MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > When the clear eyes of history look back...

When the clear eyes of history look back at our era...

...two things will leap off the page:

1.) The NObama administration conducted the most comprehensive & corrupt political spying operation in American history.
2.) The Fake News mainstream media desperately tried to cover it up.


Yes sir!


I agree as well.


highest body count on a peace nobel prize


Dropped an unprecedented number of bombs on Afghanis.


Praised as an orator but in reality, just a 'silver tongued devil'.


They'll also declassify documents, showing just how much the American public was hoodwinked during that era, and it's gonna make a lot of those who were blind in that era get pissed at how foolish they were to support this traitor.


... "roll eyes."


Pretty much every president in US history has some dirt you could find on them. Obama is no different. The issue is that Obama is no where near among the worst presidents in history, even if he wasn’t too special.


He was the most liberal president in the past hundred years.

He’s no James Buchanan, but history will not judge his presidency well unless it’s written by CNN. 😊


President Camacho in "Idiocracy" was a foretelling of Obama. A loud mouth fast talker who the media adores and seldom questions.


Forsaken are you high? I like that movie but no way is Obama like Camacho, other than that they're both black. A loud mouth fast talker? You may not have liked the guy's policies but comparing his demeanor to that character is dishonest.


Obama was a loud mouth fast talker who said nothing at all. End of story.


Hey - you should be emperor, with all your loud mouth and fast talk saying nothing at all.
So shut up and think for a little bit.


I do think and I think Obama is an absolute moron as per his deluded followers.


True but man could he organize a picnic.


Now they are doing the same thing again and no one cares.


Not to mention that there is enough historical evidence to confirm that the mainstream news was firmly in the pocket of the Democrat Party, based on how many left-leaning voters were working in the industry at the time, their treatment of Obama, and then their treatment of Trump afterwards. There's even a book about it, called "A Slobbering Love Story," that tells about the media's disgusting love affair with Obama between 2008 and 2015.


Future democracies, if there are any, will study our civilization, as a, no, THE textbook example of how a corrupt media/intellectual elite, can destroy a democracy.

Want a be STALINS or such, will study our democrats, as a How to manual.


You know what they say: history doesn't exactly repeat, but it does have a tendency to rhyme. A lot of people are comparing this time in history with the Weimar Republic in Germany, the time period right before the Nazi Party took over. Whether that happens to us, who knows? It might not turn out exactly the same in America as it did in Germany, God willing.


Lord knows the hate we are getting from the Left, could easily end up way down that path. Hell, we are already seeing them arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs.

That's takes a real special kind of willingness to not only support violence, but to be willing to pretend to believe absolute nonsense in order to justify violence against those they hate.


What's really stupid is, they are accusing us on the right of doing the very things THEY are doing! I mean;

Who are the ones actually rioting and burning down cities?

Who are the ones behaving like they're in a cult?

Who are the ones doing mass shootings?

Who are the ones acting like Oligarchs and treating America like a feudal fief they can just kick around and squeeze for money?

Who are the ones selling America down the river to China?

Who are the ones demanding that the right to free speech be revoked for the opposition?

Who are the ones demanding that the opposition be sent to "re-education camps" and their children taken away?

Who are the ones demanding the public be disarmed and be at the mercy of criminals when the cops are nowhere to be found, or have become useless due to fear of being accused of "racism?"

Who are the ones fueling the racial cultural divide?

Who are the ones raising taxes to almost unpayable levels?

Who are the ones who think the govt. can take care of all America's problems?

Who are the ones who think a corrupt oligarchy that answers to nobody in Washington D.C. is an example of "democracy?"


Amen sister!!!


Go home look at the picture of Trump you have on the wall and take a breath. You will be fine.


They will also study Trump as a gigantic failure. Republicans are just as awful as Democrats. This is a fact. Face it. It's time to grow up, you are not a kid anymore.


What are you basing this failure on? The strongest economy in years, the lowest unemployment rates, low energy cost and independence, no pointless wars pushing us further into the clutches of jewish usury and debt. Oh that's right, your T.D.S. from the same media that hid all the crimes and failures of Obama and the current administration. You might as well be a paid shill instead doing it for free like an NPC.


I like how you idiots work. You count the makes and ignore the misses. You would call out any democrat for doing this same thing. Trump failed to build his wall. He wants to cut the wealthy a break. He also had the longest government shutdown in history. I could go on but no need you will just ignore it. You after all think black people are less than whites going off of your other posts.


Trumps failure to build the wall was not his fault, the same way Trumps failures with Covid were not his. He was sandbagged and impeded by democrats. If Trump was the fascist dictator the crazed left claimed he was, he would have build it and used all the money from homeland security to do it but of course, everytime he's in the right and tries to do something, the left and some activist judge shut him down. As far as the government shut down, the country runs great when the government is shut down. That means they're not getting paid to do the terrible and pointless jobs they do. So pointless, Trump didn't bother filling over half the appointed roles from the previous bureaucratic mess of an administration full of unqualified diversity hires.

But hey, kudos for diverting from answering the question. You're idea of failure is a government shut down, lol and being blocked in trying to fulfill a promise. And you have the nerve to call someone, ANYONE else an idiot.


You don't promise something and failed to deliver. He should have been smart enough to know not to make an empty promise. Also no anytime Trump is at fault you are going to make excuses for him. He lied and is to blame for failing to build that wall.


He's not a king or a dictator. Again. Your argument is petty and borderline retarded because every president runs on a platform and campaign of ideas that you call promises, like a little stupid child. So grow up and learn how the real world works before talking politics. It's literally embarrassing, especially if you're not getting paid to shill for the left by parroting their moronic midwit takes on everything.


Sorry that doesn't excuse you from lying. He failed to build that wall. That was a lie. You wouldn't take this lenient approach if it were a democrat. Therefore Trump is not exempt from criticism.


Whatever. Youre criteria for what's a presidential failure is hilarious because that means worthless shitheads like Obama and Biden are some of the worst presidents ever. All you did was open pandora's box about how terrible they are as presidents, one accomplished NOTHING, and the other lied about every promise and acts like he did it already because he doesn't know what day it is.


Lol I never said Biden or Obama were good presidents. They are terrible but Trump is terrible as well. Nice try boot licker.


JFZ--you are totally correct. But as Thomas Paine said, "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." You're wasting your time and energy arguing with this fool.


Translation you have nothing to refute my points. Get back to licking those boots. You are an idiot if you think Trump is a good candidate.


Trumps triumphants dwarf almost every president in the history of the U.S. He can only be compared with the likes of Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt when it comes to achievements.


Lol and with that you lost all credibility you might have had. Not that you had any to begin with.


Tell me how? Oh wait, you can't. Because you don't know ANYTHING so your opinions are worthless and you don't matter AT ALL. Only in your ignorant warped mind. Who put a cap insulin and Epipens?


Lol fail.
