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In unaired portions of Tucker interview, Ye made antisemitic remarks, spoke of ‘fake children’ infiltrating his home

Support for eugenics was widespread in the US and Europe until Hitler gave it a bad name. Especially by progressives! Not fair to single out Sanger.

Ye — who was locked out of his Instagram and Twitter accounts in the last few days over antisemitic comments — advanced several antisemitic conspiracy theories in the unaired portion of the interview obtained by Motherboard.

“Planned Parenthood was made by Margaret Sanger, a known eugenics, with the KKK to control the Jew population,” Ye told Carlson. “When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Black really are. This is who our people are. The blood of Christ. This, as a Christian, is my belief.”

Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a known supporter of the eugenics movement, and Planned Parenthood has previously denounced Sanger for her belief in the theory.

However, Ye’s claims about “the Jew population” appear to reference the antisemitic Radical Hebrew Israelite ideology, which claims that Jews are “imposters or thieves” who have stolen the identity and birthright of the “true Israelites,” according to Southern Poverty Law Center.

Ye also appeared to reference the antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jewish people control financial institutions when discussing the winter holidays celebrated at his children’s school.

“My kids are going to a school that teaches Black kids a complicated Kwanzaa,” Ye said. “I prefer my kids knew Hannukah than Kwanzaa. At least it would come with some financial engineering.”

Beyond the antisemitic remarks, Ye also told Carlson in the unaired segment that “fake children” — professional actors, he clarified — had been placed in his house “to sexualize” his children, Motherboard reported.


Are these children part of the pizza gate conspiracy?


I believe him about the "fake children" because most of Hollyweird's children turn out to be sexual deviants in one way or another.

He's also 100% correct about who controls the media, entertainment industry, and the financial industry.

Hilarious how Ben "Tiny Hat" Shapiro couldn't point out the lies in Kanye's comments, so he resorted to uncharacteristically getting emotional and yelling "anti-semitism" for minutes on end.

Sorry Ben, but the facts don't care about your feelings.


He's making the argument that Jews succeeded in the entertainment industry due to their privelege instead of their talent and that their the unofficial gatekeepers keeping black voices out. However, if you know about history, you know that Jews helped build those industries to what they are today.

It's also odd how someone who considers himself a Christian would demonize an entire people, when religious Jews are about practicing the same core values in their everyday life. You certainly can't compare Jews, who self identify as secular, with practicing Jews or Israeli Jews.

Israeli Jews have their own culture. They value every life lost because they are a relatively small number of people. If we had the same reverence for human life, we wouldn't allow crime to run rampant in our streets, and we would instill in our people the sense of pride that comes from being a part of a community. Moreover, Israeli Jews who serve in the army develop even stronger bonds with each other. That doesn't mean that anyone coming to the US from Israel is given any advantage. Most of them are a part of the working class, and those who do succeed do so because of skills they learned in the military and through prioritizing education.

Kanye's attacks on the Jewish people make no sense. The fact that his views are becoming more mainstream has everything to do with our society becoming more polarized due to the decrease in real and perceived wealth affecting the whole globe. We've seen similar attacks on the Latino community who manage to break out out of the working class.



Get back to Stormfront!



Beautifully said


He's making the argument that Jews succeeded in the entertainment industry due to their privelege instead of their talent and that their the unofficial gatekeepers keeping black voices out.

Look at who controls all the major media outlets, news outlets, movie studios, and other entertainment industries. There is literally no irrefutable truths that the people who control those industries are better at it than those who don't. For instance, there's A LOT of nepotism in Hollywood, and plenty of Jewish individuals in Hollywood who are only in the position they're in because of who they know, and not because of their talent.

The music industry is even more apparent in this regard, and that feeds into his point: that those who control those industries control who is famous. How many artists are famous who aren't signed to a record label not controlled by a parent company owned by someone who is Jewish?


So he is anti jews. Or israelis. Or whatever the fuck jew means. Fuck him and fuck them also. What's the problem?


"Fake Chikdren"???

He seems to have bipolar disorder, and is off his meds again.


He's got more than bipolar.


Possibly, he could have a nice big personality disorder as well. Like NPD.


jews controls the media and hollywood are pedos.......

so where is he wrong?



I see everyone attacking him on this points while ignoring everything he's saying is a problem in current industries.


Three MC Nazis! Ye has bipolar, what's your excuse?


Has no bearing on the facts he laid out, which are irrefutable.


What facts did he lay out?


Jewish people control much of the record labels and movie studios.


Ok and? Is that it? Anyone who disagrees with that is a liberal by default right?


Straight up antisemitism mixed with insanity. If he had a Teutonic accent and a thirst for world domination, he'd have a familiar whiff about him.

There's nothing Christian about his beliefs. I do feel sorry for him for his insanity.

And rather than drooling over him because he's a celeb, Tucker should have outed him on that insanity. He hinted at it, but made it sound as if only liberal critics would try to discredit him with it. Uh, no.


as if only liberal critics would try to discredit him with it. Uh, no.

He was right. Even the RINO Ben Shapiro got in on the grift with the Libtards, yelling about "anti-semitism" without addressing any of Kanye's points.


I'm left wondering if you know who William F. Buckley is. If you don't, you've flunked conservatism. If you do, how can you think Shapiro is a RINO? Maybe you don't know what a RINO is.
"Ye," pronounced "Yay," slammed the door on his sanity when he thought it was a good move to marry into the attention-hungry Kardashian family. Of course, it was a lovely move when you think about self-promotion. To have children with a Kardashian was flat-out crazy. But the corker is to think that Blacks are part of the "lost tribes of Israel." So HE'S a true Israeli, while anyone who can prove Jewish ancestry isn't.
And you say he's right.


But the corker is to think that Blacks are part of the "lost tribes of Israel." So HE'S a true Israeli, while anyone who can prove Jewish ancestry isn't.

That part is ridiculous.... but about the monopoly the Jewish have on money, entertainment, and industry is no lie. The numbers speak for themselves...


In the last six years they've just copped everything haven't they?


If he would have made a bunch of racist comments aimed at Mr. Whitefolks, he'd be celebrated by all those admonishing him right now. We all know it.
