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Didn't the CIA have proof of Russia collusion?

All these people like Adam Schiff and John Brennan insisted that we trust them because they had "seen the intelligence" that we weren't allowed to see because it was classified.

Now I'm starting to get suspicious of scientists who claim to have "looked at the data" about global warming.

Don't you get tired of trusting people? I mean, that's how I know when someone is lying, when they ask me to trust them. Preachers say to have faith. Trump does it all the time. His catchphrase is "Believe me". That's what I like about him. He's shameless about doing what everyone else pretends they aren't doing. When the world doesn't blow up in 12 years, this time, are we finally going to recognize that scientists are just a bunch of opportunistic scammers like everyone else? "Atheists" have just traded robes for white lab coats. Take em off, you pompous religious zealots.


It's easier if you don't trust politicians or scientists that push junk science. I wouldn't trust our president with my life, but I would trust him with being himself while he's in office. I also don't trust most news sources these days. Thankfully, it's really easy to tell the idiots from the actual journalists these days. Nearly all of them lost credibility back in 2003 when the War on Terror started and it's just been downhill ever since.

Always keep close attention to the language the fakers use. The phrases become very easy to spot where they pretend to sound smart. "I looked at the data" is one of them. Note how quickly they are to dismiss real data, or how angry they get when someone contradicts their narrative with real evidence. They love circular arguments that are designed to disarm opponents who might not know everything they do. But they collapse into childish brats the moment a real intellectual calls them out on their stupidity.


Still waiting for someone to explain how the election was hijacked. lol


Actually, what the CIA and FBI don't want to admit is, someone out there, some hidden and powerful entity they don't want to admit to the press exists (not the Russians at all), sabotaged their attempts at rigging the 2016 election in Hillary's favor. It's too humiliating for them to admit they were outfoxed. So they've done their darndest to make it look like the election was illegitimate and "stolen by Russians," even though there was never any strong evidence to support it. It was all a propaganda game to try and sway the masses into not supporting the winner in question.


The Russians sabotaged their attempts at rigging the 2016 election by not playing ball. This is why the Democrat rectum went from spending the last 75 years of blowing Russia/USSR to Reeeeeeussia collusion/Putin bad.


"that we weren't allowed to see because it was classified."

Seems pretty stupid to blame Schiff and Brennan when its Barr, Trump and republicans telling you you can't see what they found.


3 years later and we finally found out that the Steele Dossier was fake. Hillary got a slap on the wrist and a fine. Thats it. Its weird that no one cares that the whole thing was a sham started by the democrats.


You mean, 3 years later and we found Dumpy's backchannel to Russia, Dumpy saying Putin is a genius for invading Ukraine, and Hillary exonerated for the 6-year long Benghazi investigation.

It's weird that no one cares we spent ten times as much on the Benghazi investigation than we did on RussiaGate.


It's because benghazi was actually a real scandal


A real expensive witch hunt you mean. If it's a scandal, then what scandal caused those four people to die?


Requests for backup were ignored


Which had nothing to do with Hillary. But she was the perceived frontrunner for 2016, so repubs targeted her.


Where does Clinton play into this? Well, aside from being the Secretary of State — an important cabinet position — she later took responsibility for the security at the compound, or rather, a lack thereof. "I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts," Clinton said, in an interview with CNN. "The president and the vice president wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. They're the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs, and make a considered decision."


the hillary scandal...


Mueller found no collusion. and how come Putin didnt help Trump in 2020? I thought Trump was going to cheat again?

Bidney was ready to lose by chicanery, but now there is no chicanery.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told supporters Wednesday night his campaign assembled a team of 600 lawyers to fight against efforts he expects from President Donald Trump to limit voter participation in the upcoming election.

The team of 600 lawyers, along with 10,000 volunteers, would be in every state to figure out if any "chicanery is likely to take place."

Biden predicted it would be "very, very, very difficult" to stave off the objections he expects Trump to make about mail-in-voting. The president has posted many tweets claiming mailed-in ballots are ripe for fraud and abuse.


