

How so? Keep in mind being successful and keeping the money you earned doesn’t equate to greed



And who are you to determine how much someone needs?



How do you determine how much someone needs and why is it your business?

I personally know little to nothing about the guy, he could be a complete POS for all I know, you aren’t really putting forth a convincing argument however



You didn't answer my question: How do you determine how much someone needs and why is it your business? You can say you'll "make it your business" all you want but that doesn't make it so.

I don't know you personally or anything but you sound like a spoiled brat. You seem to think you are entitled to someone's else money that they earned off their own creative abilities and talents.


Not everyone who is rich did it by hard work. There are some who did get rich by hard work but not everyone.


Did they steal the money? Did they break the law to earn it? Did they cheat on their taxes?

If none of the above apply then it's none of your business.


Never said it was my business. Just was proving that not everyone who is rich did it by hard work.


Define hard work.


And in the case of Mark Zuckerberg he created a service that other people want. It’s called supply and demand, it’s basic economics , maybe we should sign you up for some kind of remedial civics course


Where did I say Zuckerberg didn't work hard? Where did i discredit his success? I said not everyone who is rich worked hard to get rich. There are people who have never worked a job in their life that inherit millions of dollars. I'm not asking for a cent I'm just proving not everyone who is rich did it by hard work. Some people inherit it.


And the people who left them that money wanted them to have it. It’s their money they can give it to whoever they damn well want and again it’s none of your business.


Never said it was my business. I simply said that not everyone who is rich worked hard to get it. Stay on topic. You can't comprehend what's being said. It's because you are in defense mode. I was making a point, people can do with their money what they please. I never suggested otherwise.


Actually the topic is that he's a Greedy, immoral person. He could be a complete POS for all I know, I know little to nothing about him. Having said that no one on this thread has presented a convincing argument. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing is it?


You often make an assumption that simply because someone is rich, they did it by honest hard work. It's a generalization that is ignorant. Some people did work hard some did not it is as simple as that. Tell me this is stealing an idea ethical?


Please demonstrate to me that he's a greedy person? So far you have not made one nanometer of progress in doing so. But I'm guessing you don't really believe that, you just came here so you could say the opposite of whatever I did.


Not my job I proved my point.


What point? I never argued that some people inherited their money. It's still theirs and it's none of your business.


Where did I say it wasn't their money? You keep saying it's still there money yep I never denied that. So why keep saying it?


And I never denied that some people are rich because they inherited it. What's your point? What you're saying isn't contributing to the topic of this thread. Right now you're just being a loser troll.


You never answered my question. Is stealing an idea ethical?


Who are you claiming he stole the idea from? Was he arrested? Has he been reported to the authorities?


Answer the question. We aren't going further unless you do. You are basically claiming that unless it is totally proven it's fine. I asked a simple question yes or no is it ethical to steal an idea?


Uh yeah no sh!t, if we are going to call someone greedy it should be proven. I'd like you to answer my questions before we go any further.


Not until you you answer the question. I'm not letting you dance around it. Is it ethical to steal an idea? It's a simple question. The fact that you won't answer makes me think you think it is ethical.


Just give me your evidence for him being greedy and then we'll go from there. And I didn't answer because I know you have a "gotcha moment" planned and I'm not going to take your bait.


Nope you lost the debate. You won't answer a simple question. It had nothing to do with bait. It shows you have no confidence in your ability to debate. I would answer that question in a heart beat.


Ok fine I’ll answer it : I don’t know, First you’d have to define “stealing someone’s idea” then I’d need to know the specific circumstances. Now what is your evidence that he’s greedy?


Why do I have to define stealing an idea? You know what stealing means right?


I answered your question now answer mine, but since you’re a coward I doubt you will


No you didn't. It was a yes or no question.


And the answer is I can’t make a judgement until I know all the facts, it’s not my problem that you have a poorly worded question. Now answer my question


Before I answer I want you to answer these questions because I have a feeling you are preparing a "gotcha series of questions"


You're full of shit and you have more than you need. You don't NEED internet access. You eat and drink more per day, than you need. You live in a larger dwelling than you need. I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.



