Why is he on here

This is supposed to me a movie posting site. It’s spiraled into a garbage right wing nut job site


If he's on IMDb, he'll automatically have a page. This is nothing new, foo'.

Why does George Bush or George Washington have a page?


I love when people criticize right wingers for being nuts when liberals don't realize they're the same amount of nuts.


Both sides have nuts. For every KKK-loving Conservative, I can find you a tree-hugging liberal.


Huh? It splits that way? Why not abortion loving liberals and opposed to abortion conservatives? When a non-entertainment entity shows up here a week or so after a dramatic event it is to serve an agenda. That can be either conservative or liberal in nature.


It can split a lot of ways, I just happened to chose KKK vs. wacko environmentalist. There are dozens of social issues with extremists on both sides. I really hate how to be a Washington Political, you have to toe the party line with every issue, and you're (not your) not allowed to think for yourself.


I agree. Pisses me off so much when Politics and Current Events take over a TV/Movie site.

Dudes, stop resisting arrest. Will they ever learn?


You're a special kind of stupid if you think he died because he was "resisting arrest."

Or that there's some repeating pattern that places the blame on the abused, rather than the abusers.

Or that there are no systemic abuses baked into policing in the US.

Go sit down somewhere, you absolute muppet.


He didn't die because he was resisting arrest, but had he not done any of the following, we wouldn't be having this conversation. In no way do I condone the barbaric actions of those so-called Police, but dammit people, stop doing the crime and none of this happens.

He was high on drugs, strike 1
He was driving the wrong way, putting many lives in danger, strike 2
Resisted arrest multiple times, strike 3
Run from the Police, now they are really pissed!


We don't need more evidence that you're a complete doorknob; you can quit posting. ESPECIALLY if you're gonna keep posting (easily fact-checked) lies.

*Nothing* you said was true. Except the "run from the Police" part. Yeah, he ran for his life. . .unfortunately, not fast or far enough.

"Stop doing the crime?"??? You're an idiot. There WAS no crime. The police chief has admitted as much, no idea why you're here babbling otherwise.


There's 2 sides to this coin. If he hadn't resisted, he'd still be here. And if those cops weren't psychos, he'd still be here. If he resisted but the cops were not psychos and were more normal, level-headed cops, he'd have no doubt been forcibly manhandled until they had him cuffed and in the car, but he would still be alive.


He was saying, "Alright! Alright!" He was down with his hands behind his back.
I watched another cruiser drive up, another black cop pile out with his nightstick at the ready and just immediately start wailing on him.
They never showed WHY. But it sure looked as if they were doing it to "teach him a lesson." People compared it to gang activity.
Did he know something about those cops that could have had them all in prison for a long time?
The awful part is that we may never know.

The usual idiots tried to get a "White Supremacy" or "Systemic Racism" narrative going, but it was too thin to smear. People worked out their anger and it's died down.
Had the officers been white, all of America would be burning.

There's something behind this -- dirty cops or something.


just watch cnbc! they are even trying to pin this on white supremacy!


As I said, the usual suspects are trying to make this about White Supremacy and Systemic Racism, but it's not really "taking." Even with BLM/Antifa rabble-rousers. They can't really sell it.


I watched another cruiser drive up, another black cop pile out with his nightstick at the ready and just immediately start wailing on him.
They never showed WHY. But it sure looked as if they were doing it to "teach him a lesson."

The footage from that cops body cam is out, that’s not what happened. That cop was already there. One of the times when they pepper sprayed Mr Nichols he got it too. He walked around for several minutes trying to recover, and when he goes back he whips out the baton, tells the other cops to watch out and then say something “I’m going to baton the fuck out of you”


a page set up so people can talk about a black man is the work of right wing nutjobs?

aren't we supposed to be racist and keeping them down? how is this guy having a page on here so the loonies can talk about defunding the police "nutjob rightwingers" !?!?


All the pages you see on here originate from IMDb. To make a page and IMDb, you first make an account. And then you sign up for their paid subscription service IMDbPro. As long as you have an Amazon account and a credit card, you could sign up for a free 30-day trial. At that point you then "claim" your page and voila. You are a page on IMDb which in turn mirrors over to MC. So yeah, some ass hat signed up for IMDb using his name and then signed up for the 30-day free IMDb pro account so that they could claim the page. Although why they didn't put a picture of him is beyond me. But I personally wish that the IMDb/MC pages were limited to just show business and not politics and people in the news. But unfortunately, they're not so, you work with what you're given.


Here is why: because sites like this thrive on divisiveness. Research has shown that certain emotions electrify the brain in addictive ways and anger, hate, and fear are some of the best ones to do that.

If the managers of this site wanted to remove all the political junk it could easily be done and if enough people demanded that crap removed it would be removed, but all that shit means more clicks, page views, and revenue so the people that run these places have a vested interest in keeping it all going.


All you folks who’ve posted here, I’m sincerely glad to see you; but the handwriting is on the cesspool. MC has devolved into at battleground of Marvel vs. DC, boob size vs. boob size, outcast 14 year-old boys deluding themselves that they are funny and some of the most vacuous topic questions imaginable. “How tall are you”?! Who would come here to to read that? No one worth having on the site, that’s who.

It’s a shame.