Don't you ever feel bad about being an abject liar?


Hows that Ukraine war going? China is getting involved now.


They love it! It's an excuse to borrow money from China, aka the biggest donor to the democratic party. Literally everything about that war is an excuse to return favors to foreign powers that help elected Biden. So you know, all the shit Trump was accused of by the left, but is actually being done by them instead. Their typical M.O. Fuck making America great again! Let's continue to make the glorious nation of China stronger, richer, and allow them to kill Americans by flooding the border with their deadly fentanyl. Biden and his kids are set for life. That's all that matters.


This war comes to an end when Trump comes back in Jan 2025 and it'll have to be a situation where both sides sit down at the table and hash out a cease fire plan because Trump is not going to send hundreds of Billions over to Ukraine like war monger Joe did?? That much IS certain


Oh sure, Russia is just going to back down. I'd like a unicorn while we're at it.


Trump kept Russia at bay for four years.

Amazon sells unicorns.


there was no new wars when Trump was President.


Do you know why Russia is trying to take over Ukraine?


Joe said that small incursions are ok. but tell everyone why Russia is invading Ukraine...


No. I asked you. Is that a problem for you?


because Joe allowed it. Joe and Putin secretly agreed it was ok for a small incursion. also its an easy to launder money. Joe is freely sending Z money with no accountability on how it is spent. I think we are at over $700 billion now. and now the war is a stalemate. like I have said before, Ukraine is not going to get that land back and if they do it will take trillions and decades. it would be easier to negotiate a deal and create a DMZ.


this whole issue could be solved if Ukraine was let into NATO.


You are absurd.


now you dont like my answer?

Do you know why Russia is trying to take over Ukraine?

answer you own question. I will wait.



"Don't you get tired of trusting people? I mean, that's how I know when someone is lying, when they ask me to trust them. Preachers say to have faith. Trump does it all the time. His catchphrase is "Believe me". That's what I like about him. He's shameless about doing what everyone else pretends they aren't doing. When the world doesn't blow up in 12 years, this time, are we finally going to recognize that scientists are just a bunch of opportunistic scammers like everyone else? "Atheists" have just traded robes for white lab coats. Take em off, you pompous religious zealots."

But, you can look at the data yourself. You can even wear a lab coat while you read it, if you choose.


"When the world doesn't blow up in 12 years, this time, are we finally going to recognize that scientists are just a bunch of opportunistic scammers like everyone else? "

Soooo, scientists have said the world will blow up in 12 years?
actual scientists? The global warming ones? or some 'scientists' you found in the youtube comment section?


You should ask the person who wrote it. The guy you replied to was quoting the OP.


ah yes , tnx , i will :)


still waiting for BBB....


I think he was watching Superman and thinks Jor-El is part of the deep state.

I’m sure we’ll see a thread about how the police are allowing rich people get murdered without justice like those nice Wayne’s. They left their son an orphan, after all!!


"Don't you get tired of trusting people? I mean, that's how I know when someone is lying, when they ask me to trust them. Preachers say to have faith. Trump does it all the time. His catchphrase is "Believe me". That's what I like about him. He's shameless about doing what everyone else pretends they aren't doing. When the world doesn't blow up in 12 years, this time, are we finally going to recognize that scientists are just a bunch of opportunistic scammers like everyone else? "Atheists" have just traded robes for white lab coats. Take em off, you pompous religious zealots."


When the world doesn't blow up in 12 years [9 years from current date], this time, are we finally going to recognize that scientists are just a bunch of opportunistic scammers like everyone else?

Which scientists would this be? I have not read a quote attributed to any science who claims this. Please provide a link to your evidence.


"When the world doesn't blow up in 12 years, this time, are we finally going to recognize that scientists are just a bunch of opportunistic scammers like everyone else? "

Soooo, scientists have said the world will blow up in 12 years?
actual scientists? The global warming ones? or some 'scientists' you found in the youtube comment section?