So what? If you have more than you need, you're a hypocrite.



Nope. You said one shouldn't have more than they need and yet, you do.


Are you implying that a single human being "needs" / requires 1 billion+ dollars, nonetheless $70 billion? Why don't you explain that to me. Other than that need relating to greed, and wanting more material objects/power.


Who are you to determine how much someone "needs"??? Are you implying that there should be a limit on how much someone should be able to earn?

I'm not implying anything other than so far on this thread I see no evidence that he's greedy. Keeping the money that is rightfully yours is not greed. If he stole the money, obtained it illegally, cheated on his taxes, earned it off child labor, etc. then that would be a different story and if you have evidence of that I'd love to take a look at it. But he has created a product that other people want, that is why he has so much money and I don't think it's any of your business.


"Who are you to determine how much someone "needs"???"

Because there's a limited supply of it? And a very tiny minority owns the vast majority of it? It's not unlimited?

And as I said in another post, other people's money IS our business when it's at that level. Billionaires can directly affect our lives (affecting policy/lobbying/political contributions/jobs), and a majority of the time it's not in a positive manner. A majority of the time it's to put more money in their pockets and less in ours - there is a limited supply of this stuff, and they have a vast majority of it.

So again, explain to me how a single human being "needs" / requires 1 billion+ dollars, nonetheless $70 billion?


Because it’s rightfully his because he created a service that everyone wants. You aren’t entitled to it and it’s none of your business. Maybe if you can create the next big sensation then you can be a billionaire. It’d be great if everyone could be a billionaire and live like he does, but you have to rightfully obtain the money first. You sound like a very greedy person and I think your jealous


I know it’s your opinion but if you want some friendly advice: stop being bitter, stop feeling sorry for yourself , man up and either work to become a billionaire or suck it up and deal with it like a man.


You have no idea who I am, how much I have, or anything of that nature. I could have $100 million dollars or $1 and it would change nothing about what I've said. It's irrelevant. Simply attacking the person presenting the argument isn't an argument, and it's clear you don't have any legitimate answers here.

"Because it’s rightfully his because he created a service that everyone wants. You aren’t entitled to it and it’s none of your business."

I've already responded to this. This does not answer/account for what I posted.

"Maybe if you can create the next big sensation then you can be a billionaire. It’d be great if everyone could be a billionaire and live like he does, but you have to rightfully obtain the money first. You sound like a very greedy person and I think your jealous"

Again, this has nothing to do with my comments. You are just skipping right to personal attacks because you have no answer to the questions/issues I proposed.


You haven’t presented an argument aside from the fact that you are bitter he has more money than you do and that’s tough luck. I could be completely wrong about my impression of you but that’s what I can conclude from your behavior on this thread. Just man up , stop feeling sorry for yourself and work to be the best person you can and I’ll think you’ll be a lot happier with yourself


You have done nothing but make ridiculous assumptions, personal attacks, and responded to nothing that I've posted. Here, maybe you should re-read:

"'Who are you to determine how much someone "needs"???'

Because there's a limited supply of it? And a very tiny minority owns the vast majority of it? It's not unlimited?

And as I said in another post, other people's money IS our business when it's at that level. Billionaires can directly affect our lives (affecting policy/lobbying/political contributions/jobs), and a majority of the time it's not in a positive manner. A majority of the time it's to put more money in their pockets and less in ours - there is a limited supply of this stuff, and they have a vast majority of it.

So again, explain to me how a single human being "needs" / requires 1 billion+ dollars, nonetheless $70 billion?"

You'll notice that literally none of that has anything to do with my personal situation. Real issues, real questions, no answers - so you simply shoot the messenger, a pretty pathetic logical fallacy. Maybe don't get involved in conversations next time if you have no plan on actually conversing. Just a suggestion.


I’ve made no assumptions everything I concluded about you is based off your behavior, you have made assumption about the mark zukerberg and you’ve only demonstrated your own greed, there is nothing stopping you from becoming a billionaire except your piss poor , entitled attitude. No it’s not your business, he earned it fair and square off his creative ideas, you’re just jealous he’s more successful than you. The fact that he has more money than you do is no ones fault but your own. He didn’t steal it or earn it illegally so therefore what he does with his money is up to him. You are a spoiled brat. How much money do you make? By your logic it is my business.


