MovieChat Forums > Megan Rapinoe Discussion > Americans cheering for America going out...

Americans cheering for America going out of the World Cup.

And they call the team unpatriotic…

She loves her country, she just hates the racists and wants equal pay. She also hates Trump, but who doesn’t.


Rapinoe did one patriotic thing at least - she united all of America in rooting for Sweden.

Sunday morning's loss was glorious. I was smiling all day. Oh, and Rapinoe is a racist.


Way to exaggerate! “All of America”….what a crock of sh*t. You really ought to live someplace else because you aren’t American if your cheer against America.


You aren't paying attention..

"That’s certainly not an unreasonable position. Unfortunately, so many players on the USWNT make it easy to root against them.

Especially, Megan Rapinoe. Remember, she only stands for the US National Anthem because US Soccer forces the women to do so.

“I’ll probably never put my hand over my heart,” Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. “I’ll probably never sing the national anthem again.”

Screw the blue haired dude and all his piece of shit friends. He/she/it/they/them/ had the whole world rooting against the U.S., including the majority of Americans.

That is unprecedented in sports.


Amen! I was happy to see that Anti-American team lose!



Heaven forbid your favorite cornhole team has someone that isn’t a trumptard/magat or maybe isn’t a good old 100% white person. You couldn’t cheer for them then.


You're an idiot.



Hit a nerve did I??


No, I'm just pointing out that you're an idiot.



It's not un-American to cheer against people who hate America.


Good distinction.

Indeed, one can say it's *more* patriotic to root against any American or team who hates their own country.





She's just another dumbass brainwashed leftist misfit.

Leftists use their misfit status to play up their victim hood, so others will feel sorry for them. Now they've become so pathological they actually believe their own bullshit.

Take your TDS and take a hike junior..



She's a courageous All-American Hero!!!

Statues of her -- as with Saint George Floyd and President NObama -- should be made and placed throughout America!


I don't know about statues, but I wouldn't be against Rapinoe themed urinals.




Right on!



TDS = Trump's Delusional Supporters just like you.


But she's also a racist and wants to violate women by pushing trans women into the sport.


that will be the only way they can win....


She's a fucking Leftard bitch!



wants equal pay.

They don't deserve equal pay. Women's football doesn't generate the same revenue as men's football. It's the way it is. If women's football pulled in huge audiences, I'd agree that their pay should reflect that.



Equal pay is bullshit. If people gave a damn about women's football and they had some pull, they'd be making millions. Alas no one gives a shit about it and most of their matches are in empty stadiums. Tough titties.

From what I hear the women's basketball players also complain about pay... apparently the NBA has to financially support the WNBA to keep it from going under. Take away the mens game pumping money into the product and it'd not be financially feasible to even exist never mind make money.

Womens football is stupid. It's a vastly inferior product. You could pluck a random U-14 team from some premier league club and they'd best the WORLD XI womens all stars. Where is the outcry for 14 year olds to earn millions like the grown men do?


Except the womens team actually win World Cups, and the mens never will.


The first 2 tournaments only had 12 teams. The next 4 had 16 teams. There's also only 3 teams worthy of competition. But winning still doesn't equate to equal pay.


12 teams is pretty great considering Euro 92 only had 8 teams 1 year later.

This isn’t about equal pay anyway, it’s about Americans being unpatriotic to their team.


I’m curious if you likewise condemn the Americans who viciously root against the USMNT whenever El Tri is playing them at any venue in the Southwestern U.S.A.


Not sure what is going on there.
My guess: If Mexicans have dual nationality then they will want to support their home country?


Sounds a little like you’re conceiving a technicality there to give that group of Americans a pass.


So you confirmed
they are Mexican, cheers.


You confirmed it’s not really patriotism you’re on about. It’s partisan trolling that got you twisted like a pretzel on which Americans can root against the national team and which can’t.


i agree, the players in the XFL should be paid the same as the players in the NFL,
also minor league ballplayers should be given large contracts just like the players in the majors,
otherwise, it's just not fair


Except the girls are playing to packed stadiums in Australia and the XFL players are doing what?


So if you win something, you generate money? That's how it works Einstein?


Do you know how much advertisement revenue the womens team brings in to the US, genius?


Nope. Let's hear those numbers and compare it the mens. Go! And when you do this, make sure you can isolate strictly what the U.S. women's team generates and not some sponsor of a tournament or an entire league, or all teams.


Not that the post was about money, it was about unpatriotic Americans
turning their backs on their own team.


Written by a woman, so as expected, shotty math and journalism. I can't even tell where she gets the revenue numbers from. She doesnt state them at all. Just throws out raw numbers with no context. Clearly, like Rapinoe, doesn't understand aggregate revenue at all. Makes as much sense as calling a cop racist because the perp is black and their own actions lead to their own demise. Imagine taking a knee for a drug dealer OD'ing because they wanted to swallow their stash while being arrested and then dying in police custody. People like that deserve scorn, not admiration or victim status. A menace who has spread hate, violence, selfishness, and a complete lack of agency for anything they do, while having zero regard for how their actions affect others.