Unless you can quote specific scientists , leave science alone.
The "scientific method" is exactly the opposite of what you suggest.
Things must be repeatable , demonstrable , provable , open to peer review , and happy to be proven wrong if that arises.
Do not equate scientists with lying scumbag politicians who will say anything to get re-elected wether its for the greater good or their own agenda.


Famous scientist Al Gore has said "the world will end shortly" several times. Did he get elected? Greenies keep saying it.


Oh did he? Care to find examples? And what's a short time? Geologic time?


6 years later...still no


Nothing surprised me about Dumpy's administration. I can't wait until he is gone.

reply 2024.




no, they never had proof.


Man, this crap didn't age well did it.


Nope, sure didnt.


The OP being a trump following moron espouting how its more convenient to believe a compulsive liar than science ?

its aged perfectly
That is still the exact same situation.
3 years and countless courtcases of the "stloen election" thrown out for zero evidence.
I'd say its even more relevent now than then


Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.

Nancy disagrees with you, and we must follow the facts and investigate.


they did , Nancy will now admit that statement was wrong

unlike man-baby Trump , who doesent have the mental cognissance to admit an error
hence still spouting his "rigged election" lie


So basically its ok for dems to say an election was stolen but not Republicans?

If the 2016 election wasn't hijacked, then why did Mueller investigate for 2 years?


Russia WAS trying to influence the election with facebook posts . mueller concluded it had no effect - Dems then agreed

Trump however , said before hand if he didnt win he was going to cry fraud ,
now we have this complete horsehit about rigged voting machines and ninjas with boxes of votes stuffing boxes in the middle of the night
AND trump will never take thisback becasue he has the mind of a child .
... so he's still spouting it .

surely you can see the difference?


"Russia WAS trying to influence the election with facebook posts"

Wasnt Obama Pres. in 2016?

Election officials and cyber experts say it’s virtually impossible for Moscow or some other outside group to influence the election outcome.

U.S. President Barack Obama lacerated Donald Trump on Tuesday over his repeated assertions that the Nov. 8 election is rigged against him, telling the Republican presidential candidate to “stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”

No doubt Trump team colluded with Russia, says Pelosi as Congress lines up to condemn new email release

Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
11:44 AM · May 16, 2017

Fast forward to 2020

Pelosi: Trump Voter Fraud Claims ‘Strange’ and ‘Startling’
“To suggest and to undermine the integrity of our voting system is really strange,” Pelosi said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”

Whats the difference between 2016 and 2020 you ask?

The 2016 election was Federally investigated by a Special Counsel (Mueller).
The 2020 election was NOT investigated at all.

Elections are only fair and honest when democrats win.

Surely you can see the difference?


Great list.


good stuff...


Pwned again with facts...


Trump would have ever right to cry fraud. The whole Russia hoax scandal was a distraction from all the Hilary leaked emails that described everything she did illegally to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination, and all the collusion from the media to tryto help her beat Trump during the debates. But she got her revenge by killing Seth Rich for the leaks, and making sure Epstein killed himself so he couldn't finger her husband and ruin her political career. All's well that ends well.


and the CIA killed JFK too right?


I don't know. I'm so busy trying to add the Clinton murder total. I might need to carry the one and recheck my math.




Putting fake ads on Twitter and Facebook is not hijacking an election. It would have to be done with voter fraud and voter machine fraud. Neither was found during the 2 year investigation.


As i keep saying nobody arguing with that .
Neither elections were rigged .

You cant keep saying "Nancy said 2016!" as some sort of proof that biden rigged 2020


Oh, so now you finally concede that the Russia fake ads on twitter and FB were faked, lol.

Remember when I repeatedly asked you for evidence and you cited the massive BS list from wokepedia, yea, that was also part of fake news.


the fake ads were faked ?

No im not saying that. I'm saying Russia tried and failed , via fake ads , to influence the election.


lol, no, they were ads posted by the Dems and blamed on Russia. Typical frame and blame leftist-handbook tactic.


