholic church "enslaves people" and she felt like that has to end. It was back in the 90s when she did that and the sex scandal wasn't a "thing" back then.

Anyhow, I think she meant slavery of the mind and how religions control people's thoughts. The weirdest thing ever was for her to convert to Islam later on in life. If she feels as though religion is not such a good thing, Islam would be the worst one to get involved with.

I am thinking a bio-pic based on her life might be kind of interesting though. Perhaps someone will write a script for it.

I didn't care for her that much, her music was alright I guess, but I always send condolences when someone passes away and I will do the same here... may she R.I.P.


The thing is: Like the Dixie Chicks, it was an inartful way to do things. She could have just held up the photo of the Pope and said that he needs to talk about the child rape that happened in the Church.


Yawn. She did it to get more sells.
