MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > The disgusting attacks of right-wingers ...

The disgusting attacks of right-wingers will only help her

being as they are only based on her sex or ethnicity. The only question at this time is will she be elected in 2024 or 2028?


What about the attacks based on her incompetence?


Haha, good comment.


These comments, in the thousands, get ignored.
Instead, let us focus on 4 internet trolls that try to provoke by being "edgy" and bring race into play - the only language leftists still care about.


Because it's simplistic enough that they can deal with it. Once you get into issues of actual competence, they're clueless. They don't understand competence, logic, nuance, or anything else necessary to make a society function in a civilized manner.


she is a eunuch...


The problem with the bleeding heart Democrats

Its like when they give the retarded kid a chance to score a touchdown.
The kid will never have the skill to.score a touchdown. So both teams , out of compassion will sit back and pretend.

KAMALA, ihlan Omar and others like them are the retarded football player.

They no skill, they would never be where they are without compassion. So these elite white Democrats give people like KAMALA these important positions as a nice gesture.

Its weird


LOL like in Not Another Teen Movie


Nope, the vast majority of the attacks are based on her radical ideology and her incompetence. When libtards play the race and gender card that basically means they can’t defend their position.


Every. Single. Time.


My problem with her is all she wears are pant suits and no one makes fun of her for doing that. Because she is black.


I haven't seen any attacks on her based on her sex or ethnicity. Certainly not from the mainstream right wing.

Are you hanging out on weird web sites or something?


Have you ever looked at a Fox News comment board? Here's a popular one:
"She is qualified because her skin is the right color."
Also one you will frequently see:
"And slept her way to the top for political favors"
Then there are many using degrading sexual or "female" terms. I know this is the bottom of the deplorable barrel, yet Fox allows it.


Just consider it payback for the way you people treat conservative women




Maybe the left suggesting Sarah Palin should abort her baby with Down syndrome, or calling Melania Trump a hooker or Ivanka Trump the C word or calling Michelle Bachman a lying bitch, etc


Yep, they're all about women and minorities in positions of power as long as they're on the right side. Which shows their true colors, it's all about the narrative. They don't give a shit about women and minorities.


Not all women get jobs from men they had sex with. That is not an attack on women, but an attack on her individual actions and character.

Which is a legitimate compliant. That you pretend otherwise is using the "gender card" as a dishonest defense.


If you see those comments on boards why not post the link? That would be credible.


And that is the truth. Racism or sexism have nothing to do with it.


Well in all fairness she literally started her political career by having sex with the mayor of San Francisco


Thank you for proving my point!


No she literally slept with Willie Brown for political positions (


Still proving my point. Even if she runs for president, this will only be the stuff of gossipy comment boards--no respectable politician would bring it up because they'd hemorage the female vote.


How is pointing out her factual corruption and slutiness proving your point?


What corruption? How slutty? You sound like a prude. Conservative much?


I just proved she traded sexual favors for political favors. That is both corrupt and slutty. You should earn your promotions, you shouldn’t get them because you put out


"Proved" lol. You're an idiot.


I absolutely did, it’s a damn shame that the first female VP in the history of the US is a brainless , corrupt buffoon who whored her way through her political career

The message she is sending to young women is literally that they are only good for their vagina and that they should please men to get what they want.




You're the one exposed as an idiot. She is not qualified to be a public figure or represent anyone. She had to suck cock to steal jobs for people who actually deserve it by studying law and working.


Just pretend that she’s a strong conservative woman and that should alleviate all of your concerns. Liberals love pretending.


I don't know anything about her sex, other than she gave it out in exchange for power.