What's your excuse here?


a 2% difference in tickets in a 25% slice of the revenue? LMAO This is like climate change zealots complaining about Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. LOL The very next paragraph said before the 2% difference the men were making huge amounts more. So when that happens, I guess the men should make more huh? Where's the outcry for men when thats happening?

Women want half/equal when they barely make an impact but when men are dominating, you don't hear a peep from these opportunist rats. I swear, it's like every minority wants to PROVE why they've beem "discriminated" and "oppressed" was right all along.


Rapinoe is so dumb, she compares herself to Messi and Ronaldo.


She has won more World Cups than both combined.

Americans know nothing about football.


I agree, Megan Rapinoe knows nothing about football. lol


Like winning a women's world cup has any relevance. She wouldn't even making a 3 or 4th string Men's college team (that might even be generous) and she compares herself to two of the greatest to ever play the game.


Rapinoe and friends lost to an *under* 15 boys team..

They are in NO way comparable to men's teams, even high school boys.


Good thing they weren't playing that boys' freshman high school team from Dallas. They'd have been eliminated in their first game.


You mean boys who had been through puberty. That’s like expecting Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce to beat Usain Bolt.


If Usain Bolt transitioned and identified as a woman, should he compete with woman? Rapinoe says yes.


Then she’s an idiot for that.
Doesn’t mean she hates the USA.


So you say she's an idiot for saying that, this is why she gets the hate she deserves.
She has a funny way of showing it with the knee taking & silent national anthem.


She has won more World Cups than both combined.

You seriously comparing the mens world cup to the women's? 🤣 she lost to a bunch of kids but she's up there with Messi & Ronaldo who have won more trophies BTW.

Americans know nothing about football.

You do know Rapinoe is American, right?


A bunch of boys who had been through puberty. Do you expect Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce to beat Usain Bolt as well 🤣


You're comparing Rapinoe to Ronaldo & Messi, even implying that she's better yet she couldn't handle little boys, regardless if they went through puberty or not, they were still kids.


They were not kids. Testosterone is the reason men and women play separately.

I wasn't comparing them, I said she won more. Fact. Do you think Serena Williams is a worse tennis player than Andy Murray?

Serena said Murray would wipe her out in straight sets.


They weren't exactly adults either. What point are you getting at when you claim Rapinoe should be paid the same as men? She can't handle young boys and no one turns up to watch her.

Actually, they won more if if you did your math right. Serena gets paid more than Murray, why? Because more people watch her and this is where your hero Rapinoe doesn't get, women's football doesn't bring in more revenue than the men yet she thinks she has the god given right to be paid the same as the men.


You seem to think its all about that. Its about her kneeling against police racism.


You really think that's what the kneeling is for despite proven otherwise? The kneeling pays tribute to BLM, who conned & hustled millions out of the stupid thanks to virtue signallers like Rapinoe and used the money to buy mansions, also BLM hate the country, want division & encourage racism so yeah, she's real patriotic kneeling for them.

Odd how you point out the so called racism with the police but not Rapinoe's racism against asians


Of course it is. Black lives do matter. That’s why Kaepernick started it.


Tell me what they did with the money again?

Explain why Colin Kaepernick sheds tear for a racist molester like Joseph Rosenbaum and ignores the black children that get killed in shootings?

Kaepernick took the knee because he's a brat that wasn't getting any game time, not because of the police.


He took the knee because the usa was built on slavery.

And a hell of a lot of people are still racist. (which is idiotic, since you dragged them there in the first place against their will).

Land of the free, home of the slaves.


He took the knee because he wasn't getting gametime, he couldn't care less about Black people especially when he wanted justice for Joseph Rosenbaum. This is the same guy that threw his own parents under the bus for clout.

There are a lot of racist people, Rapinoe is one of them which you continue to dodge. You do know they were sold by their own people, right? Maybe not get your history lesson from The Woman King & The Proud Family.


About a third of the money U.S. men's soccer brings in is used to subsidize U.S. women's soccer. Without men's soccer, women's soccer wouldn't exist in the U.S. The women don't generate money like the men, so they don't rate equal pay.


Yes indeed! That's typical of Leftists and Socialists who want everyone to be paid the same, even when they do not deserve it.



Hey man! I should be able to get a Porsche 911 for the same price as a Toyota Corolla!! Inequityyyyyyyyy!!!


🤣 🤣 🤣


I rarely cheer for any teams associated with my country or city. Every level of competitive sport is occupied by paid mercenaries from other regions, They have zero loyalty or ties to the home team.


Yes but mercenaries can be kinda cool


You sound like fun to hang around.


You lefties are no fun at all, always complaining.


And you far right tools never complain about anything, huh? What's the latest outrage?

Don't bother to deny you aren't one.


OK, if you still think I'm part of the right then so be it, it's clear you're too much of an ignoramus to think it's only right wingers that think you're a fool. Whatever outrage the right has, can't be as stupid as when you leftists complain.