Again, you keep saying the same crap that has absolutely nothing to do with what I've posted... proving my point over and over again. Are you just unable to look objectively at issues? Maybe you're very young?

I don't know what the issue is, but you really shouldn't be commenting on these types of issues yet. You just don't have any ability whatsoever to present and respond to arguments.


Lol you have presented zero evidence so far, all I’m hearing is you cry like a two year old because he’s more successful than you are. He seems to be giving lots to charity doesn’t seem greedy to me. If he’s lobbying political groups to get more money then prove it. You have no ability to engage in an intelligent debate at all you immature child


We're done here.


Yeah go back to your safe space


You also dodged my question how much money do you make?


If he’s using political connections to generate more money for himself I will gladly entertain that idea, please provide proof



Doesn’t seem very greedy to me , maybe if you are going to attack someone’s character next time you should have some actual evidence instead of just talking out of your anus, just a suggestion


Nobody NEEDS a billion dollars. He presumably WANTS what he has and he obtained it legally, so it truly is no ones business. Billions of people, including you have things you don't need. If you obtained things you don't need legally, is it anyone's business whether you need them or not?



There will ALWAYS be inequality in the world. I'm more bothered having to support the MILLIONS who won't work for what THEY need and we, the taxpayers have to provide for them.



I agree with helping people who can't help themselves. I'm Vehemently against people who WON'T help themselves.



In the entire human history, there has ALWAYS been inequality. It's statistically, almost impossible that that will change unless human nature fundamentally changes. Do the math.



Okee dokee. Hit me up when it happens.



You literally said I don't know. Then proceeded to ask me to define stealing. That is no answer.


Your question was poorly worded, I’m not going to judge someone until I know all the facts. Now what’s your evidence that he’s greedy. If you don’t answer you lose and you’re a coward


How was it poorly worded? I asked a simple question. Is stealing an idea ethical? That is literally what I asked you. How is that poorly worded? I never asked you to make a judgement toward Mark Zuckerberg I asked you to answer the question. Yes or no? Nope you haven't answered mine therefore I'm not going further until you answer yes or no.


I've answered your question and that's the only answer you're going to get. Now I'm assuming you can't demonstrate that Mark Zuckerberg is greedy so therefore you lose. Do you ever get tired of getting your butt kicked?


I don't know is no answer sorry bud you lost.


You can't demonstrate the he's greedy therefore you haven't proven your case and you lose again.


Nope you never answered the question.


The debate was over you asserting that he was a greedy person, you had the burden of proof to prove he was a greedy person since you can't do it you lose.


Nope I never claimed he was greedy. I called you out on a generalization you like to exhibit. That was that not everyone who is rich did it by hard work some inherit it. I then asked you a simple question you failed to answer. You lost bud.


So he's not greedy? Glad you conceded that you lost. That's all I have to say to you.


Never said he was or was not. So nice try bud you lost again lol. Tell me you ever get tired of losing debates? Debating you is just so easy.


Until you put forth an argument I am correct that you haven't demonstrated that he's a Greedy person. Just admit you lost and salvage whatever dignity you have left.


I did put forth one you failed to come against any point I made. Therefore I win.


You have not provided any proof that he’s greedy, that’s the entire basis of the thread so yes you do lose. Think of yourself as the prosecution who didn’t bring any evidence to the court room


Nope that is not the point I made against you. I asked you a question you could not answer.


I answered your question, you refused to answer mine and back up your assertion. You got destroyed. Deal with it loser.


I don't know is not an answer. You lost.


Wrong, it would depend on the situation that's why I don't know. Now are you going to answer my question or are you going to coward out like you always do?


It is a yes or no question. So wrong I don't know is not an answer.


You got an answer now answer my point. If you can’t prove he’s greedy then you lose


Nope you are done bud. That was not an answer.


All this kid gives is non-answers, and ad hominems. A total waste of time.


Oh I can see it. His ignorance is painful.


