

He might when he's in prison.



You mean White House, and he won't be sucking but maybe he'll get his sucked while sitting POTUS in the Oval office and the Dems will finally show him some respect.


In your dreams.


Seems Catsaregods & HarlemEagle42 are the ones having the erotic fantasies about Trump, I was just reminding everyone about that scumbag Dem Bill Clinton who abused his authority while POTUS to rape an intern then years later flew multiple times to Epstein's island to diddle kids.




See, if you're going to talk crap about every single Democrat President then I'm just not going to listen, because every single Republican President is JUST AS BAD. It's a pointless arguing exercise, tit for tat, it's really, REALLY CHILDISH.


And that's why there's not a thing you can say about Trump that will turn me against him, when all you have are whataboutisms then I literally couldn't care less if he walked into the White House and shot Brandon in the forehead on live tv I would still support him. I don't care about any of the accusations against him even if they are true lol


"[–] Miyagido (2589) an hour ago
And that's why there's not a thing you can say about Trump that will turn me against him, when all you have are whataboutisms then I literally couldn't care less if he walked into the White House and shot Brandon in the forehead on live tv I would still support him. I don't care about any of the accusations against him even if they are true lol"

I ought to report you for saying that.


lol go on then pansy. Here I'll say it again.

I literally couldn't care less if he walked into the White House and shot Brandon in the forehead on live tv I would still support him. I don't care about any of the accusations against him even if they are true lol

Please quote me again then it'll be posted 4 times in a row! That's like saying Candyman 3 times and will make Trump appear in the White House bathroom with a beretta.


Thank you. Your online preferences have been logged.


You broke the chain you little bitch!


Please don't tell Hillary what I said.


Interesting how you believe this won't affect your prospects.


Nothing at all would make you turn your back on Trump?


Nothing at all would make you declare support for Trump?


Why the heck would I support someone who enables ignorance and stupidity like he has?


Whatabout that dumb Biden amirite? Can't even dress himself or stand under his own power what a dumby!


That's cognitive deterioration due to advanced old age, and you know it. Nothing to do with ignorance or stupidity, as he could dress himself and stand unaided before.

Lame retort, Miyagido!


Maybe he shouldn't be the POTUS due to his cognitive deterioration due to advanced old age?
Dumb retort AMJF, glad we both agree Trump was the better POTUS



Why do you care? You are not a US citizen so why are you so involved in our politics? I'm sure there are many things in your shithole country for you to be concerned about.


Anyone that would gladly and unashamedly support a con artist and a murderer isn't worth your time or energy friend, don't waste it on this pathetic person.


Trump hasn't conned or murdered anyone though 🤡


Oh, he's conned, alright. And THREATENED to kill, and I do believe he would do that if pushed.


No one cares about your fanfiction of what you think meanyTrump might do, adults stick with facts in reality.

Such as the reality that the Biden family recieved $20mill from Ukrainian businessmen while Sleepy Joe was sitting VP, we can't let that man get his hands on the nuclear codes amirite?
Biden conned the US public by lying about his involvement, and he threatened the lives of many Ukrainians by funding their war in return for the big cash payments! Which has resulted in many being KILLED!

Quick, time to pivot away from pretending to care about that stuff and ignore everything as usual :^)


So? Par for the course for a US politician, all of them.



As others have said, you're not even American. What do YOU care about that orange bastard?



Because Biden is the lesser of two evils. If I have to choose one, it'd be Biden, because he hasn't got a bunch of morons wearing the stars and stripes and Trump caps salivating after him.



I really don't care. At least Biden doesn't take advantage of ignorant people, or are you going to correct me on that?

And stop using such colourful language. What are you, the AVGN?


I don't take orders from prostitutes shut your whore mouth.

At least Trump doesn't insult people and embarass stupid Americans everyday because they're unintelligent.
At least Trump was never racist.
At least Trump was never divisive.

But mostly at least Trump never spelled words wrong.



1. Covfefe
2. He mocked a disabled person
3. He is certainly divisive among Americans

You really are pathetic, and I'm seeing now that you don't have a life, except here with your pathetic posts. I'm wasting my time with you.


"I literally couldn't care less if he walked into the White House and shot Brandon in the forehead on live tv I would still support him. I don't care about any of the accusations against him even if they are true lol".

Seriously, Mr. Miyagido, you display a classic case of cultist behavior. You need to be deprogrammed, sir. Hope you receive the help you so desperately need.


pedo Joe likes baby cock


you have been reported


I see him as a man that don’t like penetration but loves oral sex and CIM! I’m pretty sure Trump never do the sucking!


I have it on good authority that he and Ben Shapiro are lovers, so the answer is YES!



I have it on good authority that you are the resident gay here so maybe it's true?


True, he has also probably sucked off Bolsonaro and Putin a few times too.


No you're getting confused with Joe Biden showering with his daughter and Hunter Biden taking pictures in bed with his niece. I bet some holes got filled on those occasions!
