MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is more likely to be sentenced pri...

Trump is more likely to be sentenced prison time now

After Biden"s debate performance made his mental decline clear, and the current unlikelihood that he's going to be replaced, the Dems will see putting Trump in prison as their best, last-ditch effort to defeat him in the election.


Hahaha ... well, we can always hope.


So you're OK with tyranny as long as it's not by Trump. Shocker


Afte the U.S Supreme Court ruling recently, Trump is more likely to be exonerated but if they so much as put this man in jail for even 1 hour, he wins in a major landslide in November


But there are more sane Americans than insane Americans !


Which are the insane?

The Americans that collaborated, colluded, assisted and complied with rigging an election because they were gullible enough to fall for the media's fear mongering lies about Trump?

Trump orange, we can't let him win.
Trump posted a mean tweet, we can't let him win.
Trump is going to destroy the economy, we can't let him win.
Trump is going to cause wars and WW3, we can't let him win.


I highly doubt it dude.


🤣 All this winning from Trump is just amazing while the Democrats and the Left will join Jack Smith on a bar stool to drown their sorrows


Trump hasn’t won anything since he barely won 2016