Lol all I asked for was evidence that he’s greedy, all I’ve heard is that he has money and that’s why he’s greedy. Being successful doesn’t make you greedy but yes I know I’m so unreasonable for asking you to defend your claims


I never said being successful made you greedy. Therefore I'm not addressing that.


Then why are you talking to me?


Talking with ignorant people like you makes me chuckle.


Making a fool out of ignorant trolls makes me chuckle, that’s the only reason I even give you the time of day


Is that so? Well the fact that you made yourself look foolish didn t help your case bud. Try harder next time.


Nice try , the point of this thread is proving he’s greedy, evidence has not been presented so therefore there’s no justification to call him greedy. You’re just here because you want attention


He is a POS for sure. There is a place in Hell for this guy.


Lol, calm down. Facebook is lame, but that’s pretty much where this conversation ends.


I am quite calm. I am actually chill as fuck.


You don’t sound chill as fuck. In fact, you sound quite upset. Why are you so upset?




I think yes.


Would jealousy be a factor here?

Guy has a ton of money. More than most people. More than me, for sure.

But it's not like he stole it, is it?

So why the butthurt?


It's not so much about how much money he has, but it is about the tactics he uses to make that money. No morals and ethics is what this guy is all about. Making loads of money is the bottom line and whoever gets in the way will be crushed by him.


Then I suppose that those people should stop whining and just start a company as successful as Facebook.


I agree there seems to be a lot of jealousy here, maybe these crybabies should use their creative skills to create something that everybody wants rather than pitching a fit on an online message board.


I see so in your view what is the ethical way to make money?

I mean did Zukerberg steal the money? Did he make it by breaking the law? Did he cheat on his taxes?


Whether or not Zuckerberg is or isn't a scumbag, Americans seem to champion people who screw others over to get what they want. This is why the US has gone from a great country to a steaming pile of shit.


Let's stay on topic here, how is the way he made his money unethical? Did he steal it? Did he cheat on his taxes? Is his business illegal?

Please fill me in here.


Sounds to me like you could use a healthy dose of Lorenzo’s Oil.




Do you not like oil? It has healthy omega 3’s that your body needs.


So you're off Facebook, right?


Pretty sure, like Bill Gates, he pledged to give 99% of his wealth away to charitable donations in his lifetime.



Just want to say that despite monetary gain, in every interview I've seen him in he doesn't seem to be enjoying his life.



That is correct, but simply being in possession of billions of dollars doesn't automatically make you greedy.



But it's not their obligation to help them. What's greedy is people who think they are entitled to money that is rightfully someone else's


So in your mind it is every man for himself then?


In my mind you are not entitled to money that is rightfully there's. If they choose to help you then I commend them for that and you should be thankful, appreciate and gracious.


Didn't ask that. I asked is it every man for himself?


It depends. What is definite though is you are not entitled to his money nor is anyone else. If he is gracious enough to donate it to you you should be gracious and appreciative even if it’s not as much as you wanted


It depends on what?


If you have a legal obligation to help that person (they are your child, or dependent).


Btw before you strawman me I never said people shouldn’t help each other, I just don’t believe you should call people greedy when they don’t give you money that is legally theirs and not yours, that is being greedy


I am not talking about expecting help or seeking anyone's money. You keep venturing off into that and that is not what I am discussing. I never called anyone greedy.

So then if you have no legal obligation to that person is it every man for himself?


If you have no legal obligation then you aren't greedy just for not giving them your money.


Not the question. I asked if you have no legal ties is it every man for himself?


That's all the answer you're going to get, now either address the question I've asked you multiple times or this conversation is done and you were owned again.


Lol which was no answer. So nope you aren't getting an answer bud.


Then you lose because you had the burden of proof initially. Prove he’s greedy or you lose


Where did I say he was greedy. Go ahead and point to where I said that. I will wait.


So then he’s not greedy?im confused you seem to keep flip flopping . FYI I never said he’s not greedy I’d just like anyone who feels he is to defend your position so far all I’ve heard is bellyaching and assumptions



How do you determine a moral obligation? To do that there must be such a thing as objective morality and so far that has yet to be defined. I'm guessing you donate a substantial portion of your income to the homeless, that is unless you're a hypocrite and you only expect others to do so.