You're one of those "both sides" centrist, then?


I'm just someone with common sense, common sense to see you leftists contradicts yourselves, common sense to know there are only 2 genders and not a billion genders you leftists believe in. You don't have to be a right winger to see that you leftists are full of shit and you perfectly demonstrate it.


For not being a right winger, you sure keep repeating the same shit they say.


So enlighten me, what did I say that the average right winger also says?


And what a surprise, you dissappear instead of explaining the shit you spout like a typical leftist.


“Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

I'm done with you. Take the hint, pal.


Round of an applause for the copy & paste from a quote used to describe leftist. Proving my point that you're running off like you leftists always do.

You're not done, you'll just take your ignorant bigotry on another page and pick a fight with someone else.


Kind of pathetic you did not already know that well known quote and just discovered it from Triangle of Sadness.

Must be a sad life you have by sprouting hatred and intolerance from anyone who does not share your same opinions and worldview. People will have different opinions; deal with it.


"Kind of pathetic you did not already know that well known quote and just discovered it from Triangle of Sadness."

First of all, where the fuck did you get that from? It's a well known quote. Second, who the fuck are you?


Wow, someone got triggered very easily. You got it from Triangle of Sadness since your name is all over that board (it is a well known quote, but you would not know it since your whole life is attacking people online).Second, I am the person who calls other people out on their hatred and arrogance, something someone should have done a long time ago. I find it funny that you act tough behind a keyboard, but there is no way you would ever talk the way you do to a Person’s face. Also learn some manners.


just because you're dumb as a rock doesn't mean everyone else is too.


Great nothing to add. Also you can’t even respond to any of the criticism or points I made.


A solid loss for you...


The press will always have the team made up of a majority of lesbians so they can bring her in during the games and do some kind of commentary about it.


The press don't choose the team.


The coach does and let's pretend he doesn't do anything that he knows the press won't like in having a tory to write about.
The team is selected by the head coach who is appointed by the USSF. The head coach selects players based on their performance in their respective leagues and tournaments. The players are then invited to attend training camps where they compete for spots on the team1.


She behaves disrespectfully in front of audiences in stadiums and on tv towards the country she represents, and she believes men should be able to compete in women's sports. Fuck her, and fuck any of her team mates who agree with her. They don't deserve to be playing.


Amen! Fuck that bitch!



Karma is a bitch. You do reap what you sow and she spread LOSER in her every word and action. I absolutely loathe what she did to the team. She is not about the TEAM or America. She is all about herself. The women's team gets much less viewership, (especially after her antics) Why should they get paid the same as men? It should truly be based on popularity, not even skill. Trust me, if your skill is phenomenal, people will be watching. Ask Brady or Ronaldo or Hank's and that's why the true goats in every genre get paid the most. People want to watch excellence in sports, acting (since we are on MC), and so on. Not whiney, losing mediocrity. Who should make more (and does) Margot Robie or one of the other Barbies?


Have either of those actresses, who are only famous for their looks, ever won Olympic gold?


Ummm thinking you need to go back to school for more reading comprehension sweetie. 6213111566


No Olympic golds or World Cups.


Ronaldo aka Penaldo is not and has never been any GOAT at all.

The GOAT is Lionel Messi.


Lionel Messi could not lace Pele's boots.

3 World Cups vs 1.


Pelé is a joke comparing to the massively superior Lionel Messi.

Lionel Messi - over 45 titles! World record! Poor Pelé...


Messi has 1 World Cup.
Pele has 3.


Messi has more than 3 times the trophies Pelé has.

Messi destroys Pelé at individual and colective trophies.


Messi is a joke Pele won 3 World Cups, the ultimate competition.


Pelé is a tremendous joke. Messi has 10000x more trophies than the loser Pelé.

Messi destroys Pelé.


Only clown trophies. The only one that matters is the World Cup.


Pelé is a tremendous joke with only clown trophies. Messi has 10000x more trophies than the loser Pelé.

Messi destroys Pelé.


Messi was so bad in Paris SG he had to go to the amateur league in the USA.


Pelé was so bad even during the 60s that he had to go to the 60s amateur version of the USA!


Pele was so good he won 3 World Cups.
Messi is too old to ever match Pele.


Messi is so good he has over 45 trophies while the horrendous Pelé only has 3 irrelevant and awful trophies.

Pelé is too old (he's not even alive) to match Messi.


What does that have to do with Megan Rapinoe? You are in the wrong place bruh. The Messi fanboy cult is on youtube.


What does your comment have to do with anything at all?

YOU are a desperate FLOPALDO aka PENALDO fanboy.

Messi destroys your lover so easily. Keep crying out loud.


lol. And you are a sad pathetic excuse for a person.


LMAO! And YOU are a sad pathetic excuse for a person.

You idiot.


The Messi board is calling for you mate. Go idolize him over there.


The Flopaldo aka Tapinaldo board is calling for you mate. Go idolize him over there.
