MovieChat Forums > Seth Rogen Discussion > Seth Rogen’s Apology Tour: “Where I come...

Seth Rogen’s Apology Tour: “Where I come from, communism is not a terrible word.”

Just wow. He’s defending communism. He’s bailing rioters out of prison. He’s denouncing his old movies, which are actually funny. He’s apologizing for all the jokes he’s made in the past. What the hell happened to this guy??? No spine whatsoever. Bowed to the woke Twitter mob like the complete toolbag that he’s become. What a douche.


Great article. Did he marry AOC or something? We now know why Santa Inc is woke and unfunny.


The Hollyweird elites play a strict game.
If you dont follow along with their liberal insanity you are heavily cast out.

Being an actor and part of hollyweird comes with a huge price.
Would you sleep with a stranger to become a celebrity?
Would you be humiliated sexually to become a celebrity?
Would you offer your children as a gift to become a celebrity?

Why do you think these actors, especially women have mental health issues?
They have seen and endured horrible things, because they wanted that fame.
And the happiness of wealth and fame never counters the abuse and pain that come along with it.


One answer, CRT indoctrination.



I thought he was a douche for a stupid bud light commercial but I also have been trying to adopt a liberal way of thinking and it isn't working out that well lol we are all fool of shit




Who the heck are you? I don't have to explain myself


Then don't post if you can't make a coherent sentence


I lean to the left but still felt the need to stick it to liberal hollywood for a stupid bud light commercial, go fuck off and give head to jeff garlin or whatever ok


and my point is the liberals are still the underdogs and they never win, is what I was trying to say, not in capitalist america


Is he sharing his money?