Simply being a billionaire doesn’t equate to greed because as far as I can see he’s entitled to that money because his idea became a hit sensation. No one owes you anything kid, you’re the one being greedy from what I can see. If you want to change my perception then post some evidence that proves he’s greedy but so far all you’re doing is making assumptions



Sorry kid I’m atheist I don’t believe there is a satan


He can also donate as much as he wants to, he doesn’t owe you or anyone else a dime, he could keep 100 percent of his income after taxes and there’s not a thing you can do about it



I’m atheist I don’t believe satan exists. Nice try though.


Personally I think you have a sense of entitlement and are a pretty greedy person yourself. Maybe instead of pouting you you should do what he did and use your creative abilities to create something that other people want. Then you can be rich just like he is. That is unless of course there is something I'm missing here???? But as of now you have not demonstrated that he's greedy, the only person you've demonstrated to be greedy is yourself.



Youre greedy because you seem to think that you are entitled to money other people made. He was more successful than you and it sounds like you can’t stop crying about it. It’s his money to do with what he damn well pleases , my advice is stop feeling sorry for yourself and try to become rich yourself then you can do with that money whatever you feel like



From what I’ve researched he has given lots of money to charity but that is not his obligation or his responsibility because he rightfully obtained the money and they are not entitled to it. Sure it’d be great of him to donate to charity and it seems he does but it’s not your place to label someone greedy over what they do with their own money and if you feel he doesn’t give enough well that’s also none of your business



I have an idea why don’t you encourage him to donate more to charity, show him the people you want to help and explain why they are in need of the money, use positive encouragement, I doubt demonizing him and calling him greedy is going to convince him to listen to your cause, just a little advice



Attacking his character is not the way to get him to do it


Heck show me where I can donate and I might be interested, assuming all the money I donate does go to those in need



Calling him greedy and attacking his character isn’t going to make him want to do what you want him to. Again maybe you should try encouraging him in a positive manner. Right now all you’re doing is making yourself look immature



Even if he donated 99% of his wealth (if it was possible, considering stocks and whatnot), he'd still have $700 million - that's just insane, isn't it.

I don't think people understand just how much $70 billion is. There also seems to be a total inability to look at things from an objective perspective, and society as a whole. There is no "it's none of our business" when wealth on this extreme level in fact affects us directly.

It's like if you lived on a island with a small group of people, and somehow or another one dude was able to hoard 99% of the limited resources, and the other few dozen had to split the remaining 1%. A few people with even less, starving.

It doesn't matter how shrewd the rich guy was to amass his hoard, you cannot look at that setup and have it make sense for the community as a whole. Even if he gives a few coconuts away here and there, his massive stockpile remains untouched while the others continue to struggle. Capitalism is good because it drives the individual to excel and innovate, but there needs to be considerations for the overall group as well.


You totally ignored everything I just said


Funny how you literally have no points you just repeat the same thing over and over.


Because you refuse to address anything I say to you. And how many times did you say "so does this mean it's every man for himself???" You're like a broken record kid.


You never answered anything nor do you address any other points people have made.


You say the same thing over and over again, you're like a broken record.


Also just to be sure name one charity



Ok just checking, and how often do you donate ?


The reason I ask is whatever you do donate I’ll match it to the wounded warrior program



Can you give a rough estimate?


And your point ?



it's called Capitalism.



something needs to happen, that's for certain. I'm ready to storm the castle.



So you are no longer using Facebook, right?


i do have a fb account.



And Capitalism has ruined this country.


I agree.





I don't care about how much money he has. It's his hubris that makes him a dolt. That and his obliviousness as to what he did in allowing all those fake ads on the platform.



Zuckerberg donates billions to charities! I don't call that greedy.






Well he's donated quite a bit!




I'm still curious who are you to determine how much money someone needs. I'm kind of with you that it is good to donate money to the poor (although I'd like to see your financial records and how much money you donate to the poor) but your tactic seems to be to demonize and attack the character of anyone who doesn't do with their money what you want them to which is wrong and very selfish on your part. Also name one charity.

