MovieChat Forums > Tina Turner Discussion > She renounced her American citizenship.

She renounced her American citizenship.

There are people all over the world who would kill to have American citizenship, and she renounced it?

She can go to Hell.


There's no law that says you can't. Personally, I would love if more people renounced their citizenship and left. We could use fewer people in this country who don't appreciate it. FWIW, some of the most passionate Americans these days are immigrants.


we're on the same page. Latino and Asian immigrants (for the most part) love the USA


It's often hard to appreciate something you've had your whole life.


She was born and grew up in the segregated south. Appreciate is probably the wrong word here. Tolerate seems more appropriate.


So did my father, and while his early years weren't trouble free and without racial incidents, he would tell you that there was nowhere he'd rather live than here.

As for Turner, she's almost 20 years older than I, and I honestly don't know what she went through, but she became fabulously famous and fabulously rich in America.


Very true. People are going to be surprised just how conservative the New Americans are.



just one more aging celebrity trying to make a news cycle.


She did it in 2013.


she was old then




The is news cycle of 2013. That’s when this happened - almost ten years ago. And she didn’t renounce it - it was relinquished. I don’t even know why this OP posted this.


She didn’t renounce, she relinquished it. And it was done in 2013, I believe, Might be for tax purposes. I am guessing. She’s been living there since the 90s.

Also, she’s 82 and plagued by ill health, including a stroke and cancer, the soul and rock music legend also suffered kidney failure that led to a transplant in 2017. I don’t even understand why you are choosing to post something that happened over 10 years ago.

The key word in the embassy report apparently is the term “relinquishment.” That means, a knowledgeable source told us, that she did not “formally renounce her U.S. citizenship under 349(a)(5) Immigration and Nationality Act, but took Swiss citizenship with the intent to lose her U.S. citizenship.” As opposed to formal renunciation — a much more complex process, we were told — there are no “tax or other penalties for loss of citizenship in this fashion.”


She probably didn't want to pay taxes to two different countries anymore. It's not always a matter of betrayal.

I was reading up on what life is like for an American Expat living in another country, and apparently if they have dual citizenship, or maintain their American one while living abroad, they still have to pay taxes to America, despite not living there. America is the only country that does this to their expats. No other country in the world does this.


Yes it has to do more with the stupid tax law in the US than anything else. If you don't live in the US, then you shouldn't be forced to pay taxes in that Country unless that is where you earned the income.


I know, right?! It's ridiculous!


She's been living in Switzerland for decades, it makes sense to relinquish her US citizenship. If a Swizz citizen has been living in the US, would you criticize them for taking up US citizenship?
