MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > I thought she was going to stop climate ...

I thought she was going to stop climate change?

record snow and rain in California and 10 feet of snow in the northeast. joe and greta need to stop climate change now!


It's hard to stop an imaginary monster.


It’s fucking cold in the Northeast! How about some “climate change”?


Climate change is natural and humans are not the main causes as people like to claims.

I suggest people look up the so called science on the subject they will see it is bogus agenda driven to again make companies a lot of money also more control over you.

The Earth will be around a lot longer then humans will be.


I was being sarcastic, sarcasm doesnt translate well on the internet. her goal was to stop climate change, just wondering if she has done that yet?


Patience. She just have to recharge her superretardpowerabilities after the UN tardsplotion. She used up all of her extra cromosomes and then some.


Dumb fuck


yup, where did she go? whats the plan to stop climate change?


Nuclear war.


Probably switch to fusion energy with stopgap fission, wind, water, geothermal, solar, hydrogen sources. The switch to EV is here to stay.


still waiting...

How dare you!


I thought we were all dead by now.


thats in 2015...


The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is the most significant climate legislation in U.S. history, offering funding, programs, and incentives to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and will likely drive significant deployment of new clean electricity resources.
