Supports Amber

"Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat her as something of a dirty joke," the quote, which Schumer added in her caption, reads. "She will need her sisterhood."


I didnt think there was any more reason to hate talentless Amy more.


My thoughts exactly.


I didn't think there was more reason to love Amy Schumer


Because you're a leftist kook who thinks white males are evil, even if they're not. Beta.


And likely a willing cuck..




You are the Megatroll.
I salute you.


Trolling is for the dim-witted.


eso explica por qué eres un troll


I'm fine if someone supports this side or that side. But it's a bit laughable hearing this type of self-righteous, anti-bullying chastising coming from the very people who've spent years gleefully shaming, mocking, insulting, villainizing, and "canceling" every person under the sun for the slightest perceived infraction or unverified allegation.


amy is a fat and gross yet well connected jew, she isnt a real comedian just another ugly rich bitch whose jewish privileges put her on the television


Oh good, the anti-Semites are here. Put the coffee on fellas.


i dont get it, ur allowed to openly hate on straight white males in this day and age but when u point out how privileged and disproportionately powerful the small jewish minority is in this country u get labeled an "anti-semite". that is fine call me an anti-semite. anti-semitism is good. my mom was an anti-semite and saved me from mutilation when the corrupt jew controlled doctor came with the knife for my foreskin. i am 100% natural, God given penis down there 🙌 unlike most poor McMuricans who were cucked by their trust of the jew and now rely on medication to get a hardon with their broken dicks...





You forgot Hitler, Marx and the KKK!


that is fine call me an anti-semite.


I don't wish you any ill will though. The thought of you having to spend your life just being you is more punishment than anyone here could wish on you.


my life great. i wouldnt trade my life for anyone elses #blessed


"my mom was an anti-semite and saved me from mutilation when the corrupt jew controlled doctor came with the knife for my foreskin."

Hehe, another tiny twinkie with a stinky anteater's snout heard from.


whatever u say u dirty wench. i still have nerve endings in mine and can enjoy sex to the fullest. i care not what u call me, i am not mutilated and thank God for this blessing everyday of my life #blessed


LOL @ dirty wench. And you're wrong about nerve endings - i'm an OR nurse. men who were circumcised later in life report no change in sensitivity which is under the head of the glans which is not removed. The only change they report is no ugly anteater's smelly ugly snout. Half the studies say there is no difference between them after being circumcised (which makes sense) and half says it does. Sounds like it's mostly in their "heads" lol.
maybe you would have a better chance of getting laid looking like those jews you h ate so much.


nurses are like bitcoiners or vegans they always announce there status like anyone gives a shit. u can shove ur college degree up ur ass i am happy with my God given anteater. u McMuricans can mutilate ur genitals all u want but i am above this all this barbarity #blessed #2blessed2bestressed


Not a mcmurican or whatever that means. Make sure to wash your snout at least three times a day. Anyone who has to stand near you in crowd thanks you.


Like flies on shit.
Whose board was this btw?


is she still fat & ugly?