Ah the ever present republican "False Flag" excuse

Dems put ads on facebook campaigning for Trump ?


Both reports have already proven that. Are you backpedaling now?

Btw, when I say Dems, I also mean their accomplices, the RINOs.


It dont really matter who dunnit . it didnt work .
as I keep saying Nobody on either side is claiming Trump cheated his way in .
wtf are we arguing about here ?

you guys keep bringing up facebook adverts af if its some sort of proof or justification for Trump saying every day that 2020 was rigged.


You are still not getting it.

When the opposition is desperate enough to fabricate evidence, frame, blame, lie and deceive; it means that they are desperate enough to rig and steal an election. Both reports proves that.

He knew they were going to steal the 2020 because he had proof that they attempted to rig the 2016 and they rigged the 2018-mid-elections.
He and the military have proof of both of those and the 2020 results.


Show your proof that the 2020 election was stolen since we're still not getting it.


sure I'm getting it , you literally just reinforced what i said.

You think a few facebook ads in 2016 proves that in 2020 pillow ninjas broke into ballot stations country wide in the middle of the night and rigged the vote

Thanks for making my point


sure I'm getting it

Apparently not, it went over your head as usual.

Thanks for making my point

lol, You didn't have any points, you had deflections and excuses.


Your "proof" that 2020 was rigged is an asinine theory that dems false flagged russian facebook ads and are therefore capable of rigging 2020 through unspecified methods .

....and you wonder why this doesent hold up in real life court?


I know the 2016 election wasn't rigged, it was never rigged. Dems were so mad they lost to Trump that they fabricated a lie that Russia stole the election. I never said the 2016 election was stolen, Nancy and other dems said that.

Fast forward to 2020, Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said that he was going to lose by chicanery.

Now Hillary is saying that Russia is going to steal the 2024 election. Its about sowing the seed of doubt and propaganda.

If Trump had won in 2020, the dems would have said they were right and the election was stolen.

Most Americans are not smart enough to realize that they are being manipulated by the media.

Dems in 2016: Elections cant be stolen
Dems in 2016: The election was stolen
Dems in 2020: The election will be stolen
Dems in 2020: The election wasn't stolen
Dems in 2024: The election will be stolen
Dems in 2024: TBD


at the end of the day the only people right now still screaming loudly about rigged elections is Trump & fans


At the end of the day between 2016 and 2021, the only people whining about rigged elections were Nancy, Hillary and all the democrats. Democrats set the precedence by saying elections can be rigged and we are just following their lead.


bullshit . a dozen tweets its all you've ever found to put in your little youtube vidoe .

Versus Donald and 50 million magas screaming all day long

and , once again , nobiody is saying 2016 was rigged and youtr little video of nancy tweets does not prove 2020 was rigged .

there is zero proof 2020 , or any other election was rigged .
MAGAS are the only ones saying otherwise


Nancy said the 2016 election was hijacked. Are you saying she is a liar?

2016 Presidential Election
Joe Biden, 2019: “I absolutely” agree that Trump is an “illegitimate president.”
Hillary Clinton, 2019: The election was “stolen.”
Jimmy Carter, 2019: “Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and was put into office because the Russians interference on his behalf.”
Kamala Harris, 2019: “Absolutely right” that Trump “didn’t really win.”
Karine Jean-Pierre, 2016: It was a “stolen election.”
Jerry Nadler, 2017: It was a “tainted” and “illegitimate” election.
Nancy Pelosi: The 2016 election was hijacked.

If there is no proof the 2020 was rigged then why did Nancy said Trump was going to steal the election again and why did Joe say he was going to lose by chicanery?

Who was the Special Counsel in charge of the 2020 election investigation?


does every election need a Special Counsel in charge of an investigation before it is considered legitimate?


Excellent question. I did some research and found that the 2016 election was the only election in Americas history where a Special Counsel was appointed to investigate it.

