MovieChat Forums > Mark Zuckerberg Discussion > Would you support President Trump suing ...

Would you support President Trump suing Mark Zuckerberg for interfering in the 2020 and 2024 Election ?

YES or NO ?


I would have but seems like he's apologized personally and publicly. We need more of that from the other tech giants. I think it would better suit the country if he testifies and exposes the Biden admin and the 3 letter agencies for their thuggery.


FB still censoring as usual. Changed my mind. Sue the ba**ard.


Nah. It would be a waste of taxpayer dollars and court time (that could be put to better use) to try a case that will be settled out of court for a huge sum of money.



And for his suppression of information during the pandemic.

You could argue he's guilty of treason and murder.


Congress should investigate Trump's link to this scandal!

How Russia Allegedly Funneled Money Into a U.S. Media Company to Pay Right-Wing Content Creators

Tenet Media is the recent home to polarizing media figures like David Rubin, Tim Pool and Benny Jonhson, who, along with three other influential right-wing pundits tapped by the company to create content, have a total YouTube following topping six million subscribers. Pool, formerly of Vice News and Fusion, interviewed former president and 2024 GOP nominee Donald Trump in May. A key goal of the Kremlin’s propaganda effort was to boost the candidacy of the GOP’s nominee in this year’s election, according to internal documents discovered at one of three Russian companies that the DOJ said this week used fake profiles to promote phony narratives on social platforms.

Tenet Media is owned by Lauren Chen — also a right-wing online pundit with her own dedicated following — and her partner, Liam Donovan, who names himself on X (formerly Twitter) as the company’s CEO. Chen also has ties to Turning Points USA, which has now deleted pages related to her and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze. The media company has reportedly fired Chen as of this week and took down the web page for her show on the network, called “Pseudo-Intellectual.”


Russia Russia Russia


Yeah! Shitty leftards commit crimes, so let's blame the Russians for it! You guys are so disgusting...


Yeah! Shitty leftards commit crimes, so let's blame the Russians! You guys are so disgusting...


Yeah! Shitty leftards commit crimes, so let's blame the Russians! You guys are so disgusting...


Why don't you write a little about Hunter's confession?




About time people started answering for their covered up crimes in the last two elections. And I'm not talking about the lamestream media's favorite scapegoats either.


I would toss the vaccine in there as well. FB covered up a lot of truths...


Don't forget burning down cities, refusing to bring the National Guard in (particularly when Trump offered to send them in to bring order), and then blaming Trump for the disaster.


I have blood bloods, heart issues, neuropathy, and migraines from Covid, most likely exacerbated by the vaccine. Can I sue Biden and Zuckerberg for suppressing info and mandating the fucking thing? The hard part will probably be proving anything, for my part at least. I've been to about 20 doctors over the past 4 years. Try to find one who's even willing to say the words covid or the vaccine in regards to the very real health problems that have sprouted up now. Public health is so regimented overall that they really don't even have to. They just give you some pills, do a few tests to rule out some things to take care of their part. Otherwise who gives a shit about root causes.