The other closest Presidential election to be contested was in 2000 but that was decided by the Florida Supreme Court.

Again, democrats set the precedence by using a Special Prosecutor to investigate elections. Why am I the crazy one for wanting the 2020 election to be investigated in the same manner as 2016?


The precedent wasnt
"all elections must be investigated ",
it was
"All elections where a billionaire ego mainiac with a mental age in single digits somehow gets in amidst a flurry of russian facebook ads must be investigated."

so that one was investigated and found the russian attempts did not influence and all was fair and good.

It doesent mean every election gets one .


To answer your question. Presidential elections do not need to be investigated. However the only time in history it was investigated was when the democrats lost in 2016.

Yeah, the election was found to be fair and good because it was investigated. How do we know the 2020 election was fair and good if it was not investigated? Thats my point.


How do we know the 2020 election was fair and good if it was not investigated?

because in your words :
"Presidential elections do not need to be investigated."

just because 2016 was doesent mean all subsequent ones have to .


Your logic and reasoning is sound and have outwitted me with my own words. Bravo.



I look forward to our next sparring , maybe we can do "Should Han have shot first" sometime


Sounds interesting. Although that might be a 6 month sparring session. :)


That's pretty weak. You're like making his case for him.

If all 2016 had was a "flurry of facebook ads",

and 202O had massive relaxations of voting rules and violent mobs in the streets and a massive joint cia/fbi psych op to control the news....

Sounds like 2020 needs it FAR more than 2016 did.

You have convinced me. A special prosecuter is needed.


yeah but these things like
" a massive joint cia/fbi psych op " are just in your head. If they were real things maybe they could have been used to triggger an enquiry .

One thing I'm unsure of though is how did the dems manage to get this official investigation going in 2016 when they wernt in power ?

If you dont need to be in power to kick one of these things off why didnt republicans get themselves one in 2020?


1. I've seen the feds and justice department people testifying about aspects of it in congress. Specifically the control of the media and big tech. But the other aspects such as the joint announcements from retired agency heads, is in the public record.

Why are you denying well documented history?

2. How did the dems do it? That is a VERY good question. Trump was the duly elected president at the time and yet the cia and the fbi both went rogue and launched a major operating aimed AGAINST the sitting President and the America people.

That would be, AT LEAST mutinty, and quite possibly, depending on the legal technicalities, possibly TREASON.


even though the Deep State went rogue, I am still glad they found that Trump won fair and square.


“The walls are closing in on T-Drumthaphdfhs, remember this day” - the Democrat media and their lemmings at ABCNNBCBS everyday for 8 years.

“Global cooling/warming/change/disruption will make Earth uninhabitable in 3 years if we don’t act now!” - the Democrat media and their lemmings at ABCNNBCBS everyday for 50 years.


manafort met with the russians about their campaign

so did the trump kids


So have the Clinton’s. And Biden’s. And Obamas. Literally!


not about campaign help


Neither did Trump.


it says manafort did, not trump, but i guess you cant read


no collusion.


Do you just spend all day every day searching the Trump board for ancient threads to respond to?

Methinks you need a new hobby...


eh not really. but sorta. its not that hard. and I just like reminding people of past events.


It is worth remembering how much bullshit comes from the Left.

After all the same people who are SOOOOOO CERTAIN that Trump did whatever stupid shit they are claiming today,

are the same stupid people that swore up and down that Trump colluded with russia.

THe point is these people have a history of being shit talkers.

So, why is ANYONE giving their words ANY credibility?


I am convinced that dems have a memory of a gnat. and now the internet is having the same issues. not sure if you noticed but finding information about dems saying the 2020 election being rigged is getting harder to find.

unfortunately, the mainstream media supports and will repeat any lies the dems say. its a hopeless endeavor trying to get the truth out these days.


Agreed. So kudos for you for pulling this up.


You know what Trump didn't do? Create a fake scandal about his political opponents to distract from their crimes, and murders to cover it up.
